DYI - Ethics, Morality, Politics Patriotism and society

Some Training and Education Links
Below are some links for basic free training, many are courses that are free online, if you can learn that way and stick to it (Use work, before, lunch, after shower, social pressure, etc)


Some Evidence Based University and Private Mindfulness Training Programs (Many free online + video and audio instruction)
Here are some references for some of the things cited earlier, medically based interventions using evidence based mindfulness practice. Many such programs are offered by universities to the public, check your area for an upcoming course. Watch some of the videos, it will do more for you than all the other TV you watch. If you go to any of these sites and others like them on the web, you'll understand why I don't bother to teach the basic practices here, they are already well covered by experts, have a look at the videos and links. DON'T FORGET TO ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT THIS! HE/SHE MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP TOO, perhaps your medical insurance will pay for it!


A good place to start and lots of articles and free mindfulness courses and teaching podcasts Aa ton of resources this will keep you busy and steer you in the right direction, science based, Buddhist roots.
University of Wisconsin

See this on the page for some podcasts
For a complete list of mindfulness audio and video files see our Mindfulness Digital Library

An example of a local mindfulness center, check the local colleges first and look around your area. There is some useful information here and you'll see what a professional mindfulness based program(s) look like and will know the evidence and what's involved. If you suffer from depression or have chronic pain issues, sign up in your area.

UCLA MARC Meditation practices are found here and lots of basic instruction. A ton of information on the site

A one hour video that's a great introduction to the subject from UCLA/MARC


Rather than post a video on MBCT Depression sufferers go here and watch a few videoes!

The Mindful Way Through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness (Book & CD) Strongly recommended for depression

Join four uniquely qualified experts as they explain why our usual attempts to “think” our way out of a bad mood or just “snap out of it” lead us deeper into the downward spiral. Through insightful lessons drawn from both Eastern meditative traditions and cognitive therapy, they demonstrate how to sidestep the mental habits that lead to despair, including rumination and self-blame, so you can face life’s challenges with greater resilience. Jon Kabat-Zinn narrates the accompanying CD of guided meditations, making this a complete package for anyone seeking to regain a sense of hope and well-being.
If you can't find a local course and even if you can.
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Still haven't changed the goddamn sig and I gotta git me all jacket up on some fake news...

Guess I'll meditate myself to sleep tonight.

Practice is closed for the evening.
Ari Melber MSNBC is interesting tonight!

It's on YouTube and I want to get away from practice on the thread, it's been covered fully for those who are interested. Core issues first, then we proceed to issues. Issues from here on out and I'd like some current news posts for discussion.

Most adults have common sense and don't need to practice, just be more honest with themselves. A practitioner is a rare thing and It impedes the spread of deep knowledge, ya get a lot of McMindfulness on the web.

Nancy ain't stupid, she is wise. she puts her own ego, second.

The Ukrainian incident is a good topic have at er. I'm gone fur a spell. Don't say anything STUPID while I'm gone, the Master will return....;):p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:P:o

I'll be meditating, don't worry, ya dealt with me on the threads, I ain't no prick, asshole, or Trumper:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P
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Ari Melber MSNBC is interesting tonight!

It's on YouTube and I want to get away from practice on the thread, it's been covered fully for those who are interested. Core issues first, then we proceed to issues. Issues from here on out and I'd like some current news posts for discussion.

Most adults have common sense and don't need to practice, just be more honest with themselves. A practitioner is a rare thing and It impedes the spread of deep knowledge, ya get a lot of McMindfulness on the web.

Nancy ain't stupid, she is wise.
Nancy who?
A public part of a private conversation, my words, and the intention is clear, others first.

No I was a tradesmen and union member in Winnipeg Canada where I continued my training from Moncton, Moved to the peg in 1989 and meet a master and sat at his knee, and fucked up my knees.... Unrequired, but I got more than I lost, much more, the secret to life, I was just too stupid to realize it until much later. It works like that and this is what ya get at the end. Hopefully, a better human being, but it takes work and honorable intent.

You will go to a university evidence based course for basic training. I reconcile moral and ethical issues that are central to the social/emotional skills and peace of mind, to progress in practice etc. When I'm not helping folks like you. You come first though, before me too. I teach by example too.
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Watching Chuck Todd and McCarthy on MSNBC

Jesus Christ!

LOVE the GOP, who do they put first?

What the fuck are their motivations?

The show is on, time to start up the D day pool, if I can find it buried in the threads..

Told ya I sucked on policy issues!

