Bi-Partisan Senate report calls for sweeping effort to stop Russian trolls on social media platforms.


Well-Known Member
I understand what he is saying, because I've been saying the same thing since Nixon was reelected.

College education is a good indicator, although I've read that only 20 percent of people attend college. What really explains it is that almost half of all people have an IQ that is below 100. That explains a lot!

For sure, but without knowing if they mean of the total population (0.20*330mil) vs. 20% of adults or something else. But even still, look at the opportunities for the younger generations to get a college education now. Even if it is mostly unusable arts degrees, they have learned far more than they would have otherwise, and they have a better idea of what their kids should learn to have a even better chance at doing at least as well as they did.

If the kids today keep up they will continue to build on what we as a nation have been building up since our founding. People like to talk shit about it, but really I find it kind of amazing what we have as a society now. Things like the internet, last 20 years or so? But even mores our road system, electrical grids, schools/public buildings, water/sewage lines (even though they loved lead back in the day causing problems), on and on. We need to do work to get them updated, but we have as a nation really done a lot of work as we sprawled out into the suburbs.

We will have to do things much cleaner/efficient/greener going forward, but for real people are waking up to it.

And maybe most importantly, white males are starting to have to give the other 70?% of the populations best and brightest the opportunity to shine in leadership roles. That bottleneck of talent being opened up imo is going to be what saves us in about 10-15 years.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
a 100 i.q. doesn't mean the same thing it used to....100 is the "average" i.q.....but the 100 they use now isn't the same 100 they used ten, twenty years's the average i.q.....but if people have been getting stupider (and they have, trust me)..then the 100 we use now is probably no better than a 70 was 20 years ago....that means our average person now was a moron by the standards of just a generation ago....which means to me that a "genius" now is barely average to our 1900, they taught you literature, writing and grammar, math, which included algebra, trig, and geometry, latin, history, and a language, usually french or german...the questions were hard, and you were expected to give coherent answers....students today would fail the first day....they'd be expelled the second they started playing with a phone...they're fucking idiots, and we just let them be idiots...


Well-Known Member
a 100 i.q. doesn't mean the same thing it used to....100 is the "average" i.q.....but the 100 they use now isn't the same 100 they used ten, twenty years's the average i.q.....but if people have been getting stupider (and they have, trust me)..then the 100 we use now is probably no better than a 70 was 20 years ago....that means our average person now was a moron by the standards of just a generation ago....which means to me that a "genius" now is barely average to our 1900, they taught you literature, writing and grammar, math, which included algebra, trig, and geometry, latin, history, and a language, usually french or german...the questions were hard, and you were expected to give coherent answers....students today would fail the first day....they'd be expelled the second they started playing with a phone...they're fucking idiots, and we just let them be idiots...
And on that phone, they could turn around write a shitty grammar'd paper, toss it into some translator that fixes all the grammar errors, and spits it out in 40 different languages with pictures well placed throughout their paper from around the world.

The history we were taught has a lot of white privilege in it that white washed a lot of things and made some seriously bad conclusions. And today with programming, a lot of math being done is able to use programming to do far more than ever before. It is pretty outstanding what is happening now. But it is also why it is so easy to use online data in such a weaponized way against us.

But most of all, kids today won't have the same level of lead exposure as we did. Which should mean that they will have more brainpower as a whole more and more as we replace the lead throughout our homes/cities.

Lead exposure is one of the most common preventable poisonings of childhood. Data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) show that 6% of all children ages 1-2 years and 11% of black (non-Hispanic) children ages 1-5 years have blood lead levels in the toxic range. Lead is a potent poison that can affect individuals at any age. Children with developing bodies are especially vulnerable because their rapidly developing nervous systems are particularly sensitive to the effects of lead.

Almost all children in the United States are exposed to some lead. Common sources include lead paint and lead contained in water and soil. Housing built before 1950 has the greatest risks of containing lead-based paint. Some children may also eat or swallow chips of paint (eating unusual/nonnutritious things is called pica) which increases their risk of exposure to lead.

