Trump most establishment Pres ever/Never drained Swamp


Well-Known Member
Outside of H.W. Bush and Woodrow Wilson; Donald Trump is the most pro establishment President ever.

He preached to the men and women on Main Street all the while doing backroom deals and handshakes with multi billionaires. He used fb and google data via crypto analytics to exploit a massive voter market for disenfranchised blue collar workers.

Did he drain the swamp as promised? Maybe from Obama and crew but let’s look at his policies. #1 he is pro military industrial complex (700 billion in one fiscal year alone). #2 he is pro tax cuts for the wealthy. #3 he is pro Israel; even moving capital to Jerusalem.

He also gutted our EPA and banking regulations.

People on the right when asked why they would vote for him say economy, economy, economy... well the S+P had some impressive returns, but is that how you judge an economy? When 95% of the stocks are owned by the top 10%?

Unemployment all time low? Amazing. So in this robust economy why are we running a 1.2 trillion budget deficit? He is running a very dangerous economic plan mirroring that of the 1920’s Mullen plan. Meanwhile 2/3rds of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

So what swamp did he drain? Did he drain it when he appointed 17 members of the CFR to his cabinet to include Rothschild henchmen Wilbur Ross?
Suck Putin’s cock harder, new member

I do believe we are in the politics sub forum. But I guess you cannot refute anything in my post so you resort to emotional outbursts... a sure sign of lack of intelligence. I’m 36 and have a family. Have fought in two wars, lived in 11 states, 4 countries and have more life experience than the average 70 year old. I do not wish to profit off of marijuana only to grow my own personal to deal with my own mental problems... I guess the go to thing on here is for people with 150k posts to big shot the fng’s... real chill bro. Carry on with your self actualization bullshit. Cheers.
I do believe we are in the politics sub forum. But I guess you cannot refute anything in my post so you resort to emotional outbursts... a sure sign of lack of intelligence. I’m 36 and have a family. Have fought in two wars, lived in 11 states, 4 countries and have more life experience than the average 70 year old. I do not wish to profit off of marijuana only to grow my own personal to deal with my own mental problems... I guess the go to thing on here is for people with 150k posts to big shot the fng’s... real chill bro. Carry on with your self actualization bullshit. Cheers.
How is weather in Moscow this day, comrade
Not quite as lovely as your weather in zero chill land I assume. How in anyway is this a pro Putin post? By pointing out that Trump is working for billionaires and not the populous?
Is populous some Greek guy that owns ships or movie theaters?

Please have your boss rotate you to another site. You have blown it here.
You probably could if taxes were like 90%. The "Laffer Curve" isn't 100% bullshit - maybe just 98% - about what you would expect of cocktail napkin economics.

As long as the big dogs on roll it up can’t handle a slight cage rattle in a sub forum... I suppose the establishment is secure from ww2 taxation levels. Orwellian in full effect. I must have missed the initial rule on doing a little song and dance and holding my farts to be in your good graces sire... good day to you.
As long as the big dogs on roll it up can’t handle a slight cage rattle in a sub forum... I suppose the establishment is secure from ww2 taxation levels. Orwellian in full effect. I must have missed the initial rule on doing a little song and dance and holding my farts to be in your good graces sire... good day to you.

When people say that, they have no intention of actually leaving

prove me wrong
I do believe we are in the politics sub forum. But I guess you cannot refute anything in my post so you resort to emotional outbursts... a sure sign of lack of intelligence. I’m 36 and have a family. Have fought in two wars, lived in 11 states, 4 countries and have more life experience than the average 70 year old. I do not wish to profit off of marijuana only to grow my own personal to deal with my own mental problems... I guess the go to thing on here is for people with 150k posts to big shot the fng’s... real chill bro. Carry on with your self actualization bullshit. Cheers.
Thanks for all the personal information it really adds weight to your argument that Trump hasn’t “drained Obama’s swamp”. If you do have mental health problems then this space may exacerbate your suffering.
Thanks for all the personal information it really adds weight to your argument that Trump hasn’t “drained Obama’s swamp”. If you do have mental health problems then this space may exacerbate your suffering.

Hey I’m fine buddy thanks. Was having a bad day. Apparently as were others... most likely mental health problems more severe in people that respond to a factual political post with “Suck Putin’s Cock.”

#1 it doesn’t even make sense. #2 not on topic or even related to the discussion and #3 If you know nothing about politics why are you even in the political section?

I don’t feel I was out of line at all. Please show me on any other post related to growing where I have said anything remotely close to being negative or aimed at someone.

Oh btw thanks for contributing.
Outside of H.W. Bush and Woodrow Wilson; Donald Trump is the most pro establishment President ever.

He preached to the men and women on Main Street all the while doing backroom deals and handshakes with multi billionaires. He used fb and google data via crypto analytics to exploit a massive voter market for disenfranchised blue collar workers.

Did he drain the swamp as promised? Maybe from Obama and crew but let’s look at his policies. #1 he is pro military industrial complex (700 billion in one fiscal year alone). #2 he is pro tax cuts for the wealthy. #3 he is pro Israel; even moving capital to Jerusalem.

He also gutted our EPA and banking regulations.

People on the right when asked why they would vote for him say economy, economy, economy... well the S+P had some impressive returns, but is that how you judge an economy? When 95% of the stocks are owned by the top 10%?

Unemployment all time low? Amazing. So in this robust economy why are we running a 1.2 trillion budget deficit? He is running a very dangerous economic plan mirroring that of the 1920’s Mullen plan. Meanwhile 2/3rds of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

So what swamp did he drain? Did he drain it when he appointed 17 members of the CFR to his cabinet to include Rothschild henchmen Wilbur Ross?
The dude was born into the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male privileged class, he was getting a couple million a year from his daddy by age of 3. He was never anything but the establishment.

It took a lot of trolling to get people to think that any party filled with women, black people, brown people, native Americans, LBGTQ people is the establishment.
The dude was born into the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male privileged class, he was getting a couple million a year from his daddy by age of 3. He was never anything but the establishment.

It took a lot of trolling to get people to think that any party filled with women, black people, brown people, native Americans, LBGTQ people is the establishment.

He’s an unhinged nut case and is trying to destroy our planet imo. Trump will be the death of the Republican Party. Most likely a rapist as well.
Hey I’m fine buddy thanks. Was having a bad day. Apparently as were others... most likely mental health problems more severe in people that respond to a factual political post with “Suck Putin’s Cock.”

#1 it doesn’t even make sense. #2 not on topic or even related to the discussion and #3 If you know nothing about politics why are you even in the political section?

I don’t feel I was out of line at all. Please show me on any other post related to growing where I have said anything remotely close to being negative or aimed at someone.

Oh btw thanks for contributing.
Yes it does re sucking Putin. Conflating Obama and Trump in a political forum is the MO of a Russian bot, but you would know that.
Yes it does re sucking Putin. Conflating Obama and Trump in a political forum is the MO of a Russian bot, but you would know that.

Aren’t Putin and Trump buddies? I’m a Bernie/Yang/Warren guy. I’m anti establishment all the way. Don’t let the avitar fool you. No clue what the angle is here on the negative responses. Can get get a possible rebuttal without some visceral knee jerk reaction?
Aren’t Putin and Trump buddies? I’m a Bernie/Yang/Warren guy. I’m anti establishment all the way. Don’t let the avitar fool you. No clue what the angle is here on the negative responses. Can get get a possible rebuttal without some visceral knee jerk reaction?
Well stop crying if you expect to be taken seriously.