I didn't have one for my first crop and accidentally let it dry to 40%. I was able to bring it back with boveda packs but the flavour was never very good.You have the hygrometer to fine tune it where ya want it, nice little device to have when curing.
It's cool, I didn't really clarify and I'm still really new to all this so the advise is always appreciated.oh i misunderstood lol
ya thats smart, gave yourself a good idea where they are at for sure.
I did check amazon, I just couldn't bring myself to spend $30-$40 on paper bags. Too fancy for me lol.Jump on Amazon LG they have heaps. You can even get fancy ones lol I know how you roll.
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I need to setup something for drying while at the same time controlling odor. I'm currently doing everything including drying in the same 3x3 tent. I started my next batch of seeds last weekend and they're sitting on a bench outside the tent right now under a florescent light. Next time I could push that back a week or ideally have another spot to dry so I can quickly get the next generation in the tent. I have that big polyploid bud hanging untrimmed so I'll see what I think about dry trimming this weekend and maybe try it with the entire crop next time.I chop the plants hole and try to have the soil nice and dry before the chop kinda acts as a pre dry. I aim for about 50-60% humility during drying and 20deg takes about 8-14 days then I trim and jar them and burp twice a day if I'm lucky I dont forget to close the jars before work happens once and a while wife hates it when that happens lol I burp them for about a week or two