The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Quit replying to my comments if you don't care to hear my opinion. Or better yet hit ignore.
Nope. As an American it is my job to make everyone aware that you are a neo nazi and to ridicule and ostracize neo nazis like you

Btw, you ever gonna give us an answer about letting trump walk in on your unsuspecting naked underage children? What if he bragged about it too? Would you like that?

1.) Joe Biden …. has yet to make a campaign promise other than his son …. Hunter …. will not be on his cabinet ….. and is still pretty much the leader in the polls despite having his baggage exposed to the masses
2.) Elizabeth Warren ….. currently riding a student debt relief platform without explaining on just how she will have the government pay for it without drastically raising taxes
3.) Bernie Sander ….. is riding the same platform as Warren but with Medicare for all instead of student debt relief and also with no explanation on how to pay for it
4.) Kamala Harris ….. Tulsi Gabbard pretty much destroyed any chance for Harris to win the Nomination by exposing her unethical record as a state prosecutor
5.) Andrew Yang ….. perhaps has the best business sense of the lot of candidates …. also has been caught on record attempting to buy vote by promising free money to the masses
6.) Tulsi Gabbard …. like Biden has not made any campaign promises …. but unlike Biden has addressed issues that have been plaguing the country and the world and like Trump jn 2016 has caught the voters attention

The Democrats have been so obsessed with the removal of Trump from office that they have actually neglected to perform the duties that they were elected to do …. Hillary Clinton has already given the masses a huge vote of confidence for Tulsi Gabbard by saying on record that the Russians have been grooming her …. which should give anyone with half brain on exactly where the original accusations for Trump colluding with Russians originated …… the Democrats and the DNC are banking on Biden to bring home the nomination ….. but there is something very captivating about Gabbard when she talks on stage ….. yes the Democrats have very much to worry about now that they are about to battle candidates on both sides of the political fence ….. I for one am very interested on what Gabbard has to say on exactly she is going to address the issues this country is facing today
Yeah, yeah. As if any one of them were running on their own but they aren't. In November, one of them will be running against Trump. If I were a neo-Nazi, I'd want to talk about anything other than defending Trump too.

how does your belief in Karma jive with supporting Trump ?
Maybe he wants creepy old perverts to grab his daughters by the pussy without their permission, or ogle his naked unsuspecting underage children

These neo nazis probably have some weird and fucked up fetishes in private if they publicly think it’s ok to talk about their white pride and neo nazi beliefs
1.) Joe Biden …. has yet to make a campaign promise other than his son …. Hunter …. will not be on his cabinet ….. and is still pretty much the leader in the polls despite having his baggage exposed to the masses
2.) Elizabeth Warren ….. currently riding a student debt relief platform without explaining on just how she will have the government pay for it without drastically raising taxes
3.) Bernie Sander ….. is riding the same platform as Warren but with Medicare for all instead of student debt relief and also with no explanation on how to pay for it
4.) Kamala Harris ….. Tulsi Gabbard pretty much destroyed any chance for Harris to win the Nomination by exposing her unethical record as a state prosecutor
5.) Andrew Yang ….. perhaps has the best business sense of the lot of candidates …. also has been caught on record attempting to buy vote by promising free money to the masses
6.) Tulsi Gabbard …. like Biden has not made any campaign promises …. but unlike Biden has addressed issues that have been plaguing the country and the world and like Trump jn 2016 has caught the voters attention

The Democrats have been so obsessed with the removal of Trump from office that they have actually neglected to perform the duties that they were elected to do …. Hillary Clinton has already given the masses a huge vote of confidence for Tulsi Gabbard by saying on record that the Russians have been grooming her …. which should give anyone with half brain on exactly where the original accusations for Trump colluding with Russians originated …… the Democrats and the DNC are banking on Biden to bring home the nomination ….. but there is something very captivating about Gabbard when she talks on stage ….. yes the Democrats have very much to worry about now that they are about to battle candidates on both sides of the political fence ….. I for one am very interested on what Gabbard has to say on exactly she is going to address the issues this country is facing today
Do you think if you make shit up but try to say it all self righteously that it means people will buy into your propaganda?

The one thing you bring up about Biden just so happens to be a direct nod to the bullshit story that Trump is pushing.

Warren has been very clear that she intends on clawing back the corporate tax cut for the rich of Trump's.

Harris has nothing to do with Tulsi's scam, she never made much ground unfortunately.

