Boveda Technology for Humid Months ...

People used to jar their weed dry and be done with it. Now everyone wants to "cure".

Jarring dry weed and being done with it is the only way to cure, that vast subsection of jarring wet and stuff is by far superceeded by actual science.

As bud dries moisture loving bacteria and fungi as well as enzymes do their shit but stop after two weeks because moisture is now below the level they want. This is the final product, primo dry smokable bud.

....but if we jar it now for storage some other slow processes happen from bacteria and enzymes that only function at low moisture levels start to slowly breakdown stuff and thus the cure. It actually needs to be at the dry bud moisture level and any more moisture will trigger fungi which i left out of the cure because they simply cant live at low moisture and so stop as soon as bud is dry.

Its a simple proceedure but prolonging the dry is bad and so is jarring with more moisture than dry bud has.

Again peeps make up so much bad science they cant even explain and have no validation whatsoever :-)
Again peeps make up so much bad science they cant even explain and have no validation whatsoever
then you should be able to provide what exact level of moisture in buds re-starts the enzymes and bacteria? what level stops the enzymes and bacteria? what moisture level is a dry bud? at what moisture level does fungi stop living? and then provide documentation for your answers. thanks in advance :)
then you should be able to provide what exact level of moisture in buds re-starts the enzymes and bacteria? what level stops the enzymes and bacteria? what moisture level is a dry bud? at what moisture level does fungi stop living? and then provide documentation for your answers. thanks in advance :)

I have already and a good overview of the whole process.

Even then almost all of it is just basic simole info youll find on wiki or even other industries that dry crops and grains.

There aint nothing magical or special here and bud moisture when dry is 10-15% with 10% more solid matter which gives 25% of the final weight of wet bud in case your basic maths and grow experience havent worked this fact out.

I have already and a good overview of the whole process.

Even then almost all of it is just basic simole info youll find on wiki or even other industries that dry crops and grains.

There aint nothing magical or special here and bud moisture when dry is 10-15% with 10% more solid matter which gives 25% of the final weight of wet bud in case your basic maths and grow experience havent worked this fact out.


So all you got is broscience. Kind of what I thought.

So all you got is broscience. Kind of what I thought.


Simply not, when you have digested and bothered to work this oit come back to me for some more detailed discussion

I mean we can discuss what exact enzymes and bacterial strains work at what moisture level and what exact compounds chlorophyll breaks down into as well as cross reference moisture levels from a whole range of sources but as to the basics and humidities equilibrium with bud.... thats been posted a gazillion times before ive merely presented it again :-)
I don’t use either. Two of the better brokers I know won’t buy packs that used them. They reduce smell overtime in my experience and do not offer anything that can’t be controlled with good tech and solid containers.