First DWC grow help

This is now day 16 does everything look okay in this plant and is size somewhat decent? She has started to put off a odor these last few days and I believe has started to show sex

Looks ok to me, if its growing and things look good then its good right.

I wouldnt up the nutes and actually 300 or over that might be too much, a solid 250 would be better imo right now for a month really. Keep it it at 250 now then in a week - ten days if its growing good bump it up 25 ppms every couple of weeks till so you still see growth.

My point being is too not keep pushing it and fucking it up. If its too hot it will just stop growing, and I have done it where you can actually see the plant get smaller because it was way too hot. That was extreme though 700-800 ppms when it should of been 350-400.

I max out my veg at around 550-600 right before flower and the plants are 2-3 feet tall but only if they are totally healthy and happy.

Less is more.
Excessive salts will restrict plant growth. So if they are ever not growing its because of the ppm being too high and then ph is the next thing in hydro then water temp. it all works together in a way so if they are ever not growing those are the things to look at a high ppm being first.

So like I said excessive salts will restrict plant growth, if you bump that up it might be too much. Keep balance in your mind little plant little ppms.
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Looks ok to me, if its growing and things look good then its good right.

I wouldnt up the nutes and actually 300 or over that might be too much, a solid 250 would be better imo right now for a month really. Keep it it at 250 now then in a week - ten days if its growing good bump it up 25 ppms every couple of weeks till so you still see growth.

My point being is too not keep pushing it and fucking it up. If its too hot it will just stop growing, and I have done it where you can actually see the plant get smaller because it was way too hot. That was extreme though 700-800 ppms when it should of been 350-400.

I max out my veg at around 550-600 right before flower and the plants are 2-3 feet tall but only if they are totally healthy and happy.

Less is more.
Excessive salts will restrict plant growth. So if they are ever not growing its because of the ppm being too high and then ph is the next thing in hydro then water temp. it all works together in a way so if they are ever not growing those are the things to look at a high ppm being first.

So like I said excessive salts will restrict plant growth, if you bump that up it might be too much. Keep balance in your mind little plant little ppms.
Iv been starting ph at 5.3 and letting it slowly climb to 6.4 then ph back to 5.3 these seems to be consistently happening over the course of three days my res temp is 66-68 the growth in the last two days has been huge
Iv been starting ph at 5.3 and letting it slowly climb to 6.4 then ph back to 5.3 these seems to be consistently happening over the course of three days my res temp is 66-68 the growth in the last two days has been huge

Start at 5.8 and let it drift to 6.2 then back to 5.8 if you want.

You dont want huge ph swings jumping from 6.4 to 5.3 is a huge jump = not good.

I start mine at somewhere like 5.6 5.8 and it drifts up to 6.2 and it stays there for the most part I dont keep adjusting it unless it gets crazy for some reason.

Seen you said every three days my advice is to just leave it at 6.4. SAnd not keep adding ph up or down every three days. Itll throw off your nute balance and start adding ppms you dont want to the rez. Maybe double check accuracy of the ph probe.

When I think my probe is whacky I use the ph drops to check ph to see if its actually the water ph that moved that much or if the meter/probe is way off before I go adding ph up or down when I dont have to.
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Looks good. The yellow lid lets light through. Cover it with something.
Figured I would do a update after continuing to struggle with the the dwc set up and root rot I chopped the roots at the base of the net pots and moved them to 3 gallon mesh pots in loco coco first day was pretty rough but been about 5 days now and the plants seem to be on the uphill side now and are starting g to produce some buds they are now just under 5 weeks old is there any chance that they will still be able to produce much of anything? Here are a few pictures plants are about 5 inches tall


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