Understanding and Calculating Nutrient PPM

thanks for this!

I put in MasterBlend 4-18-38 which has all the same elemental ratios as Chem-Gro 4-18-38 which is their tomato formula. I think that would be NPK ppm of 10.56803, 20.75344, 83.33872, the rest is the same as Chem Gro 4-20 which you already have in the sheet. I think CG made the 4-20 formula just so they could call it "420" doubt it makes a big diff.

Also, MB/CG list 0.5% Mg derived from MgSO4 so it must have some sulfur but none is in the GA, maybe it falls below a labeling limit?
the DG products are marked g/gal though they are liquid
Weighing a liquid nutrient eliminates the need for a specific gravity. Thats awesome. When I enter new liquid nutrients to the calculator I don't have a specific gravity and I leave it set to grams and make it such that adding a specific gravity will modify the PPM values allowing the user to change it to mL/Gal for that product.
Those little red notes on the calculator will explain that generally. I tried lol. Just hover your mouse over the red corner of the cell.
This is awesome Renfro, can you please add GH Flora Blend, Floralicious Plus, and Kool Bloom (liquid) to the list? Edit: Never mind I saw at the bottom of 1.9 on how to do it myself.
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This is awesome Renfro, can you please add GH Flora Blend, Floralicious Plus, and Kool Bloom (liquid) to the list? Edit: Never mind I saw at the bottom of 1.9 on how to do it myself.
I am glad you figured out how to add products, I tried to make it really easy. I had already done it when I saw your edit. lol Here ya go.


Ok folks, I made a major change to the calculator, using tabs I made it easier to expand and add more products.

The "Adds" tab will let you enter the amounts of the products you want to use.

The "Results" tab will display the PPM calculations, chart and ratios as well as provide a mix calculator where you can input the gallons to multiply out your additions.

The "Products" tab is where we store all the product data

The "Tools" tab has the calculator for adding new products into the "Products" tab.

The "Matrix" tab is where most of the math happens, no need to mess with it, but cool to look at when you are stoned lol.

I didn't provide the EC calculations in it yet, just elemental PPM.

Let me know what you all think. Still needs to be made to look pretty but it's so much easier to expand and add new products as the formulas simply "fill down" meaning much less opportunity for error.


So here is version 2.0 lol. It is a totally revamped structure with all the same function. This new structure makes it possible to add almost as many products as Excel has rows lol.

I think this is the way to go. I wish I knew enough about excel to make the "Adds" tab have drop downs so you could select products that way but hey, this is pretty good.

It's harvest time here so I will not be posting another update soon unless there is a major malfunction.

NOTE: If you haven't used the tabs in excel to navigate to different worksheets in a workbook, the tabs are located at the bottom of the window. The Adds tab is where you put how many mL or grams per gallon and the Results tab will show the calculated results.



Can you make spreadsheet with g/L instead of g/G?
1 gallon is 3.78 liters.
Just because I hate converting everything into calculator.
Can you make spreadsheet with g/L instead of g/G?
1 gallon is 3.78 liters.
Just because I hate converting everything into calculator.

All of the product data would need to be adjusted, I suppose that could be done in the math so the product data could stay in mL/gal? I'll think about it, definitely won't happen soon because it's harvest time for me.
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Can you make spreadsheet with g/L instead of g/G?
1 gallon is 3.78 liters.
Just because I hate converting everything into calculator.
Give this a try, I added a tab that calculates for Liters. Just input the adds in the adds tab for liters. So if adding 1 gram per liter just put 1 for that products add and look at the results in the Resuits Liters tab. The spreadsheet really does all the math as it did before and that tab just applies the correction. Let me know if I missed anything pretty tired from trimming.


I made a version with a macro button to clear the inputs to "0" Let me know if it makes your alls excel act up because it has a macro. I promise it's safe. You can use Alt-F11 to see the code when it's open in Excel:

Sub Clearcells()
Range("B2", "B201").Clear
End Sub

