Bernie Sanders hospitalized for heart surgery.

You still haven't said why taxation ISN'T theft. It involves a transfer of property without the consent of the owner and uses threats (ultimately death threats too) against people who balk. That's theft via extortion.
How the proceeds of a theft are spent aren't a disproof of the theft.

I compost everything, recycle and repurpose mostly. I get water from a private supply.

I don't want to be a freeloader. Happy to pay for the things I consensually contract for. I don't have the right to make contracts for you on your behalf without your explicit individual consent as if you were my slave though.

Why do you like other people to do that, why would you want to impose that on others? Why do you force people to do things without their consent ?
So you compost your own shit ?:roll: What type of compost system do you use ?
Private water source as in well or rain collection ?
So you compost your own shit ?:roll: What type of compost system do you use ?
Private water source as in well or rain collection ?
Getting water delivered isn't that expensive, and the American sasquatch is not known to be the least stinky of species.

So you compost your own shit ?:roll: What type of compost system do you use ?
Private water source as in well or rain collection ?

I have had and or constructed outhouses, compost toilets, both homemade and store bought in the past, as well as more traditional private stone and gravel septic systems. Pardon the expression, but I'm thinking you don't know shit about composting shit.

Private water source = yes.

You seem like you wouldn't last very long living in the country without the Nanny State to change your diapers for you.
The resident pedophile seems to be unaware that you have to agree to pay taxes before any can be taken

His arguments are worse than his shitty propaganda. No wonder he loses every argument he’s in and everyone agrees he’s a pedophile
The resident pedophile seems to be unaware that you have to agree to pay taxes before any can be taken

His arguments are worse than his shitty propaganda. No wonder he loses every argument he’s in and everyone agrees he’s a pedophile

"you have to agree" is the proof that your argument is disengenuos, Poopy Dupe.
And now, what Sanders supporters are saying about all of this:


“Realistically, I can’t support a candidate who doesn’t transcend human mortality.”

“That’s fine, I’ll vote for a corpse if it comes to it.”


“We’re never going to make any progress in this country if we keep sticking to surgeries that are only minimally invasive.”

Kamala Harris Undergoes Heart Surgery After Seeing Positive Reception For Sanders
WASHINGTON—Calling the procedure an “absolute necessity” to save her campaign, sources confirmed Thursday that Kamala Harris was rushed into emergency heart surgery immediately after seeing the positive reception Bernie Sanders received. “After seeing a sudden surge in thoughts, prayers, and monetary donations received by the Sanders 2020 campaign, Mrs. Harris was rushed into the operating room where doctors promptly inserted stents into several of her arteries,” said campaign manager Juan Rodriguez, adding that although she’d only been awake for a few hours, the surgery had already allowed the Democratic candidate to gain four points in the polls and grace the front page of every major national newspaper.

Hopefully at the next debates Biden will tell us that after what happened to Bernie he has decided to drop out as well before he also has a heart attack.
Shakes hands with everyone on stage and waves goodbye.
Hello President Elizabeth Warren!! Finally the First Female President of the United States of America!!
By all means, get all those 70 year olds out of there. Bring in the young blood.

Wait, I thought. . . . . . . .
It doesn't matter how Bernie feels in a few weeks.

Voters see the oldest man in the race having heart problems before he even takes office. He's done. He has no chance anymore.

says who?

Bernie Sanders Raises Massive $25.3 Million in Third Quarter
The quarter is among his best in both presidential campaigns he’s run and perhaps the largest of the 2020 cycle thus far.

since they don't release the correct polling info, how we let everyone know- this we can control:wink::mrgreen:

PS the heart attack makes him more real in which others can relate- it was a plus.
Well it looks like for now that bernie won't drop out. He's unelectable now, the numbers say he will be dead before he can serve a second term if elected. No reason to stay in unless he wants to sabotage the democrats.
says who?

Bernie Sanders Raises Massive $25.3 Million in Third Quarter
The quarter is among his best in both presidential campaigns he’s run and perhaps the largest of the 2020 cycle thus far.

since they don't release the correct polling info, how we let everyone know- this we can control:wink::mrgreen:

PS the heart attack makes him more real in which others can relate- it was a plus.
He is behind in the polls, he is damaged goods. A heart attack does not make him more real, it makes him more defective. Let’s see if he can make it to the next stage before dropping dead. Watch him be popping nitro tabs on stage to stop the next heart attack. His team is damn good at collecting money that’s for sure.
So I’m expecting a big announcement from him soon saying that in light of his failing health and ability to go on he will be donating all of his campaign money to Elizabeth Warrens campaign.:D That’s the most honest and courageous and commendable thing to do at this point.