The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

Come on, the real issue is racism and hatred here, you know Trump is unfit, your not that stupid.
Use the news to jump ship and get on the right side of history.
It's too much work carrying Donald's water in America today
, it makes ya seem abnormal.
Racism how? I mean, I know what you guys make up and repeat but I’ve yet to hear it explained with any evidence. The racism problem seems to come from the left...the only party where it’s encouraged to openly call out specific races and condem them simply for their appearance
Racism how? I mean, I know what you guys make up and repeat but I’ve yet to hear it explained with any evidence. The racism problem seems to come from the left...the only party where it’s encouraged to openly call out specific races and condem them simply for their appearance
"Bwuh-uh fake news! LOL I win!"
Gonna be a long 4 more years of hearing you lunatics scream and throw your feces at the walls.
Ya don't sound too in touch with the recent news here, all your threads are in grow sections. The "fake news" is saying Donald is fucked, he did confess twice on national TV ( I saw it too) he through everybody including Mike pence under the bus, here is a video I made that pretty much sums up the situation. The-Doing-of-Die-Donald will bring ya up to speed real quick!
Ya don't sound too in touch with the recent news here, all your threads are in grow sections. The "fake news" is saying Donald is fucked, he did confess twice on national TV ( I saw it too) he through everybody including Mike pence under the bus, here is a video I made that pretty much sums up the situation. The-Doing-of-Die-Donald will bring ya up to speed real quick!
You’ve been saying this for 4 years. Your news sources have been telling you this for four years and sadly you don’t learn. They’ve strung you up and are making you dance like a puppet. Liberals used to be the outsiders but now you’re as mainstream as it gets taking your talking points from bought and paid for sellout media and your worshipped politicians. You guys don’t even see what you’ve become. Trump is the closest thing to an outsider to the establishment we’ve had. His voters are the punk rockers now. You guys need a wake up call. You’ll believe anything. You guys ignore facts and stats all the time just to carry on your bullshit.
You’ve been saying this for 4 years. Your news sources have been telling you this for four years and sadly you don’t learn. They’ve strung you up and are making you dance like a puppet. Liberals used to be the outsiders but now you’re as mainstream as it gets taking your talking points from bought and paid for sellout media and your worshipped politicians. You guys don’t even see what you’ve become. Trump is the closest thing to an outsider to the establishment we’ve had. His voters are the punk rockers now. You guys need a wake up call. You’ll believe anything. You guys ignore facts and stats all the time just to carry on your bullshit.


"HiS VoTeRs ArE tEH PuNk RoCkeRs NoW" lol
You’ve been saying this for 4 years. Your news sources have been telling you this for four years and sadly you don’t learn. They’ve strung you up and are making you dance like a puppet. Liberals used to be the outsiders but now you’re as mainstream as it gets taking your talking points from bought and paid for sellout media and your worshipped politicians. You guys don’t even see what you’ve become. Trump is the closest thing to an outsider to the establishment we’ve had. His voters are the punk rockers now. You guys need a wake up call. You’ll believe anything. You guys ignore facts and stats all the time just to carry on your bullshit.
This ain't about liberal or conservative, those are mere labels and pigeon holes used to dismiss whole categories of thought and opinion, the arrogance of ignorance on display. This is about right vs wrong, good vs evil, legal vs illegal, this is not about right or left this time and that dodge won't work at all. There is no middle ground either, thanks to Trump, no man's land is now dead man's land.
This ain't about liberal or conservative, those are mere labels and pigeon holes used to dismiss whole categories of thought and opinion, the arrogance of ignorance on display. This is about right vs wrong, good vs evil, legal vs illegal, this is not about right or left this time and that dodge won't work at all. There is no middle ground either, thanks to Trump, no man's land is now dead man's land.
The fact that you don’t call out lefty’s for making things about right and left is your hypocrisy on display and a dead giveaway that you’re liberal through and through. The things you talk about tell me that you only watch lefty news so feed your bullshit to someone else. How’s he racist? Stop dancing around the question
You’ve been saying this for 4 years. Your news sources have been telling you this for four years and sadly you don’t learn. They’ve strung you up and are making you dance like a puppet.
Who is a credible news source then? Who has a secret agenda that over rides the truth in all cases?
Who lies constantly, thousands of times a year?Donald Trump?
Foxnews, who just lost their main news anchor, because he spoke the truth?
Brietbart and Steve Bannon, the daily stormer etc?
"anyone hear about this new ipad?"

[jay leno pauses]

"anyone hear anything at all?"

[jay wanders the desolate cities. even the wind is gone]
You’ve been saying this for 4 years. Your news sources have been telling you this for four years and sadly you don’t learn. They’ve strung you up and are making you dance like a puppet. Liberals used to be the outsiders but now you’re as mainstream as it gets taking your talking points from bought and paid for sellout media and your worshipped politicians. You guys don’t even see what you’ve become. Trump is the closest thing to an outsider to the establishment we’ve had. His voters are the punk rockers now. You guys need a wake up call. You’ll believe anything. You guys ignore facts and stats all the time just to carry on your bullshit.
So the racist White Male that was getting $3Million from daddy at age 3, says anything he thinks you will fall for (because he is totally fine with lying and asking others lie in the name of the POTUS), and has been running for President since the 80's, is not the establishment? The black guy and woman, oh boy they are the true pullers of the strings, especially since they only got the right to vote in the last century.

And read up on the Southern strategy. The "Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only" agenda ran this country right up to the point the rest of America got sick of the narrow perspective that it brought. The Democrats have been governing for everyone since the 70's, with the Republicans fighting it every step of the way, throwing up every constitutional roadblock they could (like state's gerrymandering, and court stuffing) along the way. It is easy when you can cry 'socialism' or cry like a snowflake anytime something is passed for the "Not Only Wealthy White Heterosexual Male" agenda.
Yep. It's as fake as all the bullshit they normally post. He never even came close to saying anything like that.

Trump was featured in People magazine a great deal in the late 80's through the 90's. The vast majority of the content was always about his marriages and divorces. He never once discussed politics with People magazine.

He did talk politics with Larry King several times though. He was a completely different person then and had he talked now like he did then, odds are you would have voted for him as well.
Yep. It's as fake as all the bullshit they normally post. He never even came close to saying anything like that.

Trump was featured in People magazine a great deal in the late 80's through the 90's. The vast majority of the content was always about his marriages and divorces. He never once discussed politics with People magazine.

He did talk politics with Larry King several times though. He was a completely different person then and had he talked now like he did then, odds are you would have voted for him as well.
The racism would still have counted him out for me.