And then you go onto your Paid Russian Troll of how the real conspiracy is not the proven and obvious attacks by Russia into our countries it is instead Hillary calling her out on it before she was ready to cry foul.

how does your belief in Karma jive with supporting Trump ?
I don't support trump. I voted for him because I dislike hilary more. I have said that about a hundred times here. Liberals lump everything together. Its not all or none. I have my own beliefs and each issue is different and i have my own opinion. Just because I voted for trump doesn't mean i support and stand by everything he does or says. Why is that so hard for all of you to understand?
Do you think if you make shit up but try to say it all self righteously that it means people will buy into your propaganda?

The one thing you bring up about Biden just so happens to be a direct nod to the bullshit story that Trump is pushing.

Warren has been very clear that she intends on clawing back the corporate tax cut for the rich of Trump's.

Harris has nothing to do with Tulsi's scam, she never made much ground unfortunately.

And then you go onto your Paid Russian Troll of how the real conspiracy is not the proven and obvious attacks by Russia into our countries it is instead Hillary calling her out on it before she was ready to cry foul.

Like i said, I don't care what you think of me. I really don't. You supply no argument except for the old russian troll thing. Your getting about as bad as buck. You think I am blinded by reality but I feel the same about you. The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease. There are many more just like me. The silent majority. Just watch. Many are afraid of getting bashed by the loudest liberal but me, sir. I am not. I have taken punishment my whole life and not afraid of anything much less words on a message board.

I watched the debates. The only thing they talk about is free stuff and beating trump. Tell me what good they would do as a candidate.

I don't support reparations, one player health care, free handouts, free phones, a monthly check. What could the dem candidates do for me? Not for illegal immigrants, or for only black folks, or for only poor people, or for only minorities, or for kids with college debt, or for people without health insurance...

I vote for my interests. I don't need help, I don't want help, I don't want a free check, or health care ( i have that already). I want the government small, to stay out of my business, to not take more taxes, to not infringe on my rights protected under the US constitution. I don't want illegals getting free health care or college tuition. I would rather see the money helping to build infrastructure, roads, public transportation, secure our border. I would like a point based immigration system similar to many other countries where we accept people of all races who have a skill, trade, education, and can be an asset to our country. Not a burden to tax payers. I don't want us to be the police of the world. I want us to take care of our own. Hold people responsible for their actions and reward hard work and dedication. Never laziness and incompetence.

This is what I'm looking for in a candidate and I will choose them based on my views. You don't have to believe me but I voted democrat my whole life with the exception of last election. I don't care what party, I want what's good for me. I am my number one priority. Call me selfish, or whatever other insult you can come up with. But please try and be a little creative. The same old song and dance is getting old.
Hey buggy

You claim to have a daughter and said you support trump

Would you let him walk in on your unsuspecting naked underage daughter?

Thanks, lardass neo nazi
No more than I would allow creepy Joe to rub her shoulders and smell her hair. I was not a Trump supporter in last election, I expect I will vote for him this time around based on his performance.
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Like i said, I don't care what you think of me. I really don't. You supply no argument except for the old russian troll thing. Your getting about as bad as buck. You think I am blinded by reality but I feel the same about you. The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease. There are many more just like me. The silent majority. Just watch. Many are afraid of getting bashed by the loudest liberal but me, sir. I am not. I have taken punishment my whole life and not afraid of anything much less words on a message board.

I watched the debates. The only thing they talk about is free stuff and beating trump. Tell me what good they would do as a candidate.

I don't support reparations, one player health care, free handouts, free phones, a monthly check. What could the dem candidates do for me? Not for illegal immigrants, or for only black folks, or for only poor people, or for only minorities, or for kids with college debt, or for people without health insurance...

I vote for my interests. I don't need help, I don't want help, I don't want a free check, or health care ( i have that already). I want the government small, to stay out of my business, to not take more taxes, to not infringe on my rights protected under the US constitution. I don't want illegals getting free health care or college tuition. I would rather see the money helping to build infrastructure, roads, public transportation, secure our border. I would like a point based immigration system similar to many other countries where we accept people of all races who have a skill, trade, education, and can be an asset to our country. Not a burden to tax payers. I don't want us to be the police of the world. I want us to take care of our own. Hold people responsible for their actions and reward hard work and dedication. Never laziness and incompetence.

