Maximising yield in a commercial grow

just us 'hobby' growers....
View attachment 4424807
Yea, like I said ... I said with the 'exception of a couple' ....
And, I 'liked' your grow pix in the thread earlier ... very nice. Bet it smells good.

I posted a garden pix too, at the request of a poster.
Didn't get constructive criticism.
Didn't get kudo's.
Didn't get shit except: My pix was photoshopped on a cho-mo's play card.

Nice friendly place.
That was my first day here.

Yea, lots of 'professional' growers here.
Ya'll just got your own private 'cool table' going on.
Just like high school.
And, I'm the new guy ... and definitely not cool enough.

Go to Google and enter "rollitup" in the search.
I should have done that before I signed up here.
Not very good things said about you guys.
Especially that Unkle Buck guy ... is he an owner of this site?
Yea, like I said ... I said with the 'exception of a couple' ....
And, I 'liked' your grow pix in the thread earlier ... very nice. Bet it smells good.

I posted a garden pix too, at the request of a poster.
Didn't get constructive criticism.
Didn't get kudo's.
Didn't get shit except: My pix was photoshopped on a cho-mo's play card.
Nice friendly place.
Lots of 'professional' growers here.

Go to Google and enter "rollitup" in the search.
I should have done that before I signed up here.
Not very good things said about you guys.
Especially that Unkle Buck guy ... is he an owner of this site?
stay off the politics page and you'll be alright. You came here looking for pro's. There are a few that post here. Stick around you may find what your looking for. Best of luck, and welcome to RIU.
I just saw this ... and wish I'd seen it sooner.
You are right.
There are no professional, commercial growers here ... well, maybe a couple, but mostly kids growing a couple or ten plants in their bathtub ....

I came here looking for pro's.
Besides your offer to DM (generous of you, and thanks) do you know of any forums where people talk more about our craft than politics, religion or sex.
Icmag is pretty nice.
Well this behavior isn't going to help get an invite to the "cool table".
I have NEVER been welcome at the cool table. I'm not cool.
I will NOT kiss ass to be 'popular'.
And its way, way too late for me to change my 'behavior' to suit anyone sitting at that table.
Fuck em.
I posted a garden pix too, at the request of a poster.
Didn't get constructive criticism.
Didn't get kudo's.
you did though. you posted a couple pics, and you told people you chop all your plants early and give zero fucks about product quality as long as you get paid. some folks illustrated to you why they disagreed with your approach. some even told you "hey nice work". your problem is not that you are new, or that you arent cool or whatever else. its that you came here with a huge ego, talking like youre hot shit trying to impress strangers on the internet. one would think that a professional such as yourself would have learned by now what a hindrance that attitude can be
you did though. you posted a couple pics, and you told people you chop all your plants early and give zero fucks about product quality as long as you get paid. some folks illustrated to you why they disagreed with your approach. some even told you "hey nice work". your problem is not that you are new, or that you arent cool or whatever else. its that you came here with a huge ego, talking like youre hot shit trying to impress strangers on the internet. one would think that a professional such as yourself would have learned by now what a hindrance that attitude can be
Yes. I was honest.
I told you ... I don't 'act'.
I told you the truth: that I worked for a company that pays me well to DO THE JOB THEY WANT ME TO DO. Then I described the job that I am being PAID TO DO.
I have a boss.
I know that the people who sit at the cool table don't. They too good for that. Free thinkers that they are and all ... LoL.

But, in MY life, if someone is paying me good $ to chop early ... shit, I chop em early.
I reported FACTS. And that got 'the community's' panties all knotted up.

You wanna be lied to? I could do that.
No, actually ... I can't.
Yes. I was honest.
I told you ... I don't 'act'.
I told you the truth: that I worked for a company that pays me well to DO THE JOB THEY WANT ME TO DO. Then I described the job that I am being PAID TO DO.
I have a boss.
I know that the people who sit at the cool table don't. They too good for that. Free thinkers that they are and all ... LoL.

But, in MY life, if someone is paying me good $ to chop early ... shit, I chop em early.
I reported FACTS. And that got 'the community's' panties all knotted up.

You wanna be lied to? I could do that.
No, actually ... I can't.
Maybe you should try linked in or contacting the companies directly and speaking to the master grower.
You are expecting to much from an open forum, and to expect anything different on an open forum is on you.
Your coming across butt hurt and arrogant and trust me, there are growers on this site that

are just as good as any pro on a 100,000 sq ft grow facility, you just don't have the time invested to know who to talk too.
You probably think the pros in the big grows are putting out the best quality compared to the little guys on RIU but they aren't.
Good Luck!

you don't know who you're sitting with?
Tell us who we are sitting with?
Maybe you should try linked in or contacting the companies directly and speaking to the master grower.
You are expecting to much from an open forum, and to expect anything different on an open forum is on you.
Yes, of course it's my fault. Can't be anything else.
I expected a small percentage of the people here to be growers.
My fault.

there are growers on this site that are just as good as any pro on a 100,000 sq ft grow facility, you just don't have the time invested to know who to talk too.
Yea, I prolly tried to go too fast with these first graders. Scared em. Made em wet their nappies.

You probably think the pros in the big grows are putting out the best quality compared to the little guys on RIU but they aren't.
Yea, but ... I don't. Quality is not what the big guys produce. They produce MONEY. They make profit. And since I was hoping to meet PROFESSIONAL (look up the definition) growers here I was hoping to discuss that. NOT be told that I am an asshole and a child molester. I just wasn't expecting that. And if calling out some pimple faced kid sitting in his dads den posting crap is acting all 'butt hurt', then fuck you too.

Tell us who we are sitting with?
I think it's YOU dropping to your knees to suck the dicks of EVERYBODY at the cool table so you can be there too.
This rant is acting like a little bitch. You don't have to act, just be you and you get what you get. This won't get you invited to anyplace cool.
This won't get you invited to anyplace cool.
I never have been, my whole life ... and I'm old.
I'm not 'cool'.
I rely on finding common ground, intelligent conversation and debate.
There are others like me.

This rant is acting like a little bitch.
I acted different the first three weeks I was here. For sure. This IS my first 'rant'. How am I doing? How do ya like me now? Better I bet.

You don't have to act, just be you and you get what you get.
Yer late to the party. I been here, being me, and I see what I got.