Boveda Technology for Humid Months ...

Their FAQ says salt free. They claim it won't alter odor.

"A non-toxic propriety mix of plant-based glycerin and water."
what is the difference? I think Boveda's patent expired so now there are knockoffs. AFAIK are all just plastic bags filled with salt water and gelling agent.

I dont know but apparently theres a smell difference and we can now safely store our weed in blazing hot sun just because of a few gel packs.....


Um ya that is how the op started his thread and then you all got talking about which gel pack makes weed smell the best....

Fucked up if you ask me but you allare kissing industry ass so.much who am i to break up your fun :-)
I wouldn't want light exposure regardless of the humidity. Exposure to light breaks down THC. Exposure to sunlight also breaks down the chlorophyll and makes your weed yellow / brown like grass after you mow the lawn. Even a trick that some extract "artists" use to get the green out of a slab of shatter due to particulate matter that should have been filtered out. Set it in the sun for an after noon and all the green goes away but of course the little flakes of plant material are still there.
Anyone use the one called Freshdank ? Just seen them on Amazon , made especially for M.J.
and which is better 55% or 62 % ? either Boveda or integra
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don't be afraid of new tech.
do you disable the ABS on your car because your '47 Ford didn't have it?

Its not new tech and become a whole section of broscience here and in the industry.

A gazillion methods to determine when buds dry except simply grind and smoke as logic dictates and how many threads where peeps jar far too early let alone know when dry is or what percentage bud moisture should be etc etc etc.

Before even this id question why im seeing a site and industry of the blind leading the blind - a lot say this for years now and here you are at the fore front of that.... Wtf you been doing all this time? sucking up led hype or oogling the latest strain dude :-)
don't be afraid of new tech.
do you disable the ABS on your car because your '47 Ford didn't have it?
Let's not bring cars into it......I've seen the best transmissions not put into jeeps because someone puts on the fucking sugestion card "it makes to much noise when I'm in traffic."........that's because the damn throwout bearing is bigger! If you know how to drive, abs and limited slip are a joke and can piss you off.......sometimes I want to slide it in or give it gas to get out!...........oh yeah, we're talking about humidity regulation packs.......sorry........from my experience I haven't noticed a difference in smell........but the jars that didn't have them where just how I wanted them........because I dried properly.
you can use Boveda packs intermediary for couple of weeks after drying to get rH to stable 58 to 62 percent and remove it.
Smells when box is freshopen, or stronger grind up.
Its not new tech and become a whole section of broscience here and in the industry.

A gazillion methods to determine when buds dry except simply grind and smoke as logic dictates and how many threads where peeps jar far too early let alone know when dry is or what percentage bud moisture should be etc etc etc.

Before even this id question why im seeing a site and industry of the blind leading the blind - a lot say this for years now and here you are at the fore front of that.... Wtf you been doing all this time? sucking up led hype or oogling the latest strain dude :-)

that's a whole lot of gibberish. i'm not even sure what your point is if you even have one.

people have been storing quality cigars in humidity controlled enviros for years. how is ganja any different?

keep rocking your mercury vapor lamps and your coffee can weed storage technique
keep rocking your mercury vapor lamps and your coffee can weed storage technique

LOL ok.....shitty day and just finally smoked. It's not about evolving with tech......I love tech....I try everything new that I can. But it's not always better. How do you store your weed? Turkey bags or glass jars?
Cigars are processed to the exact moisture and then sealed in whatever wrapping or packaging they come in - its a basic dry and store procedure the same as weed your still overcomplicating and twisting context.

We have discussed the tobacco industry a while back even to the degree of the enzymatic chemical in its leaves that leaves it a golden brown not green product etc etc etc :-)

that's a whole lot of gibberish. i'm not even sure what your point is if you even have one.

people have been storing quality cigars in humidity controlled enviros for years. how is ganja any different?

keep rocking your mercury vapor lamps and your coffee can weed storage technique
Question - Why am i refering to real scienxe and stating exact processes yet none of your ways seem too. Ya boveda but wheres the factual write up or responses..... :-)
Just wondering when someone's gonna slap a weed sticker on a water activity meter used in the food industry and call it a new cannabis product