Warning on copied or plagurist made SOS types.
There is a person (possibly more) known as 'sinbud' mashing up SOS types for resale on instagram.
Simply taking SOS type x SOS type and calling it his for resale.
This has never been accepted in this culture and has always been considered bad form and a plaugerism. In case you didn't know.
I strongly advise you do not purchase seed from this individual.
There is a reason why I don't breed with Blue Orca Haze.
Because it's not and never was a good parent according to my years of working on it. Something I just know.
That's why Blue Orca Haze is and will only be Blue Orca Haze F1.
It can't get any better than the F1 that is already Blue Orca Haze.
You could say it's the be all end all there. In the best top 10 on Earth.
Again SOS types are SOS types..
You can't just mash up a breeders long standing work and call it yours in a matter of a cycle or two.
Operating under the slave mentally of Babylon capitalist rhetoric is no excuse ither. Your,re just another mentally enslaved servant of oppressors at that point.
It should also be made known that this guy has broad mites. It is quite easy for these microscopic mites and eggs to hitch a ride in seed packs.
Now you do..for the next year.
This is the difference between someone who is a breeder and actually has accountability for what they do,and someone who takes others work and claims it as their own.
Nobody does this shit....
"Hey, you left your tractor sitting in your field.. I figured I could just take it and claim it as mine since you aren't using it right now "
Or if I dump a box of Tide in with Tide Pods in one container then do a load of laundry and call it my own invention...lol.. same shit.
Free pack of seeds to anyone who PUBLICALLY EXPOSES unauthorized breeding and/or reproduction or combinations of SOS type x SOS type for public resale.
Meaning,you call them out on your's,thier's or any otherwise public page and show me your work for the prize..
Protect global cannabis genetic future and help shun a plaugerist.
Thank you,