Moisture back into your Bud

Interesting. I want to jar sooner this time because the RH is super low here this time of year. I checked every room on all 3 floors and the highest rh I can find is 40%. So I'm not trying to rush the drying, I'm attempting to get them in the jar sooner to avoid over drying the bud. The last buds dried for 6 days in paper bags, the 5th day it still had some spongy feel, the exterior was dry but the interior seemed to still have some moisture. But when I checked on day 6 the change was drastic. It was so much drier than the previous 24 checks. So any help is appreciated.
But I guess none of it matters since I grow shitty bud....
Lol you're good man. I dry in my grow tents and will add a diffuser type humidifier to the tent with a small fan placed on the floor so it doesn't directly blow on bud. Ill put the diffuser on a timer depending on the conditions present. Before my humidifiers arrived (bought a few for the house ect) I boiled pots of water on the stove and ran my house circulation fan to raise ambient RH. I had to blow air across the boiling pots to incorporate and mix it with the house air and so the water didn't condense locally.

Ill crack the jars, ie slide the lids over a bit allowing air to exchange for hrs at a time, and perhaps for entire days, depending on ambient conditiins and herb moisture content. The amount I crack the lids is also dependent on moisture level, ambient conditions, ect. If the edges of the bud are soft and not crunchy then the lid will stay off or cracked till it is. Ill periodically dump out the jars and re-fill to break up any stuck together bud and stagnant areas as well as give buds that are closest in contact with the fresh air a break.
Thanks. I'll use your technique dumping them out to move things around. I haven't been doing that. I can't do the pot method too much sq ft. for that I think. But I might have an old school humidifier I could hook up and put them in a smaller room. As of right now it's 40% th and 24 hours into the dry I just checked on it and they are still good and moist, and sticky. They smell wonderful!
I have used BOVEDA for a couple years and never had issues. There are always 2 sides to an argument.
Competitors often push smear tactics to cripple a company’s product . Here is boveda’s response to the situation.

I only go by my own reviews of product as used .
Ya I should have looked at it closer. Not sure how much 9ppb will effect the end result though the test was only run for 6hrs. Ill have to try for myself, Ill take a rip of that sour kush though while I'm waiting haha
I wet trim and maybe only get to 50%-55% RH and between 62F-70F. I shoot for 60-65F temp and 60-65% RH but I live in a dry climate and so far 52RH & 67F is doing the job and about the best I can do. Depending on strain it'll normally take me 5-7 days before I can snap them off the branch and jar them up. Then another week before I'm toking happily. Good luck :bigjoint:

I try to make sure theres equal space between hangers so buds aren't sticking together and rotting, but they sway and move due to the fan blowing so it's not always 100% effective.
Interesting. I want to jar sooner this time because the RH is super low here this time of year. I checked every room on all 3 floors and the highest rh I can find is 40%. So I'm not trying to rush the drying, I'm attempting to get them in the jar sooner to avoid over drying the bud. The last buds dried for 6 days in paper bags, the 5th day it still had some spongy feel, the exterior was dry but the interior seemed to still have some moisture. But when I checked on day 6 the change was drastic. It was so much drier than the previous 24 checks. So any help is appreciated.
But I guess none of it matters since I grow shitty bud....
Just ignore that @Kingrow1 dude. He seems to think that his limited experience is universally applicable.

This is a good scientific based approach to follow here:
A lot of this just reads industry bs and you see why most have issues learning a simple process.


You just don't want fast drying.

There's terpenes & terpenoids. Terpenes are hydrocarbons that are present at chop, terpenoids are produced from the oxidation of certain chemicals during the dry & cure. This is why cured or aged weed is different than just dried weed. The terpenoids have had more time to develop in cured weed while they are comparitively lacking in weed with a shorter drying or ageing procedure utilized.

Idk the exact biochemical pathways or chemical reactions that take place during a cure, but as for the drying, the reduced vapor pressure in the environment where fast drying occurs means increased terpene evaporation, while a slow dry environment exhibits higher differential vapor pressure (in favor of room) which means terps will evap with more difficulty or not at all. The most volatile terps begin evaporating ~70°F @ STP.

