Recipe to counteract being too high?

I know it sounds really strange, but when my buzz gets out of control I grind a small palm full of black pepper, and take a slow, deep whiff of it right next to my nose. .. I'm not joking, I'm a skeptical person in general but I'm prone to panic attacks so I've tried all kinds of stuff (within reason) without much evidence. I wouldn't presume to know how, but it's literally never failed me. I do breathing exercises for anxiety anyway so it isn't just breath regulation. It also doesn't seem to help with non-cannabis related anxiety. Worth a try in any case!
I know it sounds really strange, but when my buzz gets out of control I grind a small palm full of black pepper, and take a slow, deep whiff of it right next to my nose. .. I'm not joking, I'm a skeptical person in general but I'm prone to panic attacks so I've tried all kinds of stuff (within reason) without much evidence. I wouldn't presume to know how, but it's literally never failed me. I do breathing exercises for anxiety anyway so it isn't just breath regulation. It also doesn't seem to help with non-cannabis related anxiety. Worth a try in any case!
I think that makes sense. I’m not gonna be the guinea pig tho! Maybe the wife will overdo it with the butter again, tho at this point, she says she’s never doing edibles in her life again!
CBD will bring you right out of it, I keep hemp flower for just that reason
Funnily enough, as a sort of wrap-up of this whole episode, I gave them the fudge when we visited. They used it when they got home and then I got really stoned in solidarity with them. Long story short, they both fell asleep within 30-45 minutes! And there I was, high as fuck, ready to calm them down or field deep philosophical questions! I ended up drinking a bunch of beer and falling asleep too.
Steak and lobster. Mashed taters. Chicken wings. Strippers. Dancing midgets. Or sleep.
I want an invite to that party. Sounds perfect from start to finish

Seriously Mrs W, carbohydrates in any form will assist. Vodka bad idea. CBD good idea.
Maybe just give them only enough for one dosage and see how that goes
cut it with regular butter till its weak enough you know they can't od on it, then slowly raise the potency over a couple of small batches. when you can see its starting to make them loopy, step it back a little...
they are aware that this is cannabutter, right? you're not just sticking it in their fridge....¿
LOL, you don’t know my parents when they’ve got their sights on something. They’ve been checking out my plants whenever they come to visit and now they’re super curious to try it. We’re all fresh off the boat from Eastern Europe so they don’t really have that much experience with it. (They grew up under communism, people drank A LOT but didn’t smoke weed in the 60s and 70s).

I just know if I tell them to only use a tiny piece of butter they will be like, “fuck that, I used to polish off a whole bottle of vodka to my head at his age,” and then use half the stick of butter. Anyway I’ll just infuse some vodka with random herbs from my cabinet and tell them to drink that, unless somebody’s got a better idea.
Just smoke with them,then you'll know exactly how much they ate taking in...