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Take your f'en home schooled poli-sci theorizing and the ludicrous false equivalency bullshit and cram it back down your shit choked word hole.

The story typically told about recent Democratic gains is that Trump’s hideous personal qualities, his public racism, his corruption, his destructive handling of international alliances, and his most visible cruelties — such as migrant children being kept in cages — are driving white moderates away from the GOP.
That is no doubt true, but it leaves out a big piece of the story. Trumpism has two sides: It fuses his racism and malignant, destructive nationalism with his total abandonment of the economic side of his populist nationalism, via a massive tax cut for the rich and a vigorous but failed effort to roll back health coverage for millions.

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InB4 kgb responds with "Oh well, yeah that ... derp! :?: " :lol:

Shut up sock

the stock market went up more and faster under Obama and that is true regardless of my political affiliation or your deranged racism and hatred of reality

delusional dimwit

Do you have a sock fetish or something? Seems like it. You're always talking about socks. It's all good, let that freak flag fly brother! Dont be ashamed of your kinks! Lots of people have them. Yours is a bit strange I must say ,but hey, that's what makes you, you a child of earth!

Deranged and racist, where? I've never said anything racist, I dont have a racist bone in my body sir. Why are you always calling people a racist? You're taking away from actual victims of racism by throwing that horrible, terrible word around like its pizza dough.. I've not encountered such a person here ever! If you show me where the racist people are I'll help you report them. Racism and hate has no home here!
My delusion of what exactly are you referencing?
I'm not your or anyone else's enemy, so relax!
I'm just simply trying too educate my self on politics that is all. I dont have a side in this fight!

You seem so civil not like some here. I get your frustrations on our current political state but dont take your anger out on me sir! I've done nothing to you or anyone. Save all that fake outrage and anger youre projecting onto me for the real enemy!
Do you have a sock fetish or something? Seems like it. You're always talking about socks. It's all good, let that freak flag fly brother! Dont be ashamed of your kinks! Lots of people have them. Yours is a bit strange I must say ,but hey, that's what makes you, you a child of earth!

Deranged and racist, where? I've never said anything racist, I dont have a racist bone in my body sir. Why are you always calling people a racist? You're taking away from actual victims of racism by throwing that horrible, terrible word around like its pizza dough.. I've not encountered such a person here ever! If you show me where the racist people are I'll help you report them. Racism and hate has no home here!
My delusion of what exactly are you referencing?
I'm not your or anyone else's enemy, so relax!
I'm just simply trying too educate my self on politics that is all. I dont have a side in this fight!

You seem so civil not like some here. I get your frustrations on our current political state but dont take your anger out on me sir! I've done nothing to you or anyone. Save all that fake outrage and anger youre projecting onto me for the real enemy!
What a stupid load of shit
What a stupid load of shit

What a great response! I'm happy we had that conversation, it was really rewarding, delightful and insightful! I wish you nothing but the best kind Sir! I hope you can seek help for whatever issues are causing you to be so angry, unhappy and bitter. There is help out there :)
what a stupid load of shit

What a great response! I'm happy we had that conversation, it was really rewarding, delightful and insightful! I wish you nothing but the best kind Sir! I hope you can seek help for whatever issues are causing you to be so angry, unhappy and bitter. There is help out there :)
To be clear, I'm calling you a liar and wouldn't even give you a shit.
He absolutely is a Liar and clearly delusional . He can’t keep his stories straight.. And that car is so ugly. Extra room needed for a very over weight obese man with a massive ego. First he says he is married and then he has a smokin hot girlfriend . He is a disgusting human being who cheats on his wife and has to boost his ego with the idea pretending he has a Smoking hot girlfriend that only exists in his mind. These are the kinda creeps that need to put the shotgun in their mouths and pull the trigger with their toes. This way they can end the illusion that they are a legend in their own mind when really they are just a pathetic piece of shit going no where fast.
What a stupid load of shit.

What a great response! I'm happy we had that conversation, it was really rewarding, delightful and insightful! I wish you nothing but the best kind Sir! I hope you can seek help for whatever issues are causing you to be so angry, unhappy and bitter. There is help out there :)
I'm just simply trying too educate my self on politics that is all. I dont have a side in this fight!

You seem so civil not like some here. I get your frustrations on our current political state but dont take your anger out on me sir! I've done nothing to you or anyone. Save all that fake outrage and anger youre projecting onto me for the real enemy!
These guys are right

You're a fraud

A stupid load of shit and a f'en massive asshole

These guys are right

You're a fraud

A stupid load of shit and a f'en massive asshole

What does that have to do with anything?
Nice try though!

What a great response! I'm happy we had that conversation, it was really rewarding, delightful and insightful! I wish you nothing but the best kind Sir! I hope you can seek help for whatever issues are causing you to be so angry, unhappy and bitter. There is help out there :)
It means you're a liar


No, it means someone said something funny and pointed out an obvious so I laughed! Dont try to twist things around! Nice try though I'll give you credit for the effort! What a sad, sad, sad, sad, person you are! Stalking old posts to try and make it seem like something it's not! Only sad, unstable, uneducated people who are trying to fit an agenda do things like you tried. Are you a Republican quad? That's a known tactic of Republican' quad!
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