Hay v. Dank smell

It smells like hay and won't change much
It looks like you harvested a month too soon
I’m aware of that but with the weather we’ve been having, the whole plant would probably be a rotten pile of mush in a month. I’ve got them covered in umbrellas but rain always managed to get the edges wet due to wind. Hopefully once I got the plants pruned back enough, I should be better able to protect a few colas all the way through full maturity... that’s the idea anyway
i wouldve actually left them the look like they had a long way to go yet to maturity. They look like buds not even halfway done growing. I only grow indoor but im guessing cannabos grown outdoors have been rained on for centuries. It cant possibly rain every day until november. October could be completely dry thus countering a rainy september and all should even out in the end. I could be way off and just ignore everything i said though lol ;) about the rain that is.

But those buds look like they just started forming and developing for only a few weeks tops. They need atleast 4 to 6 more weeka minimum id say. All the hairs are still pure white and look like just started to grow and i would bet none have turned red on any of the buds yet. Also unless you are growing completely organic with zero nutrients added then im guessing they have had no flush period. But if its rained for 2 weeks straight that wouldve flushed them but definitely not even close to that stage of maturity to start flushing. But anyways to each their own. If you enjoy them amd are happy then great and enjoy. Hopefully your not looking for a couch lock effect though because those trichomes are guaranteed to be clear and wont be giving you that kind of outcome.
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Hay smell seems to be receding, just as an update. The nugs smell sort of... neutral. Or maybe I am just becoming inured to the odor. But like I said — when I handle them, my hand smells like weed. It’s kinda bizarre but I’m guessing that’s just because the trichomes and terpenes started volatilizing when they rubbed off on my fingers. It’s been a week so I’ll probably jar it in one more. Meanwhile, I’ve been harvesting more colas prematurely as we’re having a near-record wet September. It’s not the most unbelievably beautiful flower you’ve ever seen but the stuff I chopped a week ago seems to “get the job done” and that’s ultimately better than a bunch of rotten goo. I wet trimmed most of the buds but the attached photo is of another approach I’m experimenting with: just clipping the bigger fan leaves but leaving the sugar leaves and smaller leaves on. Going to be interesting to compare how it dries and cures compared to the trimmed flower...View attachment 4397575

Im afraid thats too early, be very weak weed sorry :-)
i wouldve actually left them the look like they had a long way to go yet to maturity. They look like buds not even halfway done growing. I only grow indoor but im guessing cannabos grown outdoors have been rained on for centuries. It cant possibly rain every day until novembwr. Octobee cpuld be completely dry thus countering a rainy september and all shpuld even out in the end. I c p uld be way off and just ignore everything i said though lol ;)
Actually it rained so much I’ve been picking off bud rot already. It’s one of the wettest Septembers on record. Just my bad luck to start growing outside this year! It’s true cannabis has been rained on outdoors for centuries but whatever environment it evolved in, it wasn’t western Oregon — I’m hoping to breed over time to fit my little microclimate.
Im afraid thats too early, be very weak weed sorry :-)
I dried some out that was harvested even earlier and it works fine. Not mind-blowing top shelf bud, but good enough to get the job done.

I’m not too worried about the weed being below it’s full potential, or even if it continues smelling like hay — if you read the original post, I’m mostly just curious about what’s going on with the drying plant. It’s particularly interesting to me that my hand smells like weed from touching the flowers but the flowers themselves don’t.
Actually it rained so much I’ve been picking off bud rot already. It’s one of the wettest Septembers on record. Just my bad luck to start growing outside this year! It’s true cannabis has been rained on outdoors for centuries but whatever environment it evolved in, it wasn’t western Oregon — I’m hoping to breed over time to fit my little microclimate.

I dried some out that was harvested even earlier and it works fine. Not mind-blowing top shelf bud, but good enough to get the job done.

I’m not too worried about the weed being below it’s full potential, or even if it continues smelling like hay — if you read the original post, I’m mostly just curious about what’s going on with the drying plant. It’s particularly interesting to me that my hand smells like weed from touching the flowers but the flowers themselves don’t.

There are scent compounds even in unripe plants, the chems we want arent them but they come along for the ride and are probably encapsulated so disrupted when touched idk exactly but the drying info is golden and glad your trying both methods just so you know. Might need a touch longer to dry if that unripe.

I guess we get more of a weaker head high that dosent last that long or build past a point - my impressions of unripe.

