Looking For A Guide To Hit 1LB Per Plant [In Soil]


Can someone link to an indoor grow journal / guide that produces easily to duplicate results for newbies?

I need something with tons of details from A-Z and ideally no information missing.

Is there a go to thread someone could point me to?
Can someone link to an indoor grow journal / guide that produces easily to duplicate results for newbies?

I need something with tons of details from A-Z and ideally no information missing.

Is there a go to thread someone could point me to?

Check out https://www.growweedeasy.com/ -- they have articles and step by step instructions just like you are asking about. Look under the "Start Here" pull down menu. You'll see one of the sections is called How to Grow Cannabis in Ten Easy Steps. Under Tutorials you'll see "Grow 4-7+ oz with a 250W HPS – Step-By-Step Beginner Tutorial"

As to the pound, well, uh, hmm, I think you'd be better served with more detailed goals, something like

1 Understand your growing environment and how much influence you can have on it.
What are your ambient temperatures and humidity for example
Are they good for growing cannabis? If not, can you make it good?

2 Understand the limitations your own growing system brings to the table
how big is your space?
how tall is your space?

What you know, what you've experienced in previous grows, how much money you spend, how much time you have, what cannabis are you hoping to grow?

Good luck!

Tyvm! That's a pretty kick ass resource. I've grown a few times successfully (to harvest and the bud was good), but I'm looking to step my game up and get much higher yields.

I have some decent equipment, 600w HPS, 400w MH, 2x 150w HPS, a 3x3x6 grow tent, and for strain I'll be going with white widow and white rhino to start.
People all over are growing that white widow strain it seems. it must be good producer all around. its just weird to hear so much consistent feedback about a strain that starts out as seed (not saying seeds are worse lol,...just saying they are usually more unpredictable). ..maybe its a secret gmo strain that trump threw into the market to get everyone so stoned that we cant tell truth from lies....or lies from lesser lies
Tyvm! That's a pretty kick ass resource. I've grown a few times successfully (to harvest and the bud was good), but I'm looking to step my game up and get much higher yields.

I have some decent equipment, 600w HPS, 400w MH, 2x 150w HPS, a 3x3x6 grow tent, and for strain I'll be going with white widow and white rhino to start.
With those lights you can easily get a single 1lb plant... pretty unlikely to get 2 1lb plants outta it though, you just simply don't have the lighting power or space to do it.

I've gotten just a few grams shy of a 2 lb indoor plant. 20 gallon container, soil, 2x 1kw lights. 3x3 scrog that the plant over grew about a foot on each side.

I easily pull 8 oz plus plants with no effort in 5 gal containers, 20 oz in 5 gal with a lot of veg time and training, requires watering 2x a day.
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People all over are growing that white widow strain it seems. it must be good producer all around. its just weird to hear so much consistent feedback about a strain that starts out as seed (not saying seeds are worse lol,...just saying they are usually more unpredictable). ..maybe its a secret gmo strain that trump threw into the market to get everyone so stoned that we cant tell truth from lies....or lies from lesser lies

I think WW got popular because it won the high times cannabis cup about a decade back.

With those lights you can easily get a single 1lb plant... pretty unlikely to get 2 1lb plants outta it though, you just simply don't have the lighting power to do it.

I've gotten just a few grams shy of a 2 lb indoor plant. 20 gallon container, soil, 2x 1kw lights. 3x3 scrog that the plant over grew about a foot on each side.

I easily pull 8 oz plus plants with no effort in 5 gal containers, 20 oz in 5 gal with a lot of veg time and training, requires watering 2x a day.

No way I'll be able to pack all that lightning into a 3x3 tent sadly. Do you think I should grow 3 plants in that space or try to grow 1 massive one?
I think WW got popular because it won the high times cannabis cup about a decade back.

No way I'll be able to pack all that lightning into a 3x3 tent sadly. Do you think I should grow 3 plants in that space or try to grow 1 massive one?
It's up to you how many you grow. Comes down to what works for you. What size containers you have. How long you veg for.

Theres no set rule for how many plants to an area, it's just a matter of filling it effectively. Sometimes I put one large plant in the same area I put 9 smaller plants. A big part of growing imo is being adaptable an goin with the flow.

I don't care if I get 1 lb from 1 plant or 2 oz from 8 plants.
People all over are growing that white widow strain it seems. it must be good producer all around. its just weird to hear so much consistent feedback about a strain that starts out as seed (not saying seeds are worse lol,...just saying they are usually more unpredictable). ..maybe its a secret gmo strain that trump threw into the market to get everyone so stoned that we cant tell truth from lies....or lies from lesser lies
Step away from politics. If you dont understand weed you wont understand that much more complex topic.

WW has been around forever, just like seeds...

How did I miss this post? So much stupid...
Step away from politics. If you dont understand weed you wont understand that much more complex topic.

WW has been around forever, just like seeds...

How did I miss this post? So much stupid...
white widow and thunderfuck were the two main strains i smoked with my friends as a teenager (15 years ago). im well aware that white widow has been around a while. thats not what i asked, commented or said. you dont gotta get butt hurt over a small joke. please tell me what else is stupid. you literally dont know me, but are calling me stupid. im very well aware of the news. i have friends and family members that are trump supporters, and they dont react like that over a political joke
also, how does knowing strain names make you understand the complexities of cannabis better. like, how do those two correlate? you ever heard of "poison pinapple gummy bear super sour diesel #3",...if not. then we both be stupid i guess....also, im sitting here trying to figure out what was dumb here beside the joke,..and for some reason you think i dont know about seeds. seeds are how i got into growing. get some sleep my man
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also, how does knowing strain names make you understand the complexities of cannabis better. like, how do those two correlate? you ever heard of "poison pinapple gummy bear super sour diesel #3",...if not. then we both be stupid i guess....also, im sitting here trying to figure out what was dumb here beside the joke,..and for some reason you think i dont know about seeds. seeds are how i got into growing. get some sleep my man
So you also dont know about timezones... interesting..
I hate 1 plant grows, for one its requires to much work, to much light time, and then if you are growing it from seed you may end up with an absolute piece a shit phenotype, yuck! Anyhow for me, variety is where its at, as it gives me more choices and much more weed every time! Think about it, show me a single plant grow that comes in at less than 14 weeks totally and will pull 2 + pounds, sorry it ain't ever going to happen. But say you grow 6 plants in the same size space that you would grow that one plant and that will finish in less than 14 weeks and will always pull 2 + pounds every time!
Can someone link to an indoor grow journal / guide that produces easily to duplicate results for newbies?

I need something with tons of details from A-Z and ideally no information missing.

Is there a go to thread someone could point me to?

There is no guide for that. There is already a plethora of good information on growing and still people screw it up.