Just planted one mor AnC and I threw the rest out, same with the other FM that didn’t germinate. Figured if they didn’t germinate by now, either I fucked up somewhere or they’re duds. I’m going to wait to see if the rest pop out of the ground before I think about germinating some more. AnC#2 is popping out of the ground and one more FM popped out of the ground, but it snapped it’s top off in the process. I’ve never seen that happen before, maybe the soil was too wet? I’m really not sure, I haven’t watered them since I planted them? Like I said I’m going to see if the rest pop up if they do great, if they don’t I’m just going to germinate something else. Them not germinating is probably my fault because I kept them in my garage where it’s usually warm and humid, but like I said it did get pretty damn cold for where I’m at one night. So I’m thinking that might’ve been the reason why they didn’t germinate. If I do end up germinating something else I’m going to keep them in my room where it’s nice and warm just to be safe.