A Guide To Colloidal Silver

hmm, so this morning I checked it and i had 94ppm, so I pulled it for the day. went to work, checked it agin, 8 ppm, lol. So something must of been fucked up this morning. letting it run again, been wiping it a lot, but maybe my pointer just sucks and I need something stronger (i'm using the laser beam from a heat thermometer, makes a red dot across the room so i figured it would work. i'm not sure what else to do. its definetly working, just SUPER slowly.
Is the solution clear?
Huge update! I think they're getting ready to pop!
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Woo!! congrats! You're about to be a daddy!

yeah. i dont seem to be getting any sludge buildup despite it having to be wiped off the silver, nor does my laser seem to pick anything up. peculiar.
Hmm... You might wanna try new batteries or a new laser pointer. I can't imagine it running for so long withotu producing any silver particles in the water. We'll get it all figured out for you, soon.
Are you spraying the entire plant? I would, as it gets more silver into the system to combat ethylene levels.

Interesting. I'd heard when spraying to focus on the nodes where flowers ("sex organs") usually appear. Didn't know about copper's role in ethylene suppression.

I've recently started spraying a few clones of outdoor hardy girls with silver thiosulfate at the nodes and am now waiting for balls to form. Looks like somethings happening, but still a little early.

Maybe I'll try a controlled experiment next time, two sister clones, one focusing on the nodes and one spraying the entire plant as you recommended. When I've used colloidal silver in the past, I focused on the nodes and successfully got male flowers, but not as many as a normal male plant. Would you say I should expect more male flowers if I totally drench the entire plant ?
Woo!! congrats! You're about to be a daddy!

Hmm... You might wanna try new batteries or a new laser pointer. I can't imagine it running for so long withotu producing any silver particles in the water. We'll get it all figured out for you, soon.
yeah, it has to be. My PPM pen is saying a solid 14-15 ppm now so I KNOW something is happening. probably just a sucky pointer. oh well. if its strong I'll just dilute it a little bit? we'll see, its all a learning experience!
so today I had a TON of buildup on my wires, and up to 20ppm, so its definetly working but at a much slower pace. I am guessing I am just giving it next to no power.
If you are serious about reversing female Cannabis, you need to abandon the "colloidal silver" scam.

You need chelated ionic silver. The pros use STS, silver thiosulfate solution.

Here's the recipe. You can buy the two necessary reagents on Amazon. Three, if you have difficulty sourcing real distilled water.

Step 1 is to make two stock solutions.

Part A: weigh out 2.00 grams of silver nitrate (ACS reagent is preferred, but anything north of 99% purity is ok. USP is good too.) and dilute with DISTILLED water to a final volume of 500 ml.

Part B: weigh out 11.90 grams sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate (ACS or USP grades) and dissolve in distilled water; adjust to 500 ml.

The working solution is 1 part A, 1 part B and 8 parts distilled water. Store cool and DARK. Spray this on the girls you wish to reverse. It might take repeat applications. The stock solutions keep indefinitely, and the ready working solution should be good for months if you store it well.

But 20 ppm is 180 micromolar, assuming all 20 ppm are silver ion (f.w. 108.9 g/mol), which is a bad assumption. 50 micromolar is more likely. (And silver ion is the actual active principle in "colloidal" silver solutions. The purveyors of chemical woo like to conceal that fact, alongside the fact that electrochemically-generated silver solutions are a: unstable and b: of wildly variable initial Ag+ titer.) The solution I'm describing for you is about 2.5 millimolar in silver ion (so maybe 50 times as concentrated as your wire tea), and since one is using soluble ionic feedstocks, it'll be the same molar strength each time, every time.
If you are serious about reversing female Cannabis, you need to abandon the "colloidal silver" scam.

You need chelated ionic silver. The pros use STS, silver thiosulfate solution.

Here's the recipe. You can buy the two necessary reagents on Amazon. Three, if you have difficulty sourcing real distilled water.

Step 1 is to make two stock solutions.

Part A: weigh out 2.00 grams of silver nitrate (ACS reagent is preferred, but anything north of 99% purity is ok. USP is good too.) and dilute with DISTILLED water to a final volume of 500 ml.

Part B: weigh out 11.90 grams sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate (ACS or USP grades) and dissolve in distilled water; adjust to 500 ml.

