lights, camera, procrastination.

I was gonna reply to your post but I figured I'd better wait...
in Portugal we used to say " ta manha" which basically means put it off til tomorrow...its probably why nothing gets done over there (:

very pretty @lukio . anything you do special at the end to bring out the purples?
cheers dude, i'll normally drop the temps a touch around weeks 8-9 but that Brandywine would turn anyways. im a sucker for the colours, i love autumn.

Had some problems last round too, which i wouldnt mind getting some opinions on...i keep changing my mind as to what it was.
I had savage leaf tipping on most strains that looked like a K deficiency but i cant really work out why. The thing thats thrown me is i recently forgot to add calcium to a rez and this started to happen again..

Here it is last grow
Screenshot 2019-10-10 at 01.59.21.png

These guys say maybe a calcium deficiency, which im leaning towards cause i use RO water and the Megacrop Cal ppm' are kinda low imo at ~60ppm...

Screenshot 2019-10-10 at 02.06.55.png

what do we reckon peeps?
where were you located?
South coast, dude. The Algarve. I did ten years there and my mum still lives there. The older i get the more i miss it, man. Plus i reaallllyyyy wanna grow in the house over there cause the ceilings are really tall (: one day...when im done with day...and if my skint hippie mum doesnt sell haha! nice coffee too

Where did you visit? tis a beautiful place...
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Where did you visit? tis a beautiful place...
started off in Porto. few days there. then up the Douro to Pinhao via train. then up to Lisbon, then Guimaraes and then to Peneda Geres National park. wish we could have stayed much much longer
Yes I've tried the Omni, briefly, friend also burned the shit out of his hand, lol, idiot. Their probably closest to combustion obviously, Max effects. Also indestructible as far as I can tell, big pro

Would be a home rig if I ever go for one, not looking like a crackhead on the streets. That's where the grasshopper shines, stealth.

Something to think about, vape budget is empty atm
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started off in Porto. few days there. then up the Douro to Pinhao via train. then up to Lisbon, then Guimaraes and then to Peneda Geres National park. wish we could have stayed much much longer
Sounds great, some places i never checked out. Lisbon's great, loved Sintra and Cascais up north.

dynavap m + 14 to 10mm adapter
This! its such a great vape...have you seen the induction heaters? ive been tempted for a while but they're pretty pricey.

not looking like a crackhead on the streets
haha! ive been looked at weird for sure...its definitely cracky...
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i don‘t care about waiting a few secs to heat it up, kind of a ritual. also only using a one flame heater, friends of mine use 3 and 4 flame heater but they are too fast for my liking. i always feel its more "exact" with just a single flame
Those conduction heaters are expensive for what they are.

Check Reddit, vaporents, for a diy guide around 40 bucks with China parts.
Whats your plan for the strips? Led tech gave me the spectrum, its pretty insane
not much of a plan really...

i'm basically just building this Screenshot 2019-08-22 at 21.17.49.pngScreenshot 2019-08-13 at 22.00.59.png (probably badly)
and throwing the red strips in because... not sure! waddya reckon? will it end in flames and disaster or massive sticky buds? im undecided

Pulling up a seat (rock)
LOL! smooth 8-)
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dynavap m + 14 to 10mm adapter retired even my liger v3 and rosin dabs. one big dynavap hit with the rig hits as hard as a dab and comes with ALL the terpenes
i checked out a video of the dynavap M. that does look pretty cool. could you explain the 14 to 10 adapter part por favor?
Sounds great, some places i never checked out. Lisbon's great, loved Sintra and Cascais up north.
we really loved the whole country. super friendly people, great food and wine, still fairly cheap compared to other parts of Europe. Sintra was one place I tried to add to our itinerary but we couldn't fit it in. We lucked out and really loved Soajo (close to the Peneda/Geres park way up north).
thanks Lukio! that's pretty sweet setup with the bong attached. would fit my rig too with that adapter
ahhh man just do it! single flame torch/lighter thingy and youre golden.

you can also get a dynacoil thing you can stick in it so you can vape concentrates. i instantly lost mine though lol
