Having problem germinating seeds


Well-Known Member
Hey I started my first grow Pineapple express auto and gorilla grow auto in 19L 5gallon 75% fill in which 40% Soil and 60% organic compost soil. It's been 1 and half day seeds have not sprouted in soil I followed old germination process which I planted the seed directly in soil and watered any suggestions on germination
I have been keeping pots outdoors in day and indoors at night when I keep outdoors it will get dry very fast so I have keep watering. Does watering frequently affects germination???
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I have been keeping pots outdoors in day and indoors at night when I keep outdoors it will get dry very fast so I have keep watering. Does watering frequently affects germination???
It can, yes. You might encourage a fungal infection. Sprout won't make it through it. They do not need light til you see em. Should prob just keep em inside til they come up. In 5 gal you shouldn't have water like that. How hot is ur climate? If mine get dry, I just use a spray bottle to mist the top of the soil. I also put a piece of saran wrap over the pot to keep that top moist. Maybe try these things.
It's very hot in day it will completely dry the medium within 1 hr I am keeping them inside by your suggestion and I have put a half plastic bottle dome with ventilation now
Hey I started my first grow Pineapple express auto and gorilla grow auto in 19L 5gallon 75% fill in which 40% Soil and 60% organic compost soil. It's been 1 and half day seeds have not sprouted in soil I followed old germination process which I planted the seed directly in soil and watered any suggestions on germination
Seeds will take usually 4-5 days to pop the surface, sometimes longer. That soil you planted in is probably heavy as all hell and will be easy for you to overwater. Don’t do that. Besides that, seedlings don’t need like to come up in thick heavy soil. Don’t place pot outside as there is absolutely no need to have light right now and you do not want the soil to dry up as you’ve mentioned. That can slow or ruin the sprout. You want consistent level of moisture of not too wet and not too dry. Best is to sprout them in small solo cup with promix or something similar because it’s much easier. 6-7 tablespoons of water in a solo cup..push seed into soil, set it aside and wait 4-5 days. The soil will stay moist enough to not have to water again before sprouting..if it doesn’t than you can add a few more tablespoons to hold til sprout. Forget the spray bottle. Take the dome off. There’s absolutely no reason for it right now or ever.
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Do I need to take the dome off???
You should just take it off. I mean, it’s not gonna help and won’t hurt right now. The dome is for what? It’s too keep humidity up and thats not gonna do anything for you. Just keep the soil moist enough. How much water did you last put into pot and was it just around where the seed was planted or? Picture of pot?
I watered when the seed are planted and I have watered 4 times since I was keeping it outside and it was drying up rapidly like in 2 to 3 hrs