The working solution is 1 part A, 1 part B and 8 parts distilled water. Store cool and DARK. Spray this on the girls you wish to reverse. It might take repeat applications. The stock solutions keep indefinitely, and the ready working solution should be good for months if you store it well.

But 20 ppm is 180 micromolar, assuming all 20 ppm are silver ion (f.w. 108.9 g/mol), which is a bad assumption. 50 micromolar is more likely. (And silver ion is the actual active principle in "colloidal" silver solutions. The purveyors of chemical woo like to conceal that fact, alongside the fact that electrochemically-generated silver solutions are a: unstable and b: of wildly variable initial Ag+ titer.) The solution I'm describing for you is about 2.5 millimolar in silver ion (so maybe 50 times as concentrated as your wire tea), and since one is using soluble ionic feedstocks, it'll be the same molar strength each time, every time.
Oh yes I can attest to this working perfectly! C99 and GG#4 fems were perfect examples and oh so many more. That was sweet of you to share.
If you are serious about reversing female Cannabis, you need to abandon the "colloidal silver" scam.

You need chelated ionic silver. The pros use STS, silver thiosulfate solution.

Here's the recipe. You can buy the two necessary reagents on Amazon. Three, if you have difficulty sourcing real distilled water.

Step 1 is to make two stock solutions.

Part A: weigh out 2.00 grams of silver nitrate (ACS reagent is preferred, but anything north of 99% purity is ok. USP is good too.) and dilute with DISTILLED water to a final volume of 500 ml.

Part B: weigh out 11.90 grams sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate (ACS or USP grades) and dissolve in distilled water; adjust to 500 ml.

The working solution is 1 part A, 1 part B and 8 parts distilled water. Store cool and DARK. Spray this on the girls you wish to reverse. It might take repeat applications. The stock solutions keep indefinitely, and the ready working solution should be good for months if you store it well.

But 20 ppm is 180 micromolar, assuming all 20 ppm are silver ion (f.w. 108.9 g/mol), which is a bad assumption. 50 micromolar is more likely. (And silver ion is the actual active principle in "colloidal" silver solutions. The purveyors of chemical woo like to conceal that fact, alongside the fact that electrochemically-generated silver solutions are a: unstable and b: of wildly variable initial Ag+ titer.) The solution I'm describing for you is about 2.5 millimolar in silver ion (so maybe 50 times as concentrated as your wire tea), and since one is using soluble ionic feedstocks, it'll be the same molar strength each time, every time.
Are you referring to "colloidal" silver being mostly ionic silver? Or are you saying the method described int his thread doesn't work?
If you are serious about reversing female Cannabis, you need to abandon the "colloidal silver" scam.

You need chelated ionic silver. The pros use STS, silver thiosulfate solution.

Here's the recipe. You can buy the two necessary reagents on Amazon. Three, if you have difficulty sourcing real distilled water.

Step 1 is to make two stock solutions.

Part A: weigh out 2.00 grams of silver nitrate (ACS reagent is preferred, but anything north of 99% purity is ok. USP is good too.) and dilute with DISTILLED water to a final volume of 500 ml.

Part B: weigh out 11.90 grams sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate (ACS or USP grades) and dissolve in distilled water; adjust to 500 ml.

The working solution is 1 part A, 1 part B and 8 parts distilled water. Store cool and DARK. Spray this on the girls you wish to reverse. It might take repeat applications. The stock solutions keep indefinitely, and the ready working solution should be good for months if you store it well.

But 20 ppm is 180 micromolar, assuming all 20 ppm are silver ion (f.w. 108.9 g/mol), which is a bad assumption. 50 micromolar is more likely. (And silver ion is the actual active principle in "colloidal" silver solutions. The purveyors of chemical woo like to conceal that fact, alongside the fact that electrochemically-generated silver solutions are a: unstable and b: of wildly variable initial Ag+ titer.) The solution I'm describing for you is about 2.5 millimolar in silver ion (so maybe 50 times as concentrated as your wire tea), and since one is using soluble ionic feedstocks, it'll be the same molar strength each time, every time.
Really? Abandon colliodal silver? Here is what colliodal silver does. So easy and non toxic!Screenshot_20191001-193154.jpg
Are you referring to "colloidal" silver being mostly ionic silver? Or are you saying the method described int his thread doesn't work?
I'm saying both. Making ionic silver via the electrochemical route can work, but not consistently or reliably. Going with ionic feedstocks provides those two sterling (!) qualities.
Really? Abandon colliodal silver? Here is what colliodal silver does. So easy and non toxic!View attachment 4403354
As for non-toxic ... silver ion is toxic with a known dose-dependency, regardless of its method of preparation. Remember that "colloidal" silver is really a route to variable concentrations of the active ionic sort. Looks like yours was effective.

