Drying buds

I do it all the time. I like to mix apple and cherry.


But seriously don't do it.
In my basement this time of year my humidity stays at 55-60% and the temps are around 18-21C. Talk about a perfect spot to dry lol, in the winter/spring its so dry i need a humidifier.
I live in the south, USA. The humidity here is horrible, I have to run 2 to 3 humidifiers while drying my buds. It's a constant battle with mold every time. I have been lucky so far, but several people I know have lost crops because of it.
Many times and especially in the winter our humidity is really low, makes no difference to the drying process so no idea why some need humidifiers. Organic matter cant dry any faster than the cells allow water to be released :-)
Air exchange should defeat high humidity a lot just like how we defeat mold in grow tents :-)
I have an over abundance of air flow, running air conditioning unit and still it is like breathing water here. I used to live in the North, even in the summer the humidity wasn't that bad, but here in the deep South it is a bitch.
I have an over abundance of air flow, running air conditioning unit and still it is like breathing water here. I used to live in the North, even in the summer the humidity wasn't that bad, but here in the deep South it is a bitch.

Sucks but peeps dry bud in the same location and climate for many years with zero problems just hanging till dry - its why i bring it up and ask why you cant achieve the same. Makes everyone think they need de humid. and humidifiers :-)
Recently people seem to be using the most complex error prone methods and are clueless to the real art and knowledge of producing bud :-)
I agree with you on that. The plants have been here a lot longer than we have, and did fine without us. I have been growing it for longer than I bet 80% of the people on here have been pissing in the potty. And am learning new things about it every grow.
I have an over abundance of air flow, running air conditioning unit and still it is like breathing water here. I used to live in the North, even in the summer the humidity wasn't that bad, but here in the deep South it is a bitch.

I’m in the south too and am constantly worried about mold and rot.
The area around the leaf and stomata cavity ore often 100% humidity. Without air exchange mold will form but with it we see none.

People often forget the real world science and automatically assume high humidity is a problem :-)