do nutrients need to be emptied out every time you put in new water?


Active Member
do you need to empty and rinse out reservoir when ever your next sceduled time to change reservoir water or could i just go along and add water to the water w/ nutrients along with that weeks scheduled nutrients. plz anyone


Well-Known Member
do you need to empty and rinse out reservoir when ever your next sceduled time to change reservoir water or could i just go along and add water to the water w/ nutrients along with that weeks scheduled nutrients. plz anyone
I only grow in soil but i think your supposed to use fresh water and nutes each time you change the res.
I am not sure though as i have never grown in this mannerbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
you dont have to clean your res every week.i personally start out flowering at 12ppm and work my way up to 1600ppm through week4. week 4 is the peak of your feeding schedule in an 8 week after week 4 i drain and clean my res then add fresh nutes and water to about 1400ppm bringing nown 100 ppm each week through week7.i then drain and clean again and begin flushing with stait water for the remainder of the grow. if you have a 10 or twelve week stran just make your peak feeding week at the middle of your grow-week5for a 10week strain,week6 for a twelve week strain.the only other time you should need to change your res is if you have poor conditions that will premote fungi and mold such as high water temps,res not being seald or poor airation of your solution


Well-Known Member
i change my rez every two weeks. plants use the nutrients they need out of the water and the rest stays in the rez and an over accumulation can cause lock out and burn. i top my rez off every few days with low strength nute water...when i change my rez i do a good flush with .6ppm water. i do not rinse my rez out every time but i do drain all the water..
i know it seems like you are waysting nutes but after 2 weeks the plants have deplinished that water of nutes that are usable to them..


Well-Known Member
do you need to empty and rinse out reservoir when ever your next sceduled time to change reservoir water or could i just go along and add water to the water w/ nutrients along with that weeks scheduled nutrients. plz anyone
Oh i can tell Al B Fuct is going to be missed terribly here!!

Everyone has his own way of doing things its just up to you what you want to do with your grow.

You will find that it goes from never changing to changing every week so its important to understand why the tanks are changed and base your decision off of that.

I would spend some time in the big boy grows up in the sticky area i believe you will find your answer there.

You have to think of pathogen control if you don't change your water stuff can grow in it.

If you don't change out completely your nutes the plants take up certain nutes more than others and if you don't change the nutes become out of whack causing lock out. You don't want to add any nutes to a system cycle that is already started, only plain water.