Pistils turning red too early?? Help

Yea u burned them foliar feeding...gunna take awile to out grownthem but they will... i sprayed my plants woth sulfer like a dumbass early in flower and totally killed the pistils...but now cant even tell as the new white pistils came over the red dead ones

Edit: ohh shit didnt know u already solved the problem! Atleast u know i did something worse then u and my plant lived aha
I like to foliar feed as well because I heard plants absorb nutrients about 10 times quicker through the leaves and I liked the results I got from foliar vs no foliar in my last grow.. I was wondering if anyone knew a better/safer alternative for a foliar feed instead of Fox Farm since it’s not completely organic. And how much do you think she’ll yield?
I like to foliar feed as well because I heard plants absorb nutrients about 10 times quicker through the leaves and I liked the results I got from foliar vs no foliar in my last grow.. I was wondering if anyone knew a better/safer alternative for a foliar feed instead of Fox Farm since it’s not completely organic. And how much do you think she’ll yield?
I did not know that about foliar feeding absorption rates. I still do not recommend spraying any kind of fertilizer on the buds. It could damage the buds and could hurt whoever consumes it. Even something organic would not be good, in my opinion. Fertilizer applied to the roots is a lot safer and will give great results. A healthy root makes a productive plant.
I like to foliar feed as well because I heard plants absorb nutrients about 10 times quicker through the leaves and I liked the results I got from foliar vs no foliar in my last grow.. I was wondering if anyone knew a better/safer alternative for a foliar feed instead of Fox Farm since it’s not completely organic. And how much do you think she’ll yield?
How would organic vs non-organic matter for foliar feeding? Most of the benefit of organic nutes is that they are broken down in your soil by beneficial bacteria leading to a much more sustained release of nutrients, nature's version of slow release. Those bacteria, if they're even present on the leaves (and some won't be because uv light from the sun kills them) won't have the opportunity to break what you're spraying on them down to be usable to the plant. And if you're just spraying the straight chemicals on your plants it makes exactly no difference whether those chemicals came from an organic source or not. Nitrogen from manure is still nitrogen.
I like to foliar feed as well because I heard plants absorb nutrients about 10 times quicker through the leaves and I liked the results I got from foliar vs no foliar in my last grow.. I was wondering if anyone knew a better/safer alternative for a foliar feed instead of Fox Farm since it’s not completely organic. And how much do you think she’ll yield?
FYI elements are elements.
For example, there is absolutely no difference between synthetic and organic calcium.
Your plant can't tell the difference, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking idiot.