I posted a more reliable way to achieve the necessary silver ion concentration from available materials. There's more than one way to get the result as you've shown. But for those having results that are not so definite, I figured I'd post a different protocol.
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I'm saying both. Making ionic silver via the electrochemical route can work, but not consistently or reliably. Going with ionic feedstocks provides those two sterling (!) qualities.
I have yet to try the methods you mentioned, so I can't really comment on them, but what makes you say that using electricity to produce ionic silver is not consistent?

If you keep all of the factors consistent, the results should follow suit. Most people seem to have success with ionic silver production/use, without needing to examine every little detail, but if there are any issues that arise, checking the temperature, lighting, power source, silver source (quality/surface area/distance between electrodes), water quality, and production technique (cleaning electrodes / having and cleaning an air pump/stone), should quickly help remedy the problems.
woooo! Now i can see the laser through my solution, and i'm up to 29ppm. gonna keep riding this out to 40.

yeah I can understand what you mean by this being inconsistent, since the instructions say 24 hrs but i"m on day 5 now. seems to be working. I'm going to try the other method in the future too, I had just bought all the components to do this, so I'm going to try it. Learn, and move on. I like learning things. I'll learn and practice all methods to reproduce. I'd like to have a stock of reg and fem seeds of everything I have right now. Preserve my library.
I have yet to try the methods you mentioned, so I can't really comment on them, but what makes you say that using electricity to produce ionic silver is not consistent?

If you keep all of the factors consistent, the results should follow suit. Most people seem to have success with ionic silver production/use, without needing to examine every little detail, but if there are any issues that arise, checking the temperature, lighting, power source, silver source (quality/surface area/distance between electrodes), water quality, and production technique (cleaning electrodes / having and cleaning an air pump/stone), should quickly help remedy the problems.
The colloidal silver process is electrochemical. And practical electrochemistry needs two electrodes: the cathode and the anode. A silver anode will tend to allow silver to be oxidized at its surface, converting it to soluble (and biologically active) silver ion.
At the cathode, silver ion is easily reduced to insoluble metallic silver. In fact, it is the process with the steepest metal-favoring optential in the electrode's vicinity. Given multiple available outcomes, the one that reduces silver is preferred. This is the "black fur" that can form on the cathode: remetallized silver.

So what you end up with is a nonequilibrium steady state. Silver is being put into solution at the anode, and an equivalent amount is being deposited at the cathode.

How much is in "solution transit" between electrodes is a very complex result of what else is in the water, current density, temperature and other factors. This is why electrochemical i.e. "colloidal" silver solution formation has very variable outcomes. The factors involved are subtle and interactive. So you could set up two runs effectively the same, but have very different final silver ion concentrations. Messes with reproducibility.

Selecting fully ionic silver from the start takes that entire game of dice that dictates final silver ion concentration ... off the table. But ymmv so if your method has consistently worked, you're doing something right. And even though I have chemical training, I probably could not identify the winning factor. With silver nitrate as the starting material, I'm comfortably in "what you measure is what you get" territory, a good place for a practicing chemist to be. Let me know if I can usefully expand any of this.
Just WOW!
Went in the flower room September 12, so 25 days now. Stopped spraying yesterday because they look ready to open any time. Gonna friggin burst lol! I am waiting till the first ones open on their own before harvesting.
Don't know the ppm's, although I do have a meter, but I have a solid line through my silver with a laser pointer.


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@kev1968 Great to see that you have succeeded in turning you plant. My plant didn't turn and that was quite a disappointment. What I did instead was switch to STS method and that turned another clone that I took after a few sprays. Now I am going to pollinate and get some seeds. :D