The Daily Blow by Blow Impeachment Hearings and Trial of Donald Trump


Well-Known Member
Your parroting what was already said without any evidence. This has not even been proven. Schiff already made up a fake transcript and pulled back and said it was a fake. The Ukraine president himself says this is all bullshit. No one is getting impeached. It dies in the house. The end

Bold move going full retard, not many can pull it off, I think you nailed it.


Well-Known Member
All racist may be Republican but not all Republicans are racist. Always with the black vs white argument when all else fails. I'm not gonna argue. This impeachment BS is all for show just like the collusion hearings that wasted millions of tax dollars to prove absolutely nothing. They know they cant impeach him but just want to smear and rub his name through the mud as much as possible before the elections. Schiff loves being in front of the cameras and still with no more evidence other than hear say.
It ain't facts, ideology or idealism driving you to this stupidity, only fear, hate and tribalism make people that dumb and blind. Your negative emotions have complete control of your mind, scared stupid in the common vernacular.


Well-Known Member
10AM tomorrow the show begins, I figure the CSPAN video should be on YouTube after streaming and the media link will be posted here.
Dem Aide Says First Hour Of Impeachment Hearing Expected To Be A ‘Blockbuster’ | Hardball | MSNBC
House Democrats characterize their first three witnesses – Amb. Bill Taylor, George Kent, and Amb. Marie Yovanovitch -- as respected, apolitical public servants with long, storied careers. “If the American people only watch the first hour, they’ll hear plenty,” a third Democratic source familiar tells NBC. “The first hour of each hearing is designed to be a blockbuster.” Aired on 11/12/19.


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Bolton Slams Trump, Suggests Foreign Policy Guided By Personal Interest | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
Former national security adviser John Bolton derided President Donald Trump’s daughter and son-in-law during a private speech last week and suggested his former boss’ approach to U.S. policy on Turkey is motivated by personal or financial interests, several people who were present for the remarks told NBC News. Aired on 11/12/19.


Well-Known Member
Look how much water Trump is making the morons who are stupid enough to try and defend him carry, does Donald ever make his slaves work hard! Those servants of evil are sweating in congress, here on RIU and across America, it's hard for these creatures to defend the indefensible, especially when the principles of the conspiracy confess on national TV. Most of the Trumpers on here are pretty stupid and can't even attempt the monumental feat of mounting an argument for Trump.

The impeachment trial is in the senate, but the chief judge of the SCOTUS presides and that might lead to a surprising result, Mitch wants to be rid of Donald before 2020 and knows Trump leads them into the election the GOP is fucked. Donald might get spooked and run for Russia on F1, if Vlad will have him, it could be too late to go once the trial begins. Pence and McConnell would be left holding a rather large bag of festering shit then and a quick guilty verdict would come with Trump in midair. His return as a private citizen would be in cuffs then and he would be perp walked down the stairs of AF1, straight to jail and off twitter forever. Next stop a court of law, tied to a chair squirming complete with a ball gag, on national TV of course...
Hours Before Public Impeachment Hearings, Trump White House Has No Strategy | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
As more deposition transcripts are released just hours before public impeachment hearings, the Trump White House is without a real response strategy according to The Washington Post. Our panel reacts. Aired on 11/11/19.


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There’s a Surprisingly Plausible Path to Removing Trump From Office
It would take just three Republican senators to turn the impeachment vote into a secret ballot. It’s not hard to imagine what would happen then.
November 12, 2019
Juleanna Glover has worked as an adviser for several Republican politicians, including George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft and Rudy Giuliani, and advised the presidential campaigns of John McCain and Jeb Bush.

By most everyone’s judgment, the Senate will not vote to remove President Donald Trump from office if the House impeaches him. But what if senators could vote on impeachment by secret ballot? If they didn’t have to face backlash from constituents or the media or the president himself, who knows how many Republican senators would vote to remove?

A secret impeachment ballot might sound crazy, but it’s actually quite possible. In fact, it would take only three senators to allow for that possibility.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said he will immediately move to hold a trial to adjudicate the articles of impeachment if and when the Senate receives them from the House of Representatives. Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution does not set many parameters for the trial, except to say that “the Chief Justice shall preside,” and “no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.” That means the Senate has sole authority to draft its own rules for the impeachment trial, without judicial or executive branch oversight.

During the last impeachment of a president, Bill Clinton, the rules were hammered out by Democrats and Republicans in a collaborative process, as then Senate leaders Trent Lott and Tom Daschle recently pointed out in a Washington Post op-ed. The rules passed unanimously. That’s unlikely this time, given the polarization that now defines our politics. McConnell and his fellow Republicans are much more likely to dictate the rules with little input from Democrats.

