are these magic mushrooms

so poisonous and safe look the same?

According to Brown University, “Misidentification is one of the biggest dangers to taking psilocybin mushrooms.” These drugs themselves are not technically poisonous, although they do contain dangerous chemicals, but certain other fungi that are very poisonous sometimes look very similar. “It is… difficult to determine what genus of mushroom you have,” especially if you do not know much about the drugs themselves. Therefore, those who use these substances can possibly encounter some very dangerous results if they accidentally ingest a poisonous mushroom.
I agree with what has already been said. If you are not confident do not take them. Psilocybin fungi will often express a blue or purple tinge but that is in no way a 100% guarantee they will not harm you. "if in doubt, do without"

There are many spore syringe suppliers out there. With a little research you can grow your own. Paul Stamets has some great books out to help you on your way. Visit Fungi Perfecti.

BE safe and good luck.

so poisonous and safe look the same?
How are you 90% sure they’re trippy ones but don’t know that it’s hard to tell poisonous and safe mushrooms apart? Don’t be eating any mushrooms YOU find jeez
Do some research before popping random fungi in your mouth. That’s just a straight terrible idea. Plenty of apps and info online so you don’t KILL yourself
They look a lil fresh to turn blue yet
Actually they will usually turn blue instantly when they are fresh if you bruise the flesh at all.

I can definitively say that none of the mushrooms in this thread are magic mushrooms.

The mushrooms the OP posted are clearly bruised and damaged but did not turn blue, and they have tanish yellow stipes, and they should be white.

The one that ozak posted is probably a type of aminita, I'm not gonna bother trying to figure out which type because it doesn't matter, its not a psilocybe mushroom.