Help! Possible powdery mildew, fungus?


Active Member
Just noticed this white fuzzy spot on one of the plants yesterday. Not sure what to do! Been reading not to spray, to cut the leaf or something of that sorts. Any ideas what it is and best way to get control of things? plant looks healthy besides that one spot.



Well-Known Member
How's your airflow? If you change the environment you will help prevent or even stop it. I would also pluck that leaf off, or spray the plants with something, or do both.


Active Member
How's your airflow? If you change the environment you will help prevent or even stop it. I would also pluck that leaf off, or spray the plants with something, or do both.
Inside a closet currently. Have had a fan on them 24 hours a day. Realizing throughout all of this I dont have a fresh air system setup for the closet, however I do open the doors quite often which i would think would bring air in. Going to start leaving a door open and fan in it to push more in. I did wipe the leaf with a wet towel to get it off and sprayed with the milk/water mixer. We will see what happens!


Well-Known Member
Inside a closet currently. Have had a fan on them 24 hours a day. Realizing throughout all of this I dont have a fresh air system setup for the closet, however I do open the doors quite often which i would think would bring air in. Going to start leaving a door open and fan in it to push more in. I did wipe the leaf with a wet towel to get it off and sprayed with the milk/water mixer. We will see what happens!
Ya, you want to exhaust that moist stale air out some how. Don't get too discouraged though. I had to deal with it awhile ago and still have clones from a Green Crack clone only strain that recovered from it on my second round. Here's a pic of round 4 from a couple weeks ago. They are on day 16 of flower now, but haven't taken any recent pics. I will soon though.


Active Member
Would you guys think having the door open for about 8 hours a night with a fan bringing fresh air in, then closing while i sleep/lights off, opening once im off work for the 8 hours will be sufficient? Not sure on the best way to set up the intake being in a closet. Have to keep the doors closed while im gone due to a cat in the house who seems to have a taste for plants.. haha

Thanks both for the responses. Thanks Padawan for the words of encouragement!

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Would you guys think having the door open for about 8 hours a night with a fan bringing fresh air in, then closing while i sleep/lights off, opening once im off work for the 8 hours will be sufficient? Not sure on the best way to set up the intake being in a closet. Have to keep the doors closed while im gone due to a cat in the house who seems to have a taste for plants.. haha

Thanks both for the responses. Thanks Padawan for the words of encouragement!
Not even close. You want to exchange your air 2 to 5 times per minute. Not sure of your closet size, but 100 cubic feet is a small closet, so you really need a 220 cfm (cubic feet/minute) fan pulling air out of the space. Personally I would consider buying a small grow tent and forget the closet. Unless you can make holes in walls for ventilation, it will always be a challenge.

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Active Member
Not even close. You want to exchange your air 2 to 5 times per minute. Not sure of your closet size, but 100 cubic feet is a small closet, so you really need a 220 cfm (cubic feet/minute) fan pulling air out of the space. Personally I would consider buying a small grow tent and forget the closet. Unless you can make holes in walls for ventilation, it will always be a challenge.

Ahh this makes total sense.. shoot. I actually did purchase a 5x5 tent to flower in but my current problem is my garage is getting a bit too cold. I will look up more, but any idea how I could set up an exhaust with the doors still being closed? I suppose i could get a dog door or something to stick in, but then during sleep times some may shine through. Possibly a few curtains hung up would solve that.

EDIT- After thinking over some things.. I may keep the door closed all day to keep the little kitty out, then i will be able to keep the closet door open all day. I assume I will just hang up a curtain of some sort to keep the light out when needed. Thoughts?
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PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Ahh this makes total sense.. shoot. I actually did purchase a 5x5 tent to flower in but my current problem is my garage is getting a bit too cold. I will look up more, but any idea how I could set up an exhaust with the doors still being closed? I suppose i could get a dog door or something to stick in, but then during sleep times some may shine through. Possibly a few curtains hung up would solve that.

EDIT- After thinking over some things.. I may keep the door closed all day to keep the little kitty out, then i will be able to keep the closet door open all day. I assume I will just hang up a curtain of some sort to keep the light out when needed. Thoughts?
Once you are in flowering cycle you want to be pretty consistent with the dark periods, and make sure it's free from light leaks. If you can cut a hole in the door, you can add an exhaust duct, but you will need a 2nd hole for intake. It's possible, but closet grows seem just like a bad idea to me, especially if you have a tent. Might just need to run a space heater in the garage with the tent or something.


Active Member
Once you are in flowering cycle you want to be pretty consistent with the dark periods, and make sure it's free from light leaks. If you can cut a hole in the door, you can add an exhaust duct, but you will need a 2nd hole for intake. It's possible, but closet grows seem just like a bad idea to me, especially if you have a tent. Might just need to run a space heater in the garage with the tent or something.
Well my goal is to move them to the 5x5 tent for flowering! For now the closet is just for veg and for the higher temps. The garage has been colder recently. Going to buy another HPS bulb to hopefully create the heat needed for down there. Thinking now that I should buy the bulb sooner rather than later and maybe I can use the HPS to veg? Then again there are Veg and flowering HPS bulbs right? Dont want to buy both currently if thats the case.

Things are looking better today so far. No spots have returned.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Well my goal is to move them to the 5x5 tent for flowering! For now the closet is just for veg and for the higher temps. The garage has been colder recently. Going to buy another HPS bulb to hopefully create the heat needed for down there. Thinking now that I should buy the bulb sooner rather than later and maybe I can use the HPS to veg? Then again there are Veg and flowering HPS bulbs right? Dont want to buy both currently if thats the case.

Things are looking better today so far. No spots have returned.
You can veg and flower under the same HPS lamp, it will just be a bit more stretchy and less compact than vegging with a MH lamp. There isn't really a veg specific hps lamp that I'm aware of.


Active Member
You can veg and flower under the same HPS lamp, it will just be a bit more stretchy and less compact than vegging with a MH lamp. There isn't really a veg specific hps lamp that I'm aware of.
Ahh interesting. I assume MH for veg is what i was thinking of then? Is it worth it in the long run to get a proper veg bulb and a proper flowering? Thinking of hanging up comforters to line my garage door to insulate it some. Garage is staying a little colder than id like have some insulation so I need to figure out some more.

My problem in the tent previously was temps staying around 60-65 with the LED Quantum Board. Little colder than id like. Closet is around 70-75, but lack of airflow currently which i am working on as well.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Ahh interesting. I assume MH for veg is what i was thinking of then? Is it worth it in the long run to get a proper veg bulb and a proper flowering? Thinking of hanging up comforters to line my garage door to insulate it some. Garage is staying a little colder than id like have some insulation so I need to figure out some more.

My problem in the tent previously was temps staying around 60-65 with the LED Quantum Board. Little colder than id like. Closet is around 70-75, but lack of airflow currently which i am working on as well.
In the long run it's best to have two separate grow areas, one for veg and another for flower. That way, once a crop is harvested, you have plants already big enough ready to start flowering, and cut out the waiting period a lot.


Active Member
In the long run it's best to have two separate grow areas, one for veg and another for flower. That way, once a crop is harvested, you have plants already big enough ready to start flowering, and cut out the waiting period a lot.
This is why I was hoping to get the closet dialed in. Veg in the closet and move to flower in the tent. Looks like I just need to think on this more and figure this route out! Ive been opening the closet doors when i get home everyday and putting the fan in to help with things but definitely need a more permanent solution that is also kitty proof haha. Thanks again man for the help.