If you are serious about reversing female Cannabis, you need to abandon the "colloidal silver" scam.
You need chelated ionic silver. The pros use STS, silver thiosulfate solution.
Here's the recipe. You can buy the two necessary reagents on Amazon. Three, if you have difficulty sourcing real distilled water.
Step 1 is to make two stock solutions.
Part A: weigh out 2.00 grams of silver nitrate (ACS reagent is preferred, but anything north of 99% purity is ok. USP is good too.) and dilute with DISTILLED water to a final volume of 500 ml.
Part B: weigh out 11.90 grams sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate (ACS or USP grades) and dissolve in distilled water; adjust to 500 ml.
The working solution is 1 part A, 1 part B and 8 parts distilled water. Store cool and DARK. Spray this on the girls you wish to reverse. It might take repeat applications. The stock solutions keep indefinitely, and the ready working solution should be good for months if you store it well.
But 20 ppm is 180 micromolar, assuming all 20 ppm are silver ion (f.w. 108.9 g/mol), which is a bad assumption. 50 micromolar is more likely. (And silver ion is the actual active principle in "colloidal" silver solutions. The purveyors of chemical woo like to conceal that fact, alongside the fact that electrochemically-generated silver solutions are a: unstable and b: of wildly variable initial Ag+ titer.) The solution I'm describing for you is about 2.5 millimolar in silver ion (so maybe 50 times as concentrated as your wire tea), and since one is using soluble ionic feedstocks, it'll be the same molar strength each time, every time.