I had a similar issue and was forced to harvest a few plants a couple weeks early. I slow cure in basement around 59H - then transfer to attic after a week, which is wide open and closer to mid 40’s, anyway, I’m learning a lot here, and one thing I’ve learned, if you have a good formula, stick to it. And sometimes- old school definitely is the best school.
Ya that wouldn’t get me high, kind of a waste of weed
The thing is, if you just smoke more it still gets you high. How is that a waste of weed compared to sacrificing it to bud rot? Also, I’ve got about 15 colas about that size still on the plant. I’m going to harvest some now, just in case, then leave some on to get more mature. I’m just hedging my bets. There seems to be a sentiment that it’s better to just risk letting the weed rot rather than harvesting prematurely — I really don’t get it, especially since I still got plenty of weed growing outside.
I had a similar issue and was forced to harvest a few plants a couple weeks early. I slow cure in basement around 59H - then transfer to attic after a week, which is wide open and closer to mid 40’s, anyway, I’m learning a lot here, and one thing I’ve learned, if you have a good formula, stick to it. And sometimes- old school definitely is the best school.
Have you tried the flower yet? My experience from today is that it seems to work fine even if premature. Smoked one joint, barely got high, but then smoked a second and got the job done. Maybe I don’t care so much because I got more growing. Then again, I don’t have sophisticated tastes. I drink HRD vodka and roll my own cigarettes, so low rent weed doesn’t faze me, LOL!
The thing is, if you just smoke more it still gets you high. How is that a waste of weed compared to sacrificing it to bud rot? Also, I’ve got about 15 colas about that size still on the plant. I’m going to harvest some now, just in case, then leave some on to get more mature. I’m just hedging my bets. There seems to be a sentiment that it’s better to just risk letting the weed rot rather than harvesting prematurely — I really don’t get it, especially since I still got plenty of weed growing outside.
Cause this is my personal opinion, if the weed is schwag or really shitty mids I wouldn’t smoke it. This isn’t the 1990’s I shouldn’t have to smoke a blunt solo just to get high. Few tokes off a joint is my cup of tea.
Cause this is my personal opinion, if the weed is schwag or really shitty mids I wouldn’t smoke it. This isn’t the 1990’s I shouldn’t have to smoke a blunt solo just to get high. Few tokes off a joint is my cup of tea.
I totally get where you’re coming from, but I’m also guessing that living in a double wide trailer, drinking cheap vodka, 40 oz. beers, and rolling your own Top cigarettes isn’t your “cup of tea” either, LOL. You’re totally right as far as taste and quality, but this hillbilly still got stoned so the experiment is a success, LOL! :)
Low rent weed lol :clap:

At this rate your not going to have a plant left by harvest time if you need 2 joints to get high. Hang in there man and let it grow.

Please tell me your not microwaving it lol love your posts man.
Shit, you guys might be too high falutin for me to hang out, LOL. I smoked shitweed that my Mexican buddy used to bring over in like a tire back in high school, made my money back with free weed selling to jocks. Been drinking HRD so long that isopropyl smells like cognac to me. I don’t even own a fucking microwave but that actually sounds like it might work, if I was in a hurry, LOL!
Low rent weed lol :clap:

At this rate your not going to have a plant left by harvest time if you need 2 joints to get high. Hang in there man and let it grow.

Please tell me your not microwaving it lol love your posts man.
Seriously, though, that cola didn’t even put a dent in my Cinex. My plan is to cut away the colas that are fucking with the air circulation and leaving about 10 real nice ones outside to mature. The way I figure it, i might as well chop some of them to hedge against the rest going bad. But I know that’s low rent hillbilly shit and I should hide my shame, LOL :)
I still see brick weed from time to time but most is homegrown now. We have Arrow and Mohawk Vodka that sounds like it will suit your needs. Our cashiers are good at counting change. If you are looking for anything cheaper there is always Flint Water. Just a pint of that shit will fuck you up and make you go blind.

If you want I can get a bag of tobacco open and drying out to powder for when you get here. That way you can have a cigarette that burns real fast with the cherry falling off. Its customary in Michigan to spill your tobacco everywhere when you roll a cigarette.
Damn, you just talked me into it. Michigan sounds like my type of place. I’ll just set up my tent next to your closest water outlet — you probably won’t even notice me until I pass out on your front lawn, LOL. Just hose me off and send me away in the morning, I’ll be back to set up camp at night like a fucking raccoon....