Atleast 2 weeks, that plant is not done swelling and ripening yet.
Ignore the whole heady high versus couchlock high thing. If you harvest plants early you get less high. This may seem more "up beat" at first, but it also won't last nearly as long....because you are less high... Once you have more grows under your belt and you have plants to play with, then experiment with them. That's what I did over many years and hundreds of plants. I found a LONG time ago that the best smoke comes from FULLY ripened healthy plants.
The type of high you get depends predominantly on the strain and the specific effects it triggers in YOUR body. Strain effect varies greatly based on personal physiology. As you grow more plants and try more strains you will start to understand how they effect you. Personally I LOVE sativas!
It is REALLY easy to harvest plants too early, especially on your first grow since you havn't learned to read all the signs the plant is giving you. There are MANY experienced growers that don't listen to the signs, and still harvest early because they don't care and are trying to turn a crop faster. Harvesting early will result in lower weight and lower quality, period.
It is REALLY HARD to harvest plants too late. It takes weeks for these growth processes to occur. Plants don't go from good to bad over night. I've never seen someone accidentally overripen a plant.