would autoflowers hermie if they were getting light during the dark period?


Well-Known Member
so i see a lot of people talking about hermies being cause by light leaks when they're growing regular plants and flowering with 12/12 (obviously). but lets say your growing some autoflowers and they get a frequent light leak in the room during their 4-6 hour dark period? how could that negatively affect (effect? fuck, i always get those confused) your autoflowering plants?

just a thought i had while doing a little light proofing.


Well-Known Member
autoflowers will flower no matter what the light cycle so it should be ok you could grow them on 24/7 if needed


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
autoflowers will flower no matter what the light cycle so it should be ok you could grow them on 24/7 if needed
"you could grow them on 24/7 if needed." --- That's not the question he asked.

Why must you n00bz insist on answering such delicate questions without having the actual knowledge/experience to back it up?

Simple rule of thumb - If you do NOT know, do NOT respond. Simples.

well said higzy lol +rep for that... and as to the auto question here's a bit of useful info.. if a plant has been modified or manipulated out of the normal life cycle ie. "auto flower" the plant will have to have hermied to produce only punt out female seeds, assuming the plant is subject to good growing conditions the tendencies of a "hermied" plant can be kept from activating so to speak. so to answer your question any stress or shock can bring out the hermie just like any seed thats been manurfactured in to females



bud bootlegger
"you could grow them on 24/7 if needed." --- That's not the question he asked.

Why must you n00bz insist on answering such delicate questions without having the actual knowledge/experience to back it up?

Simple rule of thumb - If you do NOT know, do NOT respond. Simples.

ok, so you took all that time to type this out, what info did you give the op m8?? not a damn bit imo..:wall:


Well-Known Member
I just harvested three, I had some light leaks and the last week of flower I noticed polen sacks on one, harvested and sure enough seeds in the one plants buds. Weed is still great but the seeds are there, the other two had none so who knows.
i just wanna throw in that stress and shock is caused by any part of its environment YOU change too suddenly like the introduction or change over of nutes needs to be done gradually even after a flush

ok, so you took all that time to type this out, what info did you give the op m8?? not a damn bit imo..:wall:
i think the point hes trying to make is and my example is exaggerated but holds the same point... if my leaves were goin yellow and i didnt know better and i came on here and some chump that dont know his arse from his elbow and says oh that's a sign of not enough nutes, thats all my plants done! if its just guess work or it makes sense while ya run it thru ya head just remember you might be fuckin up someones grow fair play the damage was already done but next time i think its fair to say if ya dont know dont say


Well-Known Member
I just harvested three, I had some light leaks and the last week of flower I noticed polen sacks on one, harvested and sure enough seeds in the one plants buds. Weed is still great but the seeds are there, the other two had none so who knows.
Free seed for Chris!


Well-Known Member
i think the point hes trying to make is and my example is exaggerated but holds the same point... if my leaves were goin yellow and i didnt know better and i came on here and some chump that dont know his arse from his elbow and says oh that's a sign of not enough nutes, thats all my plants done! if its just guess work or it makes sense while ya run it thru ya head just remember you might be fuckin up someones grow fair play the damage was already done but next time i think its fair to say if ya dont know dont say
That's what happens when people who don't know shit from apple butter tell others about stuff they don't know.


Well-Known Member
im curious as to why a light leak would matter for a plant that can be put under 24 hour lighting....I mean, common sense says that it wouldn't matter, but, hey, I could be wrong.....anyone know why it would affect yr plant?


Well-Known Member
I thought that autos where the toughest (out of sativa and indica and hybrids). I hear autos can withstand extreme heat and cold, hence needing only light to grow, even with f'd up light cycles.


New Member
I am growing 4 WW autos, I'm on 4th week since seeds popped soil, Using ff products 2x400mh Veg going to 1000w HPS in a week or so plants are starting to show pistols I have one area that I can't avoid light leak and that's my window air conditioner, I will let y'all know what happens when I harvest, wish me luck and this is my first time growing auto flowers I topped one responded well, I'm LST another and leaving two alone just to see what happens


New Member
I am growing 4 WW autos, I'm on 4th week since seeds popped soil, Using ff products 2x400mh Veg going to 1000w HPS in a week or so plants are starting to show pistols I have one area that I can't avoid light leak and that's my window air conditioner, I will let y'all know what happens when I harvest, wish me luck and this is my first time growing auto flowers I topped one responded well, I'm LST another and leaving two alone just to see what happens
What happen broo?