this is who i have to deal with...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

this is a county commissioner in my county. the only person who walked out of the meeting didn't say they walked out because he was spouting racist, homophobic shit, she left because it was "unprofessional"....because she thought it would look good for her to walk out, not because she was offended by his bullshit.
they were there to vote down a gun control proposal to begin with...
i know some of you think i'm a hostile weirdo. you're right, i am a hostile weirdo, and it's living with fucking historical relics like this that make me that way.
every time you start to think that maybe the world is moving into the 21st century, that maybe things will be alright, people like this remind you that we still have so far to go that we can't even see the end of the road

this is a county commissioner in my county. the only person who walked out of the meeting didn't say they walked out because he was spouting racist, homophobic shit, she left because it was "unprofessional"....because she thought it would look good for her to walk out, not because she was offended by his bullshit.
they were there to vote down a gun control proposal to begin with...
i know some of you think i'm a hostile weirdo. you're right, i am a hostile weirdo, and it's living with fucking historical relics like this that make me that way.
every time you start to think that maybe the world is moving into the 21st century, that maybe things will be alright, people like this remind you that we still have so far to go that we can't even see the end of the road
Those poor, oppressed white males.

this is a county commissioner in my county. the only person who walked out of the meeting didn't say they walked out because he was spouting racist, homophobic shit, she left because it was "unprofessional"....because she thought it would look good for her to walk out, not because she was offended by his bullshit.
they were there to vote down a gun control proposal to begin with...
i know some of you think i'm a hostile weirdo. you're right, i am a hostile weirdo, and it's living with fucking historical relics like this that make me that way.
every time you start to think that maybe the world is moving into the 21st century, that maybe things will be alright, people like this remind you that we still have so far to go that we can't even see the end of the road
I live in Appalachia. I understand.
this is a weird area, and it has bred some weird people. for years and years, you worked for 9 months a year here and got a 3 month vacation every winter to collect unemployment and food stamps, because everything was seasonal tourist related work. at least three generations of people grew up with that as their normal life. about 10 years ago they started to develop what you could do in the winter here, they expanded the local convention center, and built a huge sports complex that hosts events all winter long. so there is no more 3 month vacation in the middle of the winter. so now, people work about a year, then tend to just quit coming in to work. they can't get unemployment, or food stamps, so they end up having to go back to work,'s a weird cycle of people doing stupid things, then bitching about it. so i expect very little rational behaviour from people in my area, and they do not surprise me, often
I was raised a hillbilly. But it didn't stick. Used to be quail, woodcock etc. here. Now they raise them and charge $150 to shoot one they release. Most land owners have leased their land to hunt on. I haven't hunted in 50 years. My brother in law and I was talking the other day about the lack of rabbits, quail etc. He said he thought he shot the last quail. How ironic. He drives a sprayer for a ag company. $11 an hour.
Hi Guys,
Maybe the subtleties of hillbilly behavior is lost on me...but I have my own experiences with welfare mothers of juvenille delinquents. Worked at large urban city Juvenille Hall providing health care to the little thugs. Occasionally...if we had to send a kid out to a specialist MD...the parents were billed for part of that cost.

You would not believe the outrage from these women....many of whom are 3rd and even 4th generation welfare recipients. It's a way of life to them...a birthright? A life of poverty if you ask me. But if they need more income...they just pop out another kid. Oh man...why did I start thinking about this?

Rog and Randy...this is all your fault. Now I'm frothing at the mouth. People might mistake me for Shrubber...:cool:
Hi Guys,
Maybe the subtleties of hillbilly behavior is lost on me...but I have my own experiences with welfare mothers of juvenille delinquents. Worked at large urban city Juvenille Hall providing health care to the little thugs. Occasionally...if we had to send a kid out to a specialist MD...the parents were billed for part of that cost.

You would not believe the outrage from these women....many of whom are 3rd and even 4th generation welfare recipients. It's a way of life to them...a birthright? A life of poverty if you ask me. But if they need more income...they just pop out another kid. Oh man...why did I start thinking about this?

