your hobbies other then growing

i actually lived in Barnesville during school, when i moved to Fargo i lived above the Bismarck bar on Broadway for a couple of years, about 150 feet from the railroad tracks...not quite as bad as Elwood's apartment in Blues Brothers, but pretty interesting none the less
Yah der hey. Yah yah.
lets see...drit means shit, oof-dah =oh damn, oof-dah may = well god damn...that's about all the old drunken norwegian i can remember...i miss lefse, the old lady across the road and i had a deal, i would rake her lawn, and shovel her sidewalk, and she'd keep me supplied with fresh lefse...which is potato flour crepes...may not sound that good, but when they're nice and warm, with a little butter and cinnamon sugar...
and Barnesville was the county we had the fair every summer, 4 blocks from my house.
when i got old enough i started working for them when they came to town, helped them set up, and tear down, and ran a game a couple of years...i was one of the few kids i know who would come home from the fair with more money than i went with
lets see...drit means shit, oof-dah =oh damn, oof-dah may = well god damn...that's about all the old drunken norwegian i can remember...i miss lefse, the old lady across the road and i had a deal, i would rake her lawn, and shovel her sidewalk, and she'd keep me supplied with fresh lefse...which is potato flour crepes...may not sound that good, but when they're nice and warm, with a little butter and cinnamon sugar...
and Barnesville was the county we had the fair every summer, 4 blocks from my house.
when i got old enough i started working for them when they came to town, helped them set up, and tear down, and ran a game a couple of years...i was one of the few kids i know who would come home from the fair with more money than i went with
I like old ethnic areas of the United States I grew up in a area where German, Irish, Polish and Dutch neighborhoods all came together. Though far from there prime, the old world influence is everywhere.
Always been single, Always worked, so my free time has been devoted to I play many different musical instruments and build cigar box guitars, I own R.C. Drones, Monster Trucks, and have collected Pins and Sports cards since i was a kid. Now retired I like to Ride Bikes, Strain Hunt for my Cannabis database, Garden Indoors and Out, and "Bowl".
Always been single, Always worked, so my free time has been devoted to I play many different musical instruments and build cigar box guitars, I own R.C. Drones, Monster Trucks, and have collected Pins and Sports cards since i was a kid. Now retired I like to Ride Bikes, Strain Hunt for my Cannabis database, Garden Indoors and Out, and "Bowl".
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love the glass piece on the left.
i actually lived in Barnesville during school, when i moved to Fargo i lived above the Bismarck bar on Broadway for a couple of years, about 150 feet from the railroad tracks...not quite as bad as Elwood's apartment in Blues Brothers, but pretty interesting none the less

I know that downtown area around the Black bldg that houses the Forum. My Dad worked there. I had relatives in Barnesville. Didn't like them 50 years ago...I'm sure nothing changed. Good pheasant hunting there till they all froze to death.
I know that downtown area around the Black bldg that houses the Forum. My Dad worked there. I had relatives in Barnesville. Didn't like them 50 years ago...I'm sure nothing changed. Good pheasant hunting there till they all froze to death.
there were very few people i liked in Barnesville...when Stephen King talks about Derry, i see Barnesville in my head....
it wasn't that bad, but like any town, there was dirty laundry, and occasionally it got blown off that private line in the backyard out into the middle of main street...
there was dirty laundry, and occasionally it got blown off that private line in the backyard out into the middle of main street...

Nice use of metaphor. Mostly I remember my big Sis got knocked up by a Frenchman from Barnesville. I liked New York Mills...full of Icelanders and they had a public sauna that we used to go to.
a frenchman from barnesville......a don't recall any french people in town...of course i left Barnesville in.....1986 and have only made sporadic, short visits since then
70's Flashback....

Riley Wooten Double VooDoo.
The crashed unit was covered in tissue paper and dope. :eyesmoke:

I built this structure in the early 70's. Covered it in the 90's with high-tech monokote. :leaf:

I don't have a hobby, but I do have a few skills that have lead me to a variety of things to use up my free hours... Casting different metals using lost wax and sand casting, and i do small carvings.. I also use a couple homemade vacuum forming machine to make things out of abs plastic.....
Here's a few of my lost wax castings. Rings and bracelet, the small elephant was cut in half to make the catch.. I cut and polished the lapis, and the eye of the horse is a small ruby.. A friend wanted a handle for this old blade.. He past and never got to see it..


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I'm gonna bump this old thread.. There's gotta be a few of you forced to stay a home, and are stir crazy enough to pick up your old hobbies.. Or start new ones.. Jigsaw puzzles get old really fast... The garage has always been a make do, last resort man/woman cave. A place to just be alone with yourself, and be occupied with something that provides a temporary reality escape..
A timely thread. I was thinking of starting a thread on one of my hobbies but was unsure where to put it. I posted a couple of pictures in the 'what did you accomplish' thread and thought a thread on a build that I did might amuse some. I 'used to' build guitars but my growing took center stage. I am not sure if it would fit in the 'Music' area or the 'Art'. Or in toke and talk?


I trade stocks. Not just the odd ticker I have a hunch on but stocks I study on a daily basis. I've got 4 monitors on my desk. 95% of my trades are short, based on statistics.

I trade from 9:30 am EST until 4:00, then study after hours. Not enough, I should be studying more.

I'm profitable with trading but my account is so small fees and borrows eat up my profits.

I still get a rush when I take a trade, although it should be more mechanical by now. I sweat when I trade, I have to change at the end of the trading day.

Perfect hobby along side growing, it's great getting high all day long.
