New website looks great!

This change is huge! Everything looks bigger, way too big for my I phone. my key pad takes takes up about 3/4 of my phone screen so I am only left with a quarter riu screen to look at. :( But The smileys pop up better though.

Omg and my file I wanted to upload is too big to process, this is horrifying.
We have a few minor aesthetics to tweak and pictures are being fixed
We couldn’t bring our old interface back it wasn’t compatible with the new ine

Every time we update everyone always hates the new it’ll grow on you ;)
Last thing that delivered on that promise required surgery, j/s
When we get Dressed up, We want to put our Best Foot Forward. Look Good, Feel Good.
The Internet Never Sleeps, or Forgets, even long after we are gone.
Cannabis is a Social Plant, it brings us Together. Let's All Enjoy Nature at It's Finest.
Welcome Back RIU.