This is what I'm looking for in a candidate and I will choose them based on my views. You don't have to believe me but I voted democrat my whole life with the exception of last election. I don't care what party, I want what's good for me. I am my number one priority. Call me selfish, or whatever other insult you can come up with. But please try and be a little creative. The same old song and dance is getting old.
have you recently listened to what Trump says?

Dude, he uses the WH as if he were a Don in a a crime gang. "I'd hate to see something happen to that military aid you need to protect yourself from Russia".

As far as debates in the primary go, small wonder you didn't like what they were saying. They are vying for votes from moderate and liberal voters, not old white fascists.

Small gvt. Yeah, sure. The definition of "Republican" is somebody who wants programs that benefit others cancelled. Also, laugh at the "I'll choose the best, not according to party". As if you'll ever vote for a Democrat. Too funny. Even funnier: you believe what you just said.
No more than I would allow creepy Joe to rub her shoulders and smell her hair. I was not a Trump supporter in last election, I expect I will vote for him this time around based on his performance.
His performance as a traitor and an unfit fool or his performance as a racist.
As if you'll ever vote for a Democrat. Too funny. Even funnier: you believe what you just said.
After watching the debates.. I agree. Very humorous. Not one align with my views. What happened to my party of the working class? It changed to the party of free loaders.
Like i said, I don't care what you think of me. I really don't. You supply no argument except for the old russian troll thing. Your getting about as bad as buck. You think I am blinded by reality but I feel the same about you. The squeaky wheel doesn't always get the grease.
I am fine with you not caring what I think about you, this is not why I am here. I supplied lots of points but you ignore them and continue to spout Russian propaganda. And call it 'old' when a bipartisan Senate report, every national security agency is telling us we are currently being attacked nonstop by the Russian military online. This is not about being a squeaky wheel, this is about warning as many people as possible that what you are spreading is a whole lot of Russian propaganda.

There are many more just like me. The silent majority. Just watch.
Trolls are endless, I am not naive.

Many are afraid of getting bashed by the loudest liberal but me, sir. I am not. I have taken punishment my whole life and not afraid of anything much less words on a message board.
Good for you?

I don't support reparations, one player health care, free handouts, free phones, a monthly check. What could the dem candidates do for me? Not for illegal immigrants, or for only black folks, or for only poor people, or for only minorities, or for kids with college debt, or for people without health insurance...
Clean air, clean environment, solid steady growth and not the boom bust cycle that the Republicans want to bring about again, environmentally sound science based legislation, education improvements, stopping you from being kicked off your healthcare insurance just because you got sick... Quite a lot actually if you would just get over your Mark Levin hate radio bullshit talking points.

I vote for my interests. I don't need help, I don't want help, I don't want a free check, or health care ( i have that already). I want the government small, to stay out of my business, to not take more taxes, to not infringe on my rights protected under the US constitution. I don't want illegals getting free health care or college tuition. I would rather see the money helping to build infrastructure, roads, public transportation, secure our border. I would like a point based immigration system similar to many other countries where we accept people of all races who have a skill, trade, education, and can be an asset to our country. Not a burden to tax payers. I don't want us to be the police of the world. I want us to take care of our own. Hold people responsible for their actions and reward hard work and dedication. Never laziness and incompetence.
This is a rant right off the racist rhetoric that Trump's trolls are using to trick you. Everything you said above is just wrong on many levels. And all of it is bullshit that is not based in reality at all.

This is what I'm looking for in a candidate and I will choose them based on my views. You don't have to believe me but I voted democrat my whole life with the exception of last election. I don't care what party, I want what's good for me. I am my number one priority.
If you are what you say you are, I do believe you voted democrat, right up until you stepped into a world of poor white male angst being pushed by the Russians to sell you into thinking that somehow you are being hurt by others having programs aimed at helping them get into a better situation.

If you are what you say you are it what would it take for you to suck it up and admit that you are wrong and need to rethink a lot of you think you know about our political system?
Call me selfish, or whatever other insult you can come up with. But please try and be a little creative. The same old song and dance is getting old.

People vote for what they think is right, I don't dispute you believe what you say you do or think that you are doing this with ill intent (if you are not trolling this forum on purpose and are an actual person not cat fishing us) if this is what you believe. Unfortunately you are deep into a bubble of Russian pushed propaganda. And even if you just continue to push their garbage, I am fine pointing it out to in the next post because this shit you push needs to be seen for what it is.