So, this is my first run in a "living soil" set up. 15gallon smart pots, lots of wicked organic fertilisers purchased, worms, bio char, pumice etc added. Been completely stoked with how it's going, took a bit longer than normal for the plant to get properly going, but hit the ground running after a nice long veg. So, i've been using a thick straw as a mulch and also chucking in alfafa and clover seeds (even planted edamame beans and garlic!) and letting all the leaves I prune break down on the mulch. The problem im having is that i'm basically creating an ideal environment for bloody fungus gnats.. have always ignored them in the past, and it's been easy to treat, used to let soil dry out more to keep on top of numbers. But it feels like the nice thick mulch of organic matter i've created for my ladies is basicaly making the perfect environment for fungus gnats, think they've stressed my plants a bit and look like they are a bit stunted.. ive been in flower just over a week and there really has'nt been that much stretch at all... i've been spraying neem etc/ have just used some nematodes, sticky traps etc, but find it hard as the living soil needs to obviosuly be moist for all the microbiology in the pots and haven'nt wanted that to dry out and have a diverse effect on that..
Any thoughts? What is everyone else doing for mulch? It seemed the straw was great as it was really working to keep and retain moisture.. but not good for avoiding pests..
Numbers do seem to be dropping, still definitely present, just curious if anyone has experience of this, or could offer and advice on mulching indoors w/containers...
Thanks so much & sorry for the ramble, I blame the shatter
Any thoughts? What is everyone else doing for mulch? It seemed the straw was great as it was really working to keep and retain moisture.. but not good for avoiding pests..
Numbers do seem to be dropping, still definitely present, just curious if anyone has experience of this, or could offer and advice on mulching indoors w/containers...
Thanks so much & sorry for the ramble, I blame the shatter