Rog and Randy...this is all your fault. Now I'm frothing at the mouth. People might mistake me for Shrubber...:cool:
Dude, you work for a six billion dollar a year scam industry and you're worried about welfare moms, lol.

Have an extra shitty day, bed pan.
Hi Guys,
Maybe the subtleties of hillbilly behavior is lost on me...but I have my own experiences with welfare mothers of juvenille delinquents. Worked at large urban city Juvenille Hall providing health care to the little thugs. Occasionally...if we had to send a kid out to a specialist MD...the parents were billed for part of that cost.

You would not believe the outrage from these women....many of whom are 3rd and even 4th generation welfare recipients. It's a way of life to them...a birthright? A life of poverty if you ask me. But if they need more income...they just pop out another kid. Oh man...why did I start thinking about this?

Rog and Randy...this is all your fault. Now I'm frothing at the mouth. People might mistake me for Shrubber...:cool:
when i was a kid, before my mom got remarried and we moved to Mn., we lived here, in sevier county. my mom was friends with the first black weather girl on television in this area. she was beautiful, and smart, and i was in love with her when i was 7....
when we went back for a vacation 5 years after my mom married my step dad, my mom sought her out. in 5 years, she had lost her job as a weather girl, gotten pregnant, had 4 kids, and was planning on having more, "to pay the bills"....that was a short visit, and my mom cried on the way back to our motel. i didn't understand why then, but i do now.
Hi Guys,
Maybe the subtleties of hillbilly behavior is lost on me...but I have my own experiences with welfare mothers of juvenille delinquents. Worked at large urban city Juvenille Hall providing health care to the little thugs. Occasionally...if we had to send a kid out to a specialist MD...the parents were billed for part of that cost.

You would not believe the outrage from these women....many of whom are 3rd and even 4th generation welfare recipients. It's a way of life to them...a birthright? A life of poverty if you ask me. But if they need more income...they just pop out another kid. Oh man...why did I start thinking about this?

Rog and Randy...this is all your fault. Now I'm frothing at the mouth. People might mistake me for Shrubber...:cool:
How many welfare moms have you known during your career that have done this? That is shitty if they are popping out kids just to get more money, but, I would imagine it has to be a crazy small number of people that have kids in the juvenile system, much less the percent of them doing that to pay for healthcare for their delinquent kids.

It is easy to generalize and complain about 'them' who ever it is, but it doesn't make it reality. Mostly kids do well enough in school/life to benefit our society as a whole. Unfortunately as economic resources decrease it becomes more of a struggle and higher probability of bad things happening which make it difficult (in a nation that is very quick to punish people for the rest of their lives) to be successful.
How many welfare moms have you known during your career that have done this? That is shitty if they are popping out kids just to get more money, but, I would imagine it has to be a crazy small number of people that have kids in the juvenile system, much less the percent of them doing that to pay for healthcare for their delinquent kids.

It is easy to generalize and complain about 'them' who ever it is, but it doesn't make it reality. Mostly kids do well enough in school/life to benefit our society as a whole. Unfortunately as economic resources decrease it becomes more of a struggle and higher probability of bad things happening which make it difficult (in a nation that is very quick to punish people for the rest of their lives) to be successful.
Roger would rather mow around dead bodies than see someone get something for free. It's an entitled white person thing.
I was raised a hillbilly. But it didn't stick. Used to be quail, woodcock etc. here. Now they raise them and charge $150 to shoot one they release. Most land owners have leased their land to hunt on. I haven't hunted in 50 years. My brother in law and I was talking the other day about the lack of rabbits, quail etc. He said he thought he shot the last quail. How ironic. He drives a sprayer for a ag company. $11 an hour.

harm nothing with a face.
Dude, you work for a six billion dollar a year scam industry and you're worried about welfare moms, lol.

Have an extra shitty day, bed pan.

women, that incidentally, were made to have their babies for punishment..Gods revenge for doing the dirty without benefit of mar-i-age..hillbilly mindset.
So the government lady that walked out was angry because she wasn't able to suppress free speech and grab guns ?

I wonder if she'll be okay with keeping a few guns around to use to implement her ideas?