Master Nancy is wiser and I always respect experience...
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This is a great movie by Spike Lee, an excellent director and a pretty close depiction of Malcolm's life, I respect this man. Integrity, honor and passion, a warrior at heart. I felt he was my brother and friend, we share may things including passion. Who did he put first, even though hurt and angry?
Malcolm X (1992) Official Trailer - Denzel Washington Movie HD

Lead by example

Malcolm was my Master too...
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That's one of the greater purposes of this thread and teaching, is to share what I know, just like grow lights back in 2014, with my fellow members and friends, that was my intention then, for the benefit of others and my own purposes too, this ain't no different, don't get all geeked out on me, go through my post history and see my mistakes and when I got pissed off and my view distorted and it affected my words and deeds. I don't bother with such nonsense, I take people as they are, sometimes I'm mistaken, like most other folks, about myself and others and that's what mindfulness is ultimately about. It starts on a self centered journey along a long and confusing path, but if belief in science is yer guide ya can pick through the bullshit pretty quick. Funny, it works just like every other field of scientific inquest and that usually produces engineers and doctors who do the leg work in the progress of the world these days. Ya can open and grow yer mind a lot quicker these days, the other way Buddhism is long and hard, I only recommend it to the intellectual types, who I want to torture first.;)

Snow flakes and such....;)
Freedom of expression? Or hate? We must all look in the mirror my friend.
If you were shit on in life like this guy ya'd be a blubbering idiot with an ego the size of the moon
Think of others, empathize and if ya can't do that with training, yer a psycho

Racism is a character defect and a fucking serious one too sonny
Get yer self fixed, I showed you how, stop spreading suffering and think of others, watch the fucking movie cody. See if that does something to ya

Malcolm, was no racist he was a fucking warrior and brother, talk sense son. He fought for his people and community he put others before himself, he is a goddamn hero and man of integrity, and I felt real pissed when some one disces my friends and heroes

Think about it cody, it would have been wise to PM such comments

See why I need to sit more! Lead by goddamn example!
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Now do you understand why I'm a fanatic about training kids in high school?

To many selfish lazy cunts don't ever care about others to email a goddamn thread that could save someones life or even change the fucking world for the better. I call such people self absorbed selfish cowards, who will die unhappy and in terror. The only way to die peacefully is to empty ones self of self until there is no ego left to lose, the closer ya get, the easier it gets for most, though many go that way who never watched a breath in their life, that I know of, they went just fine with a clear conscience and a peaceful departure. Lead by example...
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Let’s not get this twisted “master” I do not for a minute condone trumps brhaviour or words. I admitted what i said was wrong, horrible in fact and swallowed my pride and apologized. I suggest you take a look at the content you are spreading before you judge me oh wise one. Trumps a piece of shit. No denying that. However hate is hate. It doesn’t have to spawn from racism or homophobia. The hipocracy on this forum is overwhelming. It’s my opinion and I will not shy from voicing it. What you said constitutes the spreading of hate....even if he is a pedo racist. Time to get your feeler wires or whatever you called them In check for sure and look In your own backyard before you judge me oh wise one.... I’m not psycho and wether your ego allows you to see it or not, I’ve brought forward a valid point for discussion. Remember adults speak here and need not resort to name calling to make a point. I tell you, just as you told me in my lapse of sensibility, ethics morality or all of the above, go back and read your posts, for you are now no better than those you wish to defeat in there quest to sew social and ethical divisions within our Countries. If you cant see it as it is, please refrain from name calling. If I cant it so can you. Practice what you preach!

Also don’t play the humour card, won’t work with me. I’ve seen you make comments such as these in many contexts. Perhaps you are the object lesson today my friend.
If you were shit on in life like this guy ya'd be a blubbering idiot with an ego the size of the moon
Think of others, empathize and if ya can't do that with training, yer a psycho

Racism is a character defect and a fucking serious one too sonny
Get yer self fixed, I showed you how, stop spreading suffering and think of others, watch the fucking movie cody. See if that does something to ya

Malcolm, was no racist he was a fucking warrior and brother, talk sense son. He fought for his people and community he put others before himself, he is a goddamn hero and man of integrity, and I felt real pissed when some one disces my friends and heroes

Think about it cody, it would have be wise to PM such comments

See why I need to sit more! Lead by goddamn example!
See it's so central to me I can hardly stop the energy flow, A mighty wind at my back like a goddamn hurricane tonight. Guess I'll throw this shit on a word processor everybody is anonymous any way. Unless they are all tied up with some stupid fucking icon and get there shorts in a knot, in that way, it's a lot like the real world where I used to work.
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