whats your favorite game while stoned?

I never gamed much as a youf, but nowadays I'm getting more into it. I've been loving fallout 3,4 and new vegas. I wish they had a fun bmx game for the newer platforms.
I like playing World of Warcraft stoned. Adds a new whole difficulty to PvP matches.
Hey. I also play WoW. Which server? I play for the battle of Azeroth, but have not yet reached a good character level for PvP matches and I'm afraid other players will tear me to shreds. I think how to raise the levels quickly. Does anyone know where to buy wow characters? My paladin still has too little damage.
I use to play Blizzard WoW for years, but after taking a break for a year I canceled my membership. Lately I have been playing off and on on WoWMortal. It's a free Legion server with instant level 110. It's pretty new and not 100% working yet so there arent allot of players yet. Once I downloaded and extracted their client (35 Gig's) it only took about two minutes to create a account and log on.
I never liked online games, just me, I love the story based RPG's, something that keeps you immersed. Sadly, blizzard has went pretty much backwards, putting way to much money into online only games.
Witcher 3. If you read the books as well you will completely dive into the world of Witcher for days and weeks... Apart from that, Steep is really good chill out game if you are into winter sports or just want to enjoy the feeling of being up in the mountains and cruise around on your snowboard.

I love playing WoW, it's so good. Btw, does someone still play in it? I have SO many problems there..... I know that probably it's not the best place for it, but anyway
i play wow...i've played mmos for over 20 years. just started back with wow. was playing DCUO but that game is a total cash grab, not worth subscribing to. not sure if i can be of any help, after two years away, they've changed so much that i'm still in the relearning process myself
I didn't play it for years but I'm tempted to get back to it via WoW Classic.

i'm doing both...i have a couple of friends that are playing classic, so i'm working on a healer they can drag through dungeons, but the battle of azeroth is surprisingly entertaining. i wasn't very happy with legion, and quit for almost 2 years, but while this follows the same template, the story is much better, the characters more likeable, with a few twists and surprises i truly wasn't expecting.
they come together, but you don't need any expansions to play classic, if you want to try battle, you have to buy it
By the way, guys, I came back to ask, have you ever tried to use some sources to get something in WoW? I found this https://wow-boost.com/wow_classic for WoW Classic PvP, but I'm not sure should I trust them or not. My friends haven't heard about them as well.
i wouldn't trust them for a second....i have no idea if those are good prices or not, i'm a cheap old bastard and more than slightly suspicious by nature, so i've never even considered using a power leveling service, or a gold seller site.
but three weeks doesn't seem like much of a "power level" to me, maybe two...maybe. my friend who was level 13 helped me level my level 4 priest to level 11 in about 4 hours. he got to 15 in the same time. make friends if you want to level quickly, and don't spend real money on it
i play wow...i've played mmos for over 20 years. just started back with wow. was playing DCUO but that game is a total cash grab, not worth subscribing to. not sure if i can be of any help, after two years away, they've changed so much that i'm still in the relearning process myself

Did you ever play UO back in the day? Late 90s. Damn that game was so good I almost didnt graduate because of that damn game.