Marcos cepero Reberto
19 year old is it healthy first grow i feel the leaves are twisting i guess so need guidance on watering & lights
I agree.ive also seen them curl the tips a bit to conserve water. Thats why I added it as a possibilityThe leaves would droop more, wilt, if under watered.
so what do you suggest............. btw thanks for guidance i water it every alternate days making sure the top soil is moistJust looks like a little overwatering. let it dry between water. Stick your finger in up to the knuckle or get a moisture gauge. It will be fine.
ph7 but even with nutes the leaves are twisting should i increase the nutes my soil's ph is 5.8 - 6.5 what dp you suggest .... thanks for your guidanceWhen they are that young, water the plant, not the pot. But really, it looks like she has quit the twisting which means you have fixed the issue , but slight twisting usually points to a pH issue, so keep an eye on the pH of the water you are giving to the plant.
If you can afford a bluelab truncheon meter they are a great investment and the earlier in your growing journey that you can own one (or anything to accurately measure EC), the faster you can learn about what you're feeding and how much your plants are eating. I grew for about 2 years without anything to measure EC which was good for teaching my intuition but I should have bought it waayyyy earlier.
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Anyway I think you're starting to feed her a bit too much for how old she is. I think the last two pics are showing the very early signs of N toxicity, and the first two show light signs of overfeeding, see how the middle of the leaf kind of puffs up and out?
The newest growth looks nice, but If you look real close at the smallest leaves you'll see the edges curling under themselves which also says too much food. Either try to increase the light, feed less often, or both. I'd do both. If you increase the light she gets, and keep the grow space between 21-27C (as close as possible to 27 when lights are on, anywhere down to 20 with lights off), while giving her plain water for the next week or two, (still letting media dry out between water) I think she'll like that. Maybe on the first water, give her a bit too much so you get about 20-30% runoff of what you put in. This will flush a bit of the extra food out to give her a head start. Also check the pH of that runoff water, and if you have something to measure EC, this is where it comes in handy. If pH is really low and EC high (over 1.0), she's probably overfed.
When you have a query it helps if you can give the temps + humidity. Do you have a thermometer/hygrometer in your grow space?
If your phone has a light sensor (most do these days) you can download a lux meter app, go outside and see what it reads in different levels of sunlight, then take readings under your grow light to get a feel for how close you can have your light. Doesn't work with blurples but I'm assuming you're growing under the white lights the photos were taken in.
Edit: Also you should say what kind of nutrients you're using, if you're giving 5ml with every 250ml that's 20 ml/L so I hope they're really weak nutes..
i always put the plant water near the plant, but this time i forgot and kept it near me, i thought this is my water so i drank a little then i noticed that this is not my waterLet us know how you're getting on and what you did about it. Also how much did you drink?