Exposure to lead can have a wide range of effects on a child's development and behavior. Even when exposed to small amounts of lead levels, children may appear inattentive, hyperactive, and irritable. Children with greater lead levels may also have problems with learning and reading, delayed growth, and hearing loss. At high levels, lead can cause permanent brain damage and even death.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
that's exactly the same as hiring someone smarter than you to do your work, then putting your name on (not you in particular) are incapable of doing a fucking thing without your phone...they used to build skyscrapers without one piece of electronic equipment....and they're still standing to this day.
how many works of literature have been written in the last 50 years?....a few....thousand of hacked up, badly written pieces of shit, a few modern classics....
how many great movies in the last 10 years? that aren't comic book rip offs? kids book rip offs? any kind of book rip offs?...NONE, not a motherfucking one.....
kids may be ingesting less lead, but they're still shitting out the same garbage......


Well-Known Member
that's exactly the same as hiring someone smarter than you to do your work, then putting your name on (not you in particular) are incapable of doing a fucking thing without your phone
I think of this like wearing glasses though. There was once a time people would not have the luxury of having glasses if they couldn't see as well, but now we have glasses, no reason to expect people to not wear glasses just because one day there might not be glasses. Kind of thing, idk, I just smoked and don't know if that makes sense.
..they used to build skyscrapers without one piece of electronic equipment...and they're still standing to this day.
We have done some remarkable things as a species. I don't think that means people can't build on what we have learned throughout history.
how many works of literature have been written in the last 50 years?....a few....thousand of hacked up, badly written pieces of shit, a few modern many great movies in the last 10 years? that aren't comic book rip offs? kids book rip offs? any kind of book rip offs?...NONE, not a motherfucking one.....
There are so much content in the world it is hard to imagine anyone even coming close to being able to say that is true. Of just the ones I have read I have really enjoyed a lot of books and movies. Marley and Me was a great book that is recent, Harry Potter might be somewhat of a rip off, but is still really a great series, I read a great fantasy/military book series a while back I forget the name of. Same with movies, there are a too many movies to know if this is the case or not and very taste/mood specific. Also find I don't get as excited about stuff as I used to as I did when I was a younger, so its hard to even know until much further into the future.
kids may be ingesting less lead, but they're still shitting out the same garbage......
lol true enough. But there will be more and more that are not shitting out the same garbage though is my bet.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
glasses don't do your thinking for you...they don't solve equations for you....they don't enable you to not develop your own memory...
your brain needs activity, it needs to think, and be used, or it atrophies, and withers....but who cares, as long as i have my phone.....¿

people will not build on what they have learned, because what they have learned is that they don't have to do their own thinking, they have an answer machine in their pockets, and a memory, neither of which will actually think for them...just vomit out stored answers...

the lack of originality in entertainment is a sign, a symptom of our culture stagnating, we have no imaginations, we just endlessly recycle the dreams of our ancestors, never having an original dream of our own...which is caused by not using our minds enough...
don't live the faded, rehashed, tired old dreams of hollywood, go out into the world and dream your own dreams. they're in better definition than the movies....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
i was watching an animated short on netflix, where three robots go on vacation to a post apocalyptic city. i thought it was pretty good, but as i was thinking about it, it was just rehashing stuff from terminator, wall-e, even futurama....
some rehashed, unoriginal stuff can be entertaining, until you start to think about it....


Well-Known Member
I understand what he is saying, because I've been saying the same thing since Nixon was reelected.

College education is a good indicator, although I've read that only 20 percent of people attend college. What really explains it is that almost half of all people have an IQ that is below 100. That explains a lot!

Absolutely. What's more damaging is that the people who never attend college actually think they are smart. They're too uneducated to see how stupid they actually are in the grand scheme of things which only adds to the problem.

Live in Oklahoma for a while and see stupidity rampant. Very very scary. Never seen so much stupid in all my travels.
They're the same way in South Georgia or any rural area for that matter. You can always tell who they are when they come to Atlanta because no matter which rural area they come from they're all the same: they walk around looking at everything with their mouth open.


