I want to believe, sometimes a strain is deceptively dense. But man, thats like almost three ounces per sq ft.
hey Well that's the point i use a technique called Budswelling and i made a study of my own .
And i will explain it and i know you have believers and non believers and you can't find any good study about the effect.
So i thought to myself why not experiment myself plant 2 of the same genetics and i did budswelling on only 1 plant (did this 4 times)
So in the end i checked if it made a difference and according to my own study i got an increase of 20% more on the sativa with budswelling!
on a 50/50 hybrid it does not seem to effect at all.
here are my figures:
C. Banana Sativa
plant 1 budswelling
124 gr dry weed
no budswelling
98 gr
So a difference of 26 gr well seems worth the trouble fthat's about 20% increase
Royal gorilla:
royal Gorilla plant 1 with budswelling = 130gr
Royal Gorilla plant 2 without budswelling = 128 gr
And to show what budswelling is here you can look at a video what i do in the 3/4 week of flowering!
The buds on sativas seem to get more dense with this technique so i think a combination of this with good genetics and good light's got me to get a harvest that got ovet 2gr/W
in the link you can find a video of me performing budswelling on my plant.
and you can check my diaries i try to explain everything what i do on it and i think it's more easy then to post it on forums like these.
But if people are not believeing a word i say that's no problem for me but if i can have any influence on other people getting great harvests i'm glad i could help.
And just to be clear i have no reason to lie, no sponsorship of any company i bought everything fair and square.
I grow as a hobby for myself and a few of my friends.
Only things i get are some seeds for some company's that want me to grow their genetics because of my good results.
I know it's hard to believe me getting this harvest i find it hard to believe myself that i wanted to share my story but beeing called a liar and beeing full of shit was not the response i was hoping for