Some dank info!Most who put out their plants in March use some type of lighting to keep them in veg. I pop my seeds in April and never have any flower and reveg issues. Putting small plants in that large of a smartpot can cause root problems because it wont dry out fast enough. I bump my plants up in pot size about three times before they hit their final container,it gives them a larger root mass with less issues a long the way. Heating and cooling a greenhouse in my experience requires about 10 times the output as my house. Now is a good time to figure your electric needs and run a sub panel out to where you want to place your greenhouse. Those big dehumidifiers run some high electric loads. I would want some fans to blow air on my plants and others to move the air out of the greenhouse. Something with roll up sides with a screen will keep the fliers out that cause the worms. the only occasional problem that i run into is spider mites.
I nice distance from any thing that will cause shade on the south side is something you want to plan for. Good luck
Most who put out their plants in March use some type of lighting to keep them in veg. I pop my seeds in April and never have any flower and reveg issues. Putting small plants in that large of a smartpot can cause root problems because it wont dry out fast enough. I bump my plants up in pot size about three times before they hit their final container,it gives them a larger root mass with less issues a long the way. Heating and cooling a greenhouse in my experience requires about 10 times the output as my house. Now is a good time to figure your electric needs and run a sub panel out to where you want to place your greenhouse. Those big dehumidifiers run some high electric loads. I would want some fans to blow air on my plants and others to move the air out of the greenhouse. Something with roll up sides with a screen will keep the fliers out that cause the worms. the only occasional problem that i run into is spider mites.
I nice distance from any thing that will cause shade on the south side is something you want to plan for. Good luck
Getaway mountain's greenhouse in Main looked like it had a wood pellet stove on one end. Load the hopper up a check on a daily bases. I'm not familiar with a wood boiler but if it is like my wood stove it needs feeding more than i would want to deal with.Was planning on leaving things open mostly except temperature control with an outdoor wood boiler stove early and late in the season.