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He will want to settle the trade dispute with China ASAP. He needs to have that done before the election so it will be in China's favour but he will spin it as a "great win". Like most deals he rips apart it will look mostly like it was before he ripped it apart....
I'm hoping China just drags it out and wont sign anything till after the election.
Once I can understand but twice is a indictment of the education system.
Actually it will be a sign of the continued desperation for the salvation of all the idiots that voted for that conman from Queens.
And you know what?
It ain't happening.
Oh well, you placed your bets on a proven liar.
Tough shit :)
We will RUIN you and Trump in 2020, if he makes it that long.
Only the remaining cunt Pubs in the Senate are going to save his ass now, and they'll all be gone next election if there is any moral sanity left in the USA.
Get ready too cry :)
I what now?
You may have been drunk and got me confused with a racist, women hating Trump supporter...
What did i say about the Education system?
America has been fucked since Kennedy was assassinated when it come to qualified Presidents.
You would think with all the educated people in our country there would be at least one motherfucker that could make america proud.

that person can't ever get there thanks to money in politics and the EC.
I'll be dumbfounded.
Can Americans really be that stupid twice?
Once I can understand but twice is a indictment of the education system.

no, but if a portion of the electorate sits it out, anything can happen like last time- because that's what happened.

black populace put Trump in the Oval Office in 2016 by not voting..fact.
If trump gets re-elected I am leaving the country. I think I will move up to Portland Maine for a while , see what that part of the country is like and do a couple grows and start checking out areas in Canada that I like. It will be easy to drive cross the border from Maine. I will apply for a visa to work in Canada or what ever permits needed. I’m in healthcare so it shouldn’t be too hard. I can Live there until a trump is gone. I would like to come back once he is gone and tap into my social security benifits I have paid into working my entire life in the USA and hopefully tap into the Medicare for all as well when it gets established. Or I might just remain an ex patriot. New Zealand’s been sending me job offers as well but the plane ride is too long and shipping stuff overseas is a fucking nightmare. I haven’t completely ruled it out though.
If trump gets re-elected I am leaving the country. I think I will move up to Portland Maine for a while , see what that part of the country is like and do a couple grows and start checking out areas in Canada that I like. It will be easy to drive cross the border from Maine. I will apply for a visa to work in Canada or what ever permits needed. I’m in healthcare so it shouldn’t be too hard. I can Live there until a trump is gone. I would like to come back once he is gone and tap into my social security benifits I have paid into working my entire life in the USA and hopefully tap into the Medicare for all as well when it gets established. Or I might just remain an ex patriot. New Zealand’s been sending me job offers as well but the plane ride is too long and shipping stuff overseas is a fucking nightmare. I haven’t completely ruled it out though.
Maybe I'll sponsor you in Canada as a political refugee! :D Pot is legal here too. If Trump gets in again with a GOP house and senate, Canada would not be much of a refuge though, the invasion wouldn't take long in coming. The base of course would be just fine with keeping Canadian "liberals" in concentration camps along with the lots of Americans, "lock them up" (without a trial) applies to you too. You won't need a constitution, or the rule of law, you'll have a king then, and he will be a despot.
You guys should probably build a wall. :p
It would be about as effective as Trump's wall, though a Helluva lot longer, but America will pay for it anyway! We already have over 45,000 extra refugees because of Trump acting illegally and locking up those seeking legal asylum under US and international law. Canada is not an easy country to immigrate to, many Americans would not qualify, and we like America, need to increase immigration, just to maintain our population.
It would be about as effective as Trump's wall, though a Helluva lot longer, but America will pay for it anyway! We already have over 45,000 extra refugees because of Trump acting illegally and locking up those seeking legal asylum under US and international law. Canada is not an easy country to immigrate to, many Americans would not qualify, and we like America, need to increase immigration, just to maintain our population.
did Don Cherry step over the line with the "you people" comment? Trump has said that a few times on record and he's still employed
Maybe I'll sponsor you in Canada as a political refugee! :D Pot is legal here too. If Trump gets in again with a GOP house and senate, Canada would not be much of a refuge though, the invasion wouldn't take long in coming. The base of course would be just fine with keeping Canadian "liberals" in concentration camps along with the lots of Americans, "lock them up" (without a trial) applies to you too. You won't need a constitution, or the rule of law, you'll have a king then, and he will be a despot.
Thank you my friend. I appreciate your support. Good points!
My other Option is moving to the Netherlands where I have family. When my aunt, who lived in Amsterdam ,died a year and a half a go she left me A small inheritance. I could only collect the money if I obtained a BSN nummer.....
BSN / Sofi Number - The Citizen Service Number. The BSN (burgerservicenummer) social services number (or what was called the Sofi or Social-Fiscal number) is the first bureaucratic issue that expats in the Netherlands have to deal with.

It was such a major pain in the ass to get but I have it now so it could make things easier for establishing myself over there.
If trump gets re-elected I am leaving the country. I think I will move up to Portland Maine for a while , see what that part of the country is like and do a couple grows and start checking out areas in Canada that I like. It will be easy to drive cross the border from Maine. I will apply for a visa to work in Canada or what ever permits needed. I’m in healthcare so it shouldn’t be too hard. I can Live there until a trump is gone. I would like to come back once he is gone and tap into my social security benifits I have paid into working my entire life in the USA and hopefully tap into the Medicare for all as well when it gets established. Or I might just remain an ex patriot. New Zealand’s been sending me job offers as well but the plane ride is too long and shipping stuff overseas is a fucking nightmare. I haven’t completely ruled it out though.
Its only about 14 hrs isnt it? If thats to much then just have a few stop overs. maybe Hawaii, Sydney and then Auckland. No point shipping anything really, just buy it all when u get there.
Ill be expecting more fraud

No potus can fraud like this bloated swine

FRIDAY :Trump admitted the misconduct in court document. Donald Trump must pay $2 million to charities ends troubled foundation's saga

LAST YEAR: Judge finalizes $25 million Trump University settlement for students of 'sham university
FinCEN Fines Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort $10 Million for Significant and Long Standing Anti-Money Laundering Violations

ImageWall Street Journal
Trump Taj Mahal Settles Over Anti-Money-Laundering Violations
Trump Taj Mahal pays $10 fine for money from www.wsj.com
Feb 11, 2015 · Trump Taj Mahal has agreed to consent to the assessment of a $10 million civil penalty, and admits ... The anti-money-laundering program that was in place at the casino lacked safeguards for .
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