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"For being a stranger" No, here strangers are not reflexively assaulted. But like many others you'll get your wig split, pussy bruised, and imbecile dreams crushed because of toxic ignorance

Apologies, I didn't realize there were so many republicans here. Not quite my scene, but I'll throw around a few redneck cracks here and there just to keep you bible belt'ers cranky.
Apologies, I didn't realize there were so many republicans here. Not quite my scene, but I'll throw around a few redneck cracks here and there just to keep you bible belt'ers cranky.
Like many others you'll get your wig split, pussy bruised, and imbecile dreams crushed because of cringe inducing witlessness and catastrophically misplaced confidence
what's the difference between business class and first class?
Theres also a new one called Premium economy class, also known as elite economy class or economy plus class, is a travel class offered on some airlines. This travel class is positioned as a middleground between standard economy class and business class in terms of price, comfort, and amenities
the same thing i've done since he was elected...let my disgust with the fucking morons in this country be apparent, and open to any animosity they feel like dishing out. i'd like to say i'd arm myself and storm the whitehouse, and take the fucking trash out myself, but i just don't care enough anymore to put myself out that much.
close to half of the country isn't worth saving. i'd like to pack them all into texas, build a real wall, with razor wire, mines, and armed guards, and keep the fucking ignorant assholes on their side of the divide....they can have their own country, call it MuriKKKa, and try to annex Mexico.
Mitch McConnel has basically said that the country can get fucked, he's more interested in winning the popularity contest than in saving the country...even though he has the lowest popularity ever in is own home state...better do a little campaigning Mitch, you turkey necked traitor.
this is who is running our country...
this is how the trump administration conducts business....this is how they investigate people being given important positions that influence politics world wide....just like they do everything else they do...shittily. Terribly. Incompetently. Stupidly. Thoughtlessly. Greedily.....
so, i'll just withdraw even more from our sick, sad, cancerous society, and let it fester. i'd be surprised if i last another 20 years, amazed if i make it 30...i'll miss the worst of it. the only way the younger people can miss the worst of it is to get off their asses and get rid of trump NOW
Yeah, I've heard a thousand times how Trump being voted in is the dems fault, but like much of redneck logic, it doesn't make any sense. They weren't voting for anyone but Trump anyway.

And yes with your lawsuits you can empirically prove that Trump is a piece of shit, but would he look like a piece of shit if you were also a piece of shit? No. He would look perfectly normal. There's projection is on a massive scale and it says a lot about who we are. This isn't a normal America and then there's Trump. Trump is America and, depending on what type of person you are, that's either awesome, or effing heartbreaking.
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