But, according to current Senate procedure, McConnell will still need a simple majority—51 of the 53 Senate Republicans—to support any resolution outlining rules governing the trial. That means that if only three Republican senators were to break from the caucus, they could block any rule they didn’t like. (Vice President Mike Pence can’t break ties in impeachment matters.) Those three senators, in turn, could demand a secret ballot and condition their approval of the rest of the rules on getting one.

Some might say transparency in congressional deliberations and votes is inviolable, and it’s true that none of the previous Senate impeachments have been conducted via secret ballot. But the Senate’s role in an impeachment is analogous to a U.S. jury, where secret ballots are often used. When Electoral College gridlock has resulted in the House picking the president—the House elected Thomas Jefferson in 1800 and John Quincy Adams in 1824—that vote has been secret. And, of course, when citizens vote for president, they do so in private.

Trump and those around him seem confident that he won’t lose the 20 Republican senators needed to block a guilty verdict. But it’s not hard to imagine three senators supporting a secret ballot. Five sitting Republican senators have already announced their retirements; four of those are in their mid-70s or older and will never run for office again. They might well be willing to demand secrecy in order to give cover to their colleagues who would like to convict Trump but are afraid to do so because of politics in their home districts. There are also 10 Republican senators who aren’t up for reelection until 2024 and who might figure Trumpism will be irrelevant by then. Senators Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski have been the most vocal Republicans in expressing concerns about Trump’s behavior toward Ukraine. Other GOP senators have recently softened in their defense of him, as well—all before the House has held any public hearings.

There’s already been some public speculation that, should the Senate choose to proceed with a secret ballot, Trump would be found guilty. GOP strategist Mike Murphy said recently that a sitting Republican senator had told him 30 of his colleagues would vote to convict Trump if the ballot were secret. Former Senator Jeff Flake topped that, saying he thought 35 Republican senators would vote that way.

While it’s unlikely Trump would support a secret ballot, it’s possible he might actually benefit from one in the long run. If a secret ballot is agreed on and Trump knows the prospect of impeachment is near, he could then focus his energies on his post-presidency. Once he leaves office, Trump faces multiple possible criminal investigations, at the federal, state and local level. He almost certainly knows that a President Pence could pardon him only for federal crimes. To avoid the prospect of serving time, Trump could negotiate a collective settlement—just as the Sackler family has done in the OxyContin matter—with all the jurisdictions now running independent investigations into his activities. Trump’s impeachment, followed by a quick resignation, might appease Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance’s and New York Attorney General Letitia James’s thirst for justice, making them more likely to agree to a deal.


Well-Known Member
Good thing our founding fathers made it so 2/3 of the senate have to approve it in order for sorry ass losers to overthrow a president for things that aren't even misdemeanors. He will never be impeached
He will be impeached for withholding the whistleblower complaint that he was legally bound to release to the congress. Trump screwed up and is going to be impeached in the house. The Senate won't remove him though and voters will be up in November 2020.
Nothing more than a clown show ran by the circus master himself Adam Schiff to boost his own anti trump agenda. This will die in the house with no evidence whatsoever other than hear say and a whistleblower that is completely anonymous.

This impeachment is nothing more than a Television show creating a spectacle for all the trump haters and boost ratings from MSNBC
And Trump, Mulvaney, Guiliani, all saying that they did it.
Your parroting what was already said without any evidence. This has not even been proven. Schiff already made up a fake transcript and pulled back and said it was a fake. The Ukraine president himself says this is all bullshit. No one is getting impeached. It dies in the house. The end
That is just what the lier-in-chief told you happened, unfortunately he is a lier. If you watch Schiff's opening statement, he even said he was not giving a verbatim recount of the doctored transcript Trump released (very similar to what Barr did with the Mueller Report 'summary')
All racist may be Republican but not all Republicans are racist. Always with the black vs white argument when all else fails. I'm not gonna argue. This impeachment BS is all for show just like the collusion hearings that wasted millions of tax dollars to prove absolutely nothing. They know they cant impeach him but just want to smear and rub his name through the mud as much as possible before the elections. Schiff loves being in front of the cameras and still with no more evidence other than hear say.
The problem really comes down to Trump stonewalling every single effort of oversight that is the House's job. For 2 years he had free reign under Paul Ryan and when Democrats came into power at the beginning of this year, he has wanted all of his acting cabinet members to break the law and not have any accountability.

He then pushed his bluff hard to get this impeachment, but screwed up withholding the whistle blower complaint too long and actually triggered it himself.


Well-Known Member
Trump to Release MORE IMPORTANT Ukraine Transcript
Public portions of the impeachment hearing are set to begin, Trump plans to reveal another Ukraine transcript, claims he doesn't know a few of Rudy Giuliani's associates that he has met many times, Sean Spicer's inexplicably long run on 'Dancing with the Stars' has finally come to an end...