If you can keep temps under 70F while increasing RH to offset the terps' vapor pressure noticed at the temperature and atmospheric pressure of the room (altitude will effect vapor pressure differential), then you'll have a more potent product. Water has a greater vapor pressure than terpenes do so it will evaporate at conditions that terpenes won't, this is why environmental control is important during the dry. The goal is to reduce moisture content while maintaining the target ingredients. The cure only adds to the dry through terpenoid development.

This is also why rehydrating doesn't "jump start" a cure. If the chemicals responsible for becoming terpenoids have evaporated, they will not magically fly back in if you rehydrate :bigjoint:

Fast drying has absolutely nothing to do with your grow experience and everything to do with your dry environment.

Na, just facts. Explaining the science behind why you do what you do. Not everything is mumbo jumbo. Stay under 70F, keep RH 50+, don't jar too early, pay attention when you do, and understand that cured and dried are chemically different.

You're eager to give advice, so start spreading some of that around...

Na, just facts. Explaining the science behind why you do what you do. Not everything is mumbo jumbo. Stay under 70F, keep RH 50+, don't jar too early, pay attention when you do, and understand that cured and dried are chemically different.

You're eager to give advice, so start spreading some of that around...

Piss off..... if the facts were straight there wouldnt be so many mold and hay tasting threads and members here.

I explain the facts and await the rest of the site and industry to catch up.

I have explained humidity to a much higher degree than most and that link in porevious threads.

Would be good if you got with the program instead of acting like a douche - i cite that you can dry to perfection at over 50% so you need to go back to school and stop running your ego around.

i use this forum because there was too much confusion bullshit and trolls - now were getting somewhere but be carefull who you slander as i will rip you facts apart if they arent correct here.....

50% go bum yourself this is such bad knowledge - zero talk on equalization and whats happening in the real world - why you all love boveda over learning :-)
I explain the facts and await the rest of the site and industry to catch up.
You may be waiting for quite some time.:lol:
I agree curing is overrated, as I've tried bud at 3 days jarred; and same bud after 2 months in jar.
There was no appreciable difference between them.
I also tried Boveda 5 years ago, and found the product inferior to a simple hygrometer in jar.
dried bud is 10-15% moisture and the cure not needed
commercial grower think 7% is a dry product..
the smoke will be harsher and more strong, at the cost of less total weight. but to reach this low rH I'd have to use some kind of help.

The limitation was that most hadnt learnt the hang dry basics or science and as such created a lot of bs and confusion - we all see that....
there were some outstanding explanations presented to us just some posts above, of why and how you cure. there's more details to it, the way most think. not saying now, your way doesn't work - we've seen it, too. the more you respect all the details, its becoming finetuned a better quality product. with love its priceless...
Better still you go to another site rather than ignore as most are catching on here and will not be supporting your rubbish :-)
Lots of posts yet you havent said anything cohesive, but you're wrong I'm right. And the majority here and on most sites believe in jarring their buds. Your method , not explained well, is to hang your buds till dry. Ok great, where is the science in that? And doing so does not get rid of the "hay " smell.
Just ignore that @Kingrow1 dude. He seems to think that his limited experience is universally applicable.

This is a good scientific based approach to follow here:

I thought it was a good link too. I didn't think it was that much different than King. He likes it good and dry before trimming and jarring like King and I. After reading it I asked myself what I could do different and the answer is nothing. That is almost exactly how I dry (whole plants not wet trimmed nuggs). I do add an extra step of paper bagging before tubbing but that's it. I have said for many years that noobs over fertilize, harvest too early,and bag/jar too soon. I actually jar in large plastic jars that have some natural leakage which eliminates my need for burping.
I thought it was a good link too. I didn't think it was that much different than King. He likes it good and dry before trimming and jarring like King and I. After reading it I asked myself what I could do different and the answer is nothing. That is almost exactly how I dry (whole plants not wet trimmed nuggs). I do add an extra step of paper bagging before tubbing but that's it. I have said for many years that noobs over fertilize, harvest too early,and bag/jar too soon. I actually jar in large plastic jars that have some natural leakage which eliminates my need for burping.
The problem I see with @Kingrow1 's system is that he believes that atmospheric humidity is a non-factor.
The problem I see with @Kingrow1 's system is that he believes that atmospheric humidity is a non-factor.
Big factor for me. It's 35% here right now, what do you do with that? I went direct into the bags where the rh is 45% right now. Best I can do without artificially upping the rh with the moisture balls I use in my humidor. They do hold my humidor at 70%, but I'm afraid I might do more harm than good.