Well-Known Member
glasses don't do your thinking for you...they don't solve equations for you....they don't enable you to not develop your own memory...
your brain needs activity, it needs to think, and be used, or it atrophies, and withers....but who cares, as long as i have my phone.....¿

people will not build on what they have learned, because what they have learned is that they don't have to do their own thinking, they have an answer machine in their pockets, and a memory, neither of which will actually think for them...just vomit out stored answers...

the lack of originality in entertainment is a sign, a symptom of our culture stagnating, we have no imaginations, we just endlessly recycle the dreams of our ancestors, never having an original dream of our own...which is caused by not using our minds enough...
don't live the faded, rehashed, tired old dreams of hollywood, go out into the world and dream your own dreams. they're in better definition than the movies....
There is plenty of brain activity going on, I think it is kind of insulting to think someone is not using their brain because they are using a computer though. I really am kind of stumped at how to best explain how freeing it is to use computers in mathematics. People still have to understand how to do the equations, and build up a strong understanding of why the things work the way they do when they use technology.

Being able to run simulations alone is unbelievably helpful. It frees people up to be more imaginative and accurate.

I really don't think our entertainment is stagnating either, but it is so subjective just because I find something great you might not. I just really have enjoyed the explosion of movies/tv/online stuff in the last decade, and really look forward to what is coming next.


Well-Known Member
“The harm will come when bad actors in countries beyond Ukraine see how easy it is to use fiction and innuendo to manipulate our system. In such circumstances, the only interests that will be served are those of our strategic adversaries, like Russia, that spread chaos and attack the institutions and norms that the U.S. helped create and which we have benefited from for the last 75 years.” - Former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie L. Yovanovitch to the House Impeachment Committee 10/11/2019

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
There is plenty of brain activity going on, I think it is kind of insulting to think someone is not using their brain because they are using a computer though. I really am kind of stumped at how to best explain how freeing it is to use computers in mathematics. People still have to understand how to do the equations, and build up a strong understanding of why the things work the way they do when they use technology.

Being able to run simulations alone is unbelievably helpful. It frees people up to be more imaginative and accurate.

I really don't think our entertainment is stagnating either, but it is so subjective just because I find something great you might not. I just really have enjoyed the explosion of movies/tv/online stuff in the last decade, and really look forward to what is coming next.
insulting or not, i GUARANTEE you, if you could take a teenager from 1900, and a teenager from now, and talk to them both at the same time, ask them both the same questions, you'd think the teenager from now was brain damaged, and you wouldn't be far from wrong...they're brain atrophied, from serious under use

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
my dad knew how to take a car apart (or a semi, his actual job) and put it back together so it ran better than before...he knew how to build a house from the ground up, wiring, plumbing, even drawing the blue prints. when i had trouble in algebra, and later trig, he's the one who showed me how to do what i needed to do...he grew a garden every year, and did all the repairs to our house that ever needed to be made, and the stuff he fixed stayed fixed. and he did it all from memory.
find me someone now who can do half of that from memory. find me a kid now who can do a god damn thing from memory, except fuck with his phone....


Well-Known Member
insulting or not, i GUARANTEE you, if you could take a teenager from 1900, and a teenager from now, and talk to them both at the same time, ask them both the same questions, you'd think the teenager from now was brain damaged, and you wouldn't be far from wrong...they're brain atrophied, from serious under use
Which kid would be more likely to call an adult out for saying something incorrect, and be confident enough to tell an adult what they know to be correct? Which one is more inclusive in their social groups and less likely to be racially/gender biased? Which one is going to know more about the world they live in outside of what their parents tell them? Those things will allow more of the newer generations best and brightest to have opportunities to be successful. And just because a lot of the same kids who parents would have just told them to not come on until the street lights come on back in the day today stuff their kid in front of a screen, doesn't mean that they are not learning new things all of the time.

I don't know, what I am saying feels like generalizations, which I try to stay away from, but I just don't buy the whole 'brain atrophy' thing. And knowing what I can do with a computer vs what what I would have had to do 30 years ago means I can be far more efficient with my time (and have consistently more accurate results), I don't see technology as a bad thing in the least.

A lot of brainpower goes into knowing how to look up/use technology to its fullest ability.


Well-Known Member
Breaking News: Senate produces report denouncing it's own tactics for winning several house seats in 2018!
Racist/Evangelicals have been using online trolling for over a decade. Pretty sure Obama was able to target with data in a similar fashion.

