4 weeks in - how does it look?


New Member
GSC and GG#4 - 4 weeks old

Hi guys,

Been a long time lurker on this forum, now that I have had my setup running for 4 weeks so far, thought I'd get some tips and pointers on how these babies look. Got some Girl Scout Cookies and Gorilla Glue #4 from seedsman.

* 3x3 Vivosun tent
* 1200W LED light (VEG & Bloom on) on a 18/6 cycle. (kept away about 25 inches from the plants)
* RH 50%-70% - so far. Haven't been consistent till I got the tent which was 2 weeks ago.
* Temps at 25-30 celsius. (77-85 F)
* Humidifier - Beurer LB88
* Small fan on top, for ventilation.
* Pflanzarde Universal soil.
* Epsoma organic liquid nutrients. (Grow and Bloom)

I gave a dose each of GROW! nutes beginning of week 3.

So far it seems everything going great. GG is 4 days older and going strong, a bit short, but very bushy and going through explosive growth (has already shown 7 finger leaves). GSC on the other hand seemed to hit a freeze period, possibly because I've been watering too much, which is everyday. Now I'm only watering when the pot becomes light, which is every 2-3 days.

So what are your thoughts? BTW, the white residue is coming from the humidifier, I guess I'll have to use some distilled water instead for the humidifier.

The fan is on top of the tent, blowing in air, and I left the bottom tent rectangle flap open a tad, to allow the air to exit down there and keep the tent at a consistent RH and temp.

**my only concern now, which I would love to get some tips on, is the fact that GG#4 seems too bushy and the interlodes are too close and the plant is not stretching upwards as much as I see others have been doing.
Do I move the light further away from the plants? (is it important to get that praying effect on all leaves?)

Appreciate your input and advice, fellow growers! Cheers!

Tent setup - IMG_20191101_132706__01.jpg


GG#4 -


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I'm no expert but I'd be trying that light a little closer and get a fan blowing on the plants a little to strengthen them stems

Hey Arnski, thanks. My light was at 28" inches high away from the pot. Dropped it down to 18" and plants are looking lively after a night of light.

It's a 1200W LED, so I kept it further all the time afraid it would be too powerful for the plants in a 3x3 setup.
Three weeks?
My GG4 is at least 18 inches at three weeks, and many are 24 inches.
**scratching head**

Good to know HashBucket, I figured mine were lacking. The thing is, they were under some 40W CFL's for the first 2 weeks and no tent. When the tent arrived and I was able to control both temp and RH they started to look much better.

Should I be giving more GROW nutes at this stage? They both definitely are in the vegetation stage right now from what I see.
Keep your light close and dont scrap the GSC. Give them a bit of time.
Keep in mind your LED is 99% sure not 1200 watts. Probably more like 250ish? Ask the guys on here who use LED and they can explain it to you.

These are all 1 month old today.
Under a 600w MH and 315w CMH.
So 915w total in a 4x4x8.
Keep your light close and dont scrap the GSC. Give them a bit of time.
Keep in mind your LED is 99% sure not 1200 watts. Probably more like 250ish? Ask the guys on here who use LED and they can explain it to you.

These are all 1 month old today.
Under a 600w MH and 315w CMH.
So 915w total in a 4x4x8.
View attachment 4415557

Thanks, mate! I knew LED's had less of a punch about them, I guess I need to do more research on that. For now the plants seem to be enjoying how closer the light is.

Your babies look great! Are you also a first time grower?

Should I worry about defoliation or trimming as far as the bushy GG#4 goes or leave it as is?
Thank you!
I'm really happy with how they are doing.

Leave her as is for now. Let her get some meat on her.

Yes I'm a first timer too.
I had kind of a grow back in June (long story), but I know one mistake I made was messing with them way to early.

This time I didn't do anything until they were 16" tall. Has proven to be a great decision so far.

If they look like they like where the light is then keep doing what you're doing and try your best to not hover over them too much! ( I know it's hard :) )

Best of luck to you!
Thank you!
I'm really happy with how they are doing.

Leave her as is for now. Let her get some meat on her.

Yes I'm a first timer too.
I had kind of a grow back in June (long story), but I know one mistake I made was messing with them way to early.

This time I didn't do anything until they were 16" tall. Has proven to be a great decision so far.

If they look like they like where the light is then keep doing what you're doing! Make sure not to water to often and try your best to not hover over them to much( I know it's hard :) )

Best of luck to you!

Hahaha, well said. Will try to leave them alone and not mess them up with too much attention. Cheers on actually learning from your mistakes and making a better grow.

Thank you, to you as well!!!
"Keep in mind your LED is 99% sure not 1200 watts. Probably more like 250ish? Ask the guys on here who use LED and they can explain it to you."

.Smoke is right, your LED fixture is marketed as '1200 watts', it does not pull 1200 watts at the wall. This is a misleading sales measure by the manufactures that is meant to be saying that their light will produce as well as a 1200 watt HID fixture. I you buy one of the plug in watt meters, (google it) it will tell you what your fixture is actually pulling from the wall.

