Bernie Sanders hospitalized for heart surgery.

Why did you force others to teach you 1,2,3 children ? Could you also answer what were the means of transportation for your 1,2,3 children. Also what PUBLIC school did you attend ?

I never forced anybody to teach school, but I was forced to pay for government schools or have my kids home confiscated. Pity THAT kind of bullying is used to fund schools eh?

Are you suggesting that the only way a road could exist is for it to be administered via government? Because that's sort of an uneducated and limited way to view things.

I think you meant WHICH government school did I attend. You see, the word "what", isn't the right term to use in that kind of question. If you had paid more attention in school, you might have learned that.
Now that I know you're not actually against violence I won't waste my time.

This is an example of not paying attention. You see, I AM against violence, it's too bad that you're not.

If you support Tulsi, it would be impossible for you not to also not support violence.

Just because Tulsi has nice sound bites concerning the USA'S foreign empire doesn't mean she won't threaten violence against people in the USA if they fail to abide with her edicts here concerning her domestic policies. You seem eager to ignore that almost like if you ignore it, it won't be true...but it will.
I know this sounds kind of out there, but I kind of think it is something that a lot of guys have a really hard time with a female being in charge.

Why does anybody but you have to be "in charge" of you? Don't you like people to have equal rights of self determination?
Why does anybody but you have to be "in charge" of you? Don't you like people to have equal rights of self determination?
Mostly we are, but I understand that there are things that I need to rely on other people to keep the ball rolling. I don't know shit about electricity, but I am really happy there are people out there in charge of getting it to my house.
Mostly we are, but I understand that there are things that I need to rely on other people to keep the ball rolling. I don't know shit about electricity, but I am really happy there are people out there in charge of getting it to my house.

Nice low voltage sidestep of my assertive rhetorical question. Elizabeth Warren would be proud of you!
So the stable genius not only asked China to investigate Biden today but did so on another Super Secret Perfect Call Server conversation with President Xi in June. Chinese officials were reportedly perplexed by the call (having far more sense than self-professed stable genius Donald Trump) and side stepped the issue regardless of the man-child's entreaties.

What a corrupt piece of shit.
It sounds like women intimidate you. Good, they should because you are a sniveling worm.

You know it too. We all know you do.
You might want to get your hearing checked if that's what it sounds like to you. By the way. I went with the high tops fro pa. Extra ankle support, ya know?

You might want to get your hearing checked if that's what it sounds like to you. By the way. I went with the high tops fro pa. Extra ankle support, ya know?

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You made the right choice, Suck-a-dick.

By the way, I read your post (as opposed to listened to it) and it sounds like you might not have had sex with a woman. Don't worry little INCEL, you might find one with low enough standards eventually. Most of them will sense your intimidation immediately and avoid you like the plague. Keep trying. For you, it's basically a numbers game.
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I never forced anybody to teach school, but I was forced to pay for government schools or have my kids home confiscated. Pity THAT kind of bullying is used to fund schools eh?

Are you suggesting that the only way a road could exist is for it to be administered via government? Because that's sort of an uneducated and limited way to view things.

I think you meant WHICH government school did I attend. You see, the word "what", isn't the right term to use in that kind of question. If you had paid more attention in school, you might have learned that.
You know my thoughts on the English language … follar inglés
A qué escuela asistis.
Tell mom I said hello. dile a mamá que dije hola.

When will you tell me how you file ?
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You know my thoughts on the English language … follar inglés
A qué escuela asistis.
Tell mom I said hello. dile a mamá que dije hola.

When will you tell me how you file ?

Don't despair over your language abuse. I'll tutor you.

Let's start with letters.

I was driving 3 weeks after I had emergency surgery to repair my busted aorta

I'm sure Bernie will be back in that same time frame if not sooner. The problem though is the damage is already done. Even if he lives to be 100, people here and now see that as a weakness and they're not going to want to elect somebody they think will drop dead while he's getting sworn in.
Taxation is how we paid for your 3 boys to get a public education ? Who in your family DID NOT attend public schools ? How do you dispose of waste in your home ? who pays for that ? water source ? Why do you want to be a freeloader

You still haven't said why taxation ISN'T theft. It involves a transfer of property without the consent of the owner and uses threats (ultimately death threats too) against people who balk. That's theft via extortion.
How the proceeds of a theft are spent aren't a disproof of the theft.

I compost everything, recycle and repurpose mostly. I get water from a private supply.

I don't want to be a freeloader. Happy to pay for the things I consensually contract for. I don't have the right to make contracts for you on your behalf without your explicit individual consent as if you were my slave though.

Why do you like other people to do that, why would you want to impose that on others? Why do you force people to do things without their consent ?