Is this mold?


Well-Known Member
Guessing it is but second guessing myself because the nugs look completely normal to the undaided eye. This is also the worst example of all the nugs but I'm going to quiso the whole lot.


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That is 100% budrot , Botrytis cinerea(grey mold ) its a issue alot and i mean ALOT of growers are dealing with right now, including myself!
Yeah.. It turns dense bud into a soft grey/ brown hairy wet mush. Looks like it to me... It hurts but you need to flush that...
So I did a bunch of reading, from the first pics I started guessing powdery mildew instead of grey mold because botyris should have fungus as heads on stalks vs a mat of hyphae (fibers/mycellum) The second reason is that botyris requires a wet surface for infection while PM usually occurs in warm dry areas with cyclical humidity. FWIW these spots only appeared during drying.

Anyways took some more pictures.. Thank goodness it's not mold. But it is spider mites.

Thanks for the advice everyone.


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Maybe I'm not decided between powdery mildew and spider mites just yet but that does look like spider webs to me.
Pic of confirmed spider mites for comparison.
I think powdery mildew shows on oldest fan leaves first, then goes to buds.
I read this as well, that mold usually starts on the leaves.

Is that bud dried and cured? Sure doesn't look alive.
Yes, dried and cured. Looked great going into jars but I took it out when I saw some grey-ish spots.

Is this an Evergreen bush?
Juniper, but was mostly an example to compare to the webbing in the weed pics.
If the bud has been curing it may be some of rot. The leaves look black, maybe that started the process but the drying slowed it down.
If you didn't see mold and webs when you were trimming....
Never had it mold in the jar after proper drying.
Really kind of embarrassing dude. Cheers to the bug shit...
Your posts made me so unsure of my spider mite diagnosis that I had to go check everything over again.

If the bud has been curing it may be some of rot. The leaves look black, maybe that started the process but the drying slowed it down.
The colour is due to the lens, it's not even a very dark green and for sure not black.

If you didn't see mold and webs when you were trimming....
Never had it mold in the jar after proper drying.
Really kind of embarrassing dude. Cheers to the bug shit...
Unfortunately I was not in charge of curing because of travel. Still spider mites is better than mold and this is always about learning. I guess I need better separation between my drying area and other non-cannabis plants.

You smoked that?
Damn right, and it was good too! Seriously, I'm so sure now that it isn't mold because of how it smokes. I just wonder if there is any danger to smoking spider mites.