The difference is Russia/ other Trump foreign based trolls attacking our electorate is that they don't have to follow our laws and report what they are doing, and by spending hundreds of millions to get their picked candidate of choice elected using weaponized trolling, they are picking the worst outcomes to make us weaker.

It is a shame what is going to happen to Russia for this when the world shakes off all of the bullshit they have caused..

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Which kid would be more likely to call an adult out for saying something incorrect, and be confident enough to tell an adult what they know to be correct? Which one is more inclusive in their social groups and less likely to be racially/gender biased? Which one is going to know more about the world they live in outside of what their parents tell them? Those things will allow more of the newer generations best and brightest to have opportunities to be successful. And just because a lot of the same kids who parents would have just told them to not come on until the street lights come on back in the day today stuff their kid in front of a screen, doesn't mean that they are not learning new things all of the time.

I don't know, what I am saying feels like generalizations, which I try to stay away from, but I just don't buy the whole 'brain atrophy' thing. And knowing what I can do with a computer vs what what I would have had to do 30 years ago means I can be far more efficient with my time (and have consistently more accurate results), I don't see technology as a bad thing in the least.

A lot of brainpower goes into knowing how to look up/use technology to its fullest ability.
i'm not talking about which one is more socially comfortable, i'm talking about the results of a good education versus a bad one, and the difference between a person who grew up HAVING to learn and remember things, versus someone whose attitude is why bother, i can look it up instantly....? what happens when they can't lok it up instantly? what happens when the internet is down? everyone just hangs out doing nothing till it comes back up? what if it doesn't? might happen...a good solar flare could knock out half the satellites orbiting the planet, and cause a lot of damage to more sensitive equipment on the ground.
don't even want to go into intentional damage, through sabotage or outright warfare... people are fucking nuts, how much would it take for some disgruntled snowflake to do some serious damage?


Well-Known Member
i'm not talking about which one is more socially comfortable, i'm talking about the results of a good education versus a bad one, and the difference between a person who grew up HAVING to learn and remember things, versus someone whose attitude is why bother, i can look it up instantly....? what happens when they can't lok it up instantly? what happens when the internet is down? everyone just hangs out doing nothing till it comes back up? what if it doesn't? might happen...a good solar flare could knock out half the satellites orbiting the planet, and cause a lot of damage to more sensitive equipment on the ground.
don't even want to go into intentional damage, through sabotage or outright warfare... people are fucking nuts, how much would it take for some disgruntled snowflake to do some serious damage?
Then they hit the books for the tables that are all dusty in the library. People will still be able to do the same stuff if the worst case scenario happens, it will just get slowed way down. And it would get rebuild very quickly since the infrastructure would all still be there.

I do think we need to come up with a way to record everything we know in a way that 10,000 years from now if the world did have a global extinction event if people found it they would be able to have all of the stuff we have learned up to this point. Right now everything is pretty impermanent from the little I have seen. I might well be wrong, but if something did happen, we could go to a library now, but I would not have a clue of where to go to find a full recorded history that would last as long as something like the Rosetta stone.

But this is why I said the whole glasses thing, I am sure people would have been just as likely to say 'one day you won't have those things and be screwed', same with books and any other technological advance in history, people will always pine of the old days being somehow superior.


Well-Known Member
Total McCarthyism and paranoia. Russia? Their GDP is 1/10 ours and they are still beholden to the bank of international settlements. Look for dual citizens in our congress + massive lobbying and you will find your collusion.


Well-Known Member
Total McCarthyism and paranoia. Russia? Their GDP is 1/10 ours and they are still beholden to the bank of international settlements. Look for dual citizens in our congress + massive lobbying and you will find your collusion.

Your dual-citizen thing is just more propaganda.

Is this what you are just reduced to, continual regurgitation of already debunked Russian propaganda? Not even worried about trying to seem credible anymore?


Well-Known Member

Your dual-citizen thing is just more propaganda.

Is this what you are just reduced to, continual regurgitation of already debunked Russian propaganda? Not even worried about trying to seem credible anymore?
how is dual citizens a myth? 67 congressmen/women are dual Israeli citizens... AIPAC pumping millions and buying Congress?? Next thing you know Iran deal = reversed? Jerusalem = capital? Golan heights? Get real dude you have your head in the sand. Stop watching fake new.