Please ban me from politics forum

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You've never brought a single valid point here. You just whine and complain about people who are in fact better than you in every way..

pokerdick is a pretty good example of the kind of losers who show up here expecting to have their bullshit welcomed. Not that I'm bothered by him being here but there is no reason to expect somebody posting in the Politics forum to be all welcoming and loving towards people who spew lies. Maybe Tokentalk. that shit flies. Here it just wears flies.

Anyway, perhaps preparation H will soothe your butthurt.
Another koolaid lover....
Twopump, answer honestly here

Have you ever heard an american say that they “make visit to” someone?
Honestly? No. But I haven’t seen him post that. I’ve seen him post about being a vet numerous times. In numerous threads. I’m assuming by now someone has doxed him, and he hasn’t been called out by anyone of importance for being a fraud so I believe him and and thankful for his service.

You and your goons have repeatedly called him a Russian troll so that’s on you. Not my call.

Like I said, you’ve reached an all time low.
The guy even posted his VA ID for fucks sake then you and @Fogdog tell him it’s fake and not him. How much lower can you guys get??

The plan was for them to get me to overreact, threaten them with violence, and then be removed from the site. I’ve finally stopped the masochism and have them all on ignore. Going to delete the personal pics but I’ll say this if anyone questions my service let another vet do it. They can easily sniff out a fake... btw I don’t think anything I did was that honorable and I don’t like vets that draw attention to themselves, but I did mention I was learning to grow to treat ptsd and in true leviathan fashion they exploited that.
The guy even posted his VA ID for fucks sake then you and @Fogdog tell him it’s fake and not him. How much lower can you guys get??
Its truly a race to the bottom of the barrel with some of these guys.

Sometimes I wonder if they know how they come across to the average user or if they are so caught up in their echo chamber they think the average user agrees with them
If yer nuts @potroast should ban you for your own good, if yer a veteran with PTSD.
If yer a Russian troll he should ban ya too
Ether way ya should be gone from here
The plan was for them to get me to overreact, threaten them with violence, and then be removed from the site. I’ve finally stopped the masochism and have them all on ignore. Going to delete the personal pics but I’ll say this if anyone questions my service let another vet do it. They can easily sniff out a fake... btw I don’t think anything I did was that honorable and I don’t like vets that draw attention to themselves, but I did mention I was learning to grow to treat ptsd and in true leviathan fashion they exploited that.
Building 7


Oh wow, Calling a vet a Russian troll. Bold move cotton
If you think he is a veteran, then help him. Tell him to go off line now, he is ill and it is doing him no good to be here in a delusional state.
Don't be a smartass, put a veteran first Munkey. Show us what ya got boy.

I did when I thought he was
If you think he is a veteran, then help him. Tell him to go off line now, he is ill and it is doing him no good to be here in a delusional state.
Don't be a smartass, put a veteran first Munkey. Show us what ya got boy.

I did when I thought he was
Think?? Has anyone of importance here called him out for lying?? I don’t mean you and buck. I said anyone of importance?

And don’t call me boy. I once posted that and the place went apeshit. You might get considered racist if you keep on.
You vape heads are amazing to actually(joking right?) to think a “real Russian troll) would visit to engage with the likes of you?
So the guy who said he “makes visit to” people was an american?

Not even twopump’s latest sock buys that

You have to be delusional or a Russian sock yourself to deny it
In true “master buck” fashion. Calling him nuts for having PTSD. Damn dude you’re Canadian fuck you for questioning an American vet. If anyone should be gone it’s you. At least the threads wouldn’t be as clogged.
What's wrong can't help another human being, don't you care ya fucking worm!
If you think he is a veteran, then help him. Tell him to go off line now, he is ill and it is doing him no good to be here in a delusional state.
Don't be a smartass, put a veteran first Munkey. Show us what ya got boy.

I did when I thought he was
Also he’s a grown ass man. He can do as he pleases. Who the fuck do you think you are telling everyone on here how to act and what to do?? And yes for those gonna day I’m triggered. You’re damn right. I have 0 tolerance for ass clowns questioning a veteran. Much less a Looney Canadian who’s dying to catch buck on post count.
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