Extreme stress testing

Mrs. Weedstein

Well-Known Member
So I ended up with a few extra clones and a momma who’s too big so I am just gonna stress test them to see who’s the next momma. If they don’t live, then I’ll take more clones until I flower her out.

I’m just wondering if anyone has thought about variability in clones. We know that each seed is obviously variable but I’d contend that due to whatever slight environmental change or differences in plant hormones among the branches, there’s probably a chance some clones are inherently stronger than others.

So I treated these 3 clones like shit, let them get powdery mildew, underwatered and have them shitty pots. Then I mashed up their leaves, beat the hell out of the roots to stress them and get rid of knots, then left them to dry out. @Ernst Wilhelm

Then I replanted into 3-gallon pots and put under 18-hour lights in garage that nears freezing at night, or even freezes.

Who wants to take bets how many survive?

If one does, that’s my next momma and I’m thinking of trying the same type of treatment to the seedlings I sprout from the seed crossed from the 2019 crop (if they germinate) and I’m wondering if it’s too severe.

Hey man, I like the idea of seeing what these plants are capable of handling and what not, but do you not have a plant count you are concerned over, don't you need these plants to produce some real medicine for you? Not saying they won't, I just wondered how you were enabling this type of treatment to your plants, if you needed to get good medicine to get by on?

My main reason to reply to you was to let you know why I had reacted with laughter to your post the night before, I couldn't hold back after seeing the plants you were holding and then you squishing them with your bare hands, lol, that's funny, good times n what not.

But yeah I just wanted to respond and let you know that this is positive laughter, I'm optimistic about what will happen for you in your extreme growing trials here, I just wanted to say thanks for posting, I do enjoy the efforts you are putting forth, I just wanted to be sure that you knew that me clicking the haha emoji was in anyway to be felt in a negative light, and I hope to see positive results and learn new things from this type of experimentation.

Thanks for posting, I'm liking the intensity! Ha ha.:clap:
Hey man, I like the idea of seeing what these plants are capable of handling, but don't you have a plant count you are concerned over, don't you need these plants to produce some real medicine for you? Not saying they won't, I just wondered how you were enabling this type of treatment to your plants, if you needed to get good medicine to get by on?

My main reason to reply to you was to let you know why I had reacted with laughter to your post the night before, I couldn't hold back after seeing the plants you were holding and then you squishing them with your bare hands, lol, that's funny, good times n what not.

But yeah I just wanted to respond and let you know that this is positive laughter, I'm optimistic about what will happen for you in your extreme growing trials here, I just wanted to say thanks for posting, I do enjoy the efforts you are putting forth, I just wanted to be sure that you knew that me clicking the haha emoji was in anyway to be felt in a negative light, and I hope to see positive results and learn new things from this type of experimentation.

Thanks for posting, I'm liking the intensity! Ha ha.:clap:

Yea I already harvested an outdoor crop and have plenty of weed from that, so these are just experimental rather than necessary. I’ve got some seed from colas I pollinated as well, which I will be stress-testing next spring.

At this point, I’m just checking to see whether one of these three clones will make for a good replacement momma, since I’m gonna flower out the one I’ve got because she’s too big. Also, I’m checking the outer limits of abuse the plants can take for my seed breeding. Thanks for the reply!

Also, I’m curious whether anybody else does stress-testing like this, and whether my theory is plausible that clones from the same plant can varying levels of toughness?
Yea I already harvested an outdoor crop and have plenty of weed from that, so these are just experimental rather than necessary. I’ve got some seed from colas I pollinated as well, which I will be stress-testing next spring.

At this point, I’m just checking to see whether one of these three clones will make for a good replacement momma, since I’m gonna flower out the one I’ve got because she’s too big. Also, I’m checking the outer limits of abuse the plants can take for my seed breeding. Thanks for the reply!

Also, I’m curious whether anybody else does stress-testing like this, and whether my theory is plausible that clones from the same plant can varying levels of toughness?
Ah I understand more now as to why you've chosen this type of abuse or harsh conditions to test out the hardiness and toughness of the strains or individual plants that you are growing, I see now that this is a testing of a plants overall vigor and fitness to kind of simulate environmental stressors and then see which plants or genetic shows the most ability to persevere and endure through it and proceed with new growth, that is where you would then find your winning plant or strongest genetic of the group/batch that you are testing.

See I knew there was something smart behind why you are doing this, I like the way you think, and I'm glad you were able to get a suitable harvest for yourself this year, that's is good news friend.

Thanks and I'll be watching, I'll try and provide some tips if I'm able as these trials commence, anyhows take care for now bro, thanks for the update.
So these are some pretty tough fucking plants. Best the fuck out of them yesterday and all still alive. Letting door open to garage tonight to let more air in. Hopefully at least one will be dead by tomorrow. If they all die, then the theory is disproven.


oh yeah, other plants are rosemary I’m gonn make into bonsais
Also, I’m curious whether anybody else does stress-testing like this, and whether my theory is plausible that clones from the same plant can varying levels of toughness?

It's hard to quantify the result based on the individual plant since there are just too many variables that can affect the outcome. For instance one plant may have a weaker root structure compared to the other plant so your test is biased against the weaker rooted plant, it doesnt prove though that the plant with a weak root structure is genetically inferior to the other plants.

I can point out other variables that could influence the outcome of your stress test which would not prove its genetically inferiority.

On the other hand your stress test can prove the 'strain' adaptability or not. For instance, if out of 3 clones 2 died because you did that and that then you can hypothesize that such specific stress is not good for your strain which further warrant a much larger sample if the hypothesis is true or not.