"I knew LED's had less of a punch about them, I guess I need to do more research on that."

This 'less punch' statement is sorta "ify". By that I mean, LED's are said to have less ability to penetrate the canopy, that does not mean that they will grow lesser plants. If the canopy is kept level (flat), then there is no need for penetration, think SCROG or SOG. This just means that a 1000 watt HPS will better reach the lower buds of a tree.
I would suggest finding out what wattage your light actually uses. There may be a label on the fixture itself that gives the wattage, or if it gives the amps and voltage, multiply them together to get wattage. (P=IxE) Power equals Amps times Voltage. If not buy on of the watt meters.
Hope this help you.
Your plant look good. Patience is a virtue...

"Keep in mind your LED is 99% sure not 1200 watts. Probably more like 250ish? Ask the guys on here who use LED and they can explain it to you."

.Smoke is right, your LED fixture is marketed as '1200 watts', it does not pull 1200 watts at the wall. This is a misleading sales measure by the manufactures that is meant to be saying that their light will produce as well as a 1200 watt HID fixture. I you buy one of the plug in watt meters, (google it) it will tell you what your fixture is actually pulling from the wall.

"I knew LED's had less of a punch about them, I guess I need to do more research on that."

This 'less punch' statement is sorta "ify". By that I mean, LED's are said to have less ability to penetrate the canopy, that does not mean that they will grow lesser plants. If the canopy is kept level (flat), then there is no need for penetration, think SCROG or SOG. This just means that a 1000 watt HPS will better reach the lower buds of a tree.
I would suggest finding out what wattage your light actually uses. There may be a label on the fixture itself that gives the wattage, or if it gives the amps and voltage, multiply them together to get wattage. (P=IxE) Power equals Amps times Voltage. If not buy on of the watt meters.
Hope this help you.
Your plant look good. Patience is a virtue...


Hey Willie,
Thanks for stopping by and helping out, noob here and looking forward to learning as much as I can, so I appreciate it!

Yeah, that's why I got the 1200w LED. Originally people recommended that I get only a 600W for 2 plants in a 3x3. Knowing what you were saying about false advertisement from LED manufacturers I decided to take the 1200W and just control it using height.

Unfortunately I think I originally kept it too high 3 weeks into the project, but after some folks here recommending that I bring it down a bit; I kept it at 18" and both plants exploded in growth.

I added 2 x20Watt CFL's, to help that light penetrate as much as possible. I'll try to find any markings regarding voltage and Amps.

You've got 9 sq ft, so anywhere from 350-400 watts from the wall woukd be ideal. Based on that 40-50 watts per sq ft is what most say is optimal, and you don't want to go under 30w per sq ft. I'd add another 150-200 w and you should have plenty of light to get a good grow out of that 3x3.
Also 18" over plants that young? Seems too close to me. I was around 30" at that age with about 45w per sq ft. Watch out for light burn. Good luck!
Hey fellas,
Update. Second week into flower now and both plants are looking great.
Started Bloom nutes and both plants grew rapidly.

Only issue I'm seeing now are some burnt fan leaf tips, that are pointing up. Is it over nutrition, or deficiency? What can you tell from the pics?



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Good looking plant. Looks like the yield should be nice. The burnt tips might be nutes burn? What and how much are you feeding?
Good looking plant. Looks like the yield should be nice. The burnt tips might be nutes burn? What and how much are you feeding?

Hey Deketx,
I'm wondering if it's nute burn or light stress... Can't figure out what exactly it is.
Using 1/2 dose of Epsoma organic liquid Bloom nutrients for each plant. So I take 1 full dose and divide it in two for both girls for every watering, which has been almost every 4-5 days.

I measured pH balance of run off water and it was 6.10 GG and 5.9 for the GSC.

I think the issue might be how close the light is right now. I shut off the VEG switch and just have BLOOM on to see if it does any better.
Hey Deketx,
I'm wondering if it's nute burn or light stress... Can't figure out what exactly it is.
Using 1/2 dose of Epsoma organic liquid Bloom nutrients for each plant. So I take 1 full dose and divide it in two for both girls for every watering, which has been almost every 4-5 days.

I measured pH balance of run off water and it was 6.10 GG and 5.9 for the GSC.

I think the issue might be how close the light is right now. I shut off the VEG switch and just have BLOOM on to see if it does any better.
If I read right, technically you are still giving them.full strength, just less of it? Maybe cut back on strength? And I'd run your lights at full strength, just raise them.
If I read right, technically you are still giving them.full strength, just less of it? Maybe cut back on strength? And I'd run your lights at full strength, just raise them.
Thanks Deketx,
Yeah, so I'm feeding them a normal serving.

I just wonder if it's the lights that are the issue, then it wouldn't be helpful to dial back the nutes, does that make sense? Or is it normal to fluctuate the nutes dosage?

Problem with the light is, it's already at the highest it can go in terms of distance from the plants. Now the idea that came to mind was that I can SHUT OFF the VEG button, and just keep the light running on BLOOM, which is the red lighting.

Would that be a smart thing to try for at least a week?

Thanks again folks.