But on individual clones, it would be impossible without eliminating biased variables.
It's hard to quantify the result based on the individual plant since there are just too many variables that can affect the outcome. For instance one plant may have a weaker root structure compared to the other plant so your test is biased against the weaker rooted plant, it doesnt prove though that the plant with a weak root structure is genetically inferior to the other plants.

I can point out other variables that could influence the outcome of your stress test which would not prove its genetically inferiority.

On the other hand your stress test can prove the 'strain' adaptability or not. For instance, if out of 3 clones 2 died because you did that and that then you can hypothesize that such specific stress is not good for your strain which further warrant a much larger sample if the hypothesis is true or not.

But on individual clones, it would be impossible without eliminating biased variables.

I agree with you regarding genetics, but if my mission is producing the toughest possible momma, then I don’t mind being biased against plants with weaker roots or what have you.

Also, is it possible that clones taken from different parts of my existing momma had different levels of auxins based on position to light, etc., that may help them perform better or worse?

Finally, I plan on conducting similar stress tests with seed next year. Do you suggest any other stressors, and how much is “going too far?” For example, I really want to select for resistance to powdery mildew but that will require allowing them to get powdery mildew. Those that survive best will be used for further breeding, but I don’t want to kill all of them...
I too like how you literally beat the shit out of your plants lol :mrgreen: I can picture you kicking around the plant and rootball like a hakiesack lol

I do a lot of different stress test on all my plants/strains as well, for fungus and mildew I take cuts and put them in a aero cloner Then turn up the humidity on them if they turn to mush, fuckem. If they root then it's on to the next test.
This test proved to be a good indicator of fungus/ mildew proneness. When a buddy ran all the same strains that I tested and got some powdery mildew in his flower room, all the strains that turned to mush in the cloner where the same ones that got hit by PM in his room.
I too like how you literally beat the shit out of your plants lol :mrgreen: I can picture you kicking around the plant and rootball like a hakiesack lol

I do a lot of different stress test on all my plants/strains as well, for fungus and mildew I take cuts and put them in a aero cloner Then turn up the humidity on them if they turn to mush, fuckem. If they root then it's on to the next test.
This test proved to be a good indicator of fungus/ mildew proneness. When a buddy ran all the same strains that I tested and got some powdery mildew in his flower room, all the strains that turned to mush in the cloner where the same ones that got hit by PM in his room.
That’s badass bro — that’s what I’m talking about. So this past season I used an OPN poppa on colas from Cinex, Chem Burn and Harle tsu.
Most seed I got is from the OPN/CM cross that I’m calling Oredog. Chem Burn is late flowering but seemingly impervious to botrytis.
The OPN/CX cross I’m calling Cinenoir and it has potential as a fairly early flowering cultivar.
The OPN/HT cultivar we’re calling Pinoquin and I’m excited by the early flowering/CBD potential.
My buddy is thinking we should bring a squat Indica into mix, which I’m open to, but I’ve got to remember my breeding priorities are: disease resistance, cold tolerance, fluctuations in temperature with drought resistance.
Shit, I’m rambling but I also want them to be tough enough to withstand dog piss and drunk ass Polaks falling on them, LOL.
oh I’m also an outdoor guy mostly, FYI
This I'm interested, specially high temperature and drought and resin production
What if I tried sprouting some of the seed in clay? I’m outdoor and have got clay, which is actually a better soil than people give it credit for. I mix in sand and perlite and all that, worked fine. I mean, the weed I grew this year (first timer) looks like something out of 1958 High Times but it gets me stoned so fuck it:
Bro .... I took my clone from a flowering plant , let my dog eat it 3 times after I reverted back to veg... at the point my plants been topped 3 times before it was on it’s 3rd node in sub torrential weathers . My clones wish they were yours . Okay maybe that’s going a bit too far ... but I think they like it .

Life will find a way.
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Bro .... I took my clone from a flowering plant , let my dog eat it 3 times after I reverted back to veg... at the point my plants been topped 3 times before it was on it’s 3rd node in sub torrential weathers . My clones wish they were yours . Okay maybe that’s going a bit too far ... but I think they like it .

Life will find a way.
If there were just a way to expose them to radioactivity...
Got down to 25 outdoors tonight so garage was probably at 30 or so. My test subjects are none too happy but still alive. Need water too, but I’ll hold off until one of them dies I think. Probably get colder tonight too. It’s kind of heartbreaking but then science...
This is fascinating. Boot camp for Weed Team 6!

My Dutch friend has a masters in botany, and believes in high stress training. Her stuff is amazing looking, and THC levels are as high as they get. She achieves remarkable gram to watt ratio! She says proper stress increases yield and cannabiniods. She’s not here on RIU despite my suggestion. @Silky_smooth1 on instagram She calls her grow room the torture chamber!
This is fascinating. Boot camp for Weed Team 6!

My Dutch friend has a masters in botany, and believes in high stress training. Her stuff is amazing looking, and THC levels are as high as they get. She achieves remarkable gram to watt ratio! She says proper stress increases yield and cannabiniods. She’s not here on RIU despite my suggestion. @Silky_smooth1 on instagram She calls her grow room the torture chamber!
I’ll check it out! My main goal isn’t so much THC as just having plants outdoors that I don’t need to fuss over. My basic philosophy is: if the THC is too low, I’ll just smoke more, LOL! That said, I am trying to work with fairly high THC strains.