2 42 watt cfl's for one plant???


Well-Known Member
What do u think...I am running a 42watt and a 23 watt but its on a lamp kinda a backwards L with the 42 watt 2 inches away and the 23 watt is straight up not even close to it...I'm thinking about getting a Y socket and another 42 watt and hanging it right over the plant....Should i use the 23 watt instead of buying another 42 watt....The temp is a steady 77 and the humidity is 50-60 %...


Elite Rolling Society
The MORE Light, the faster the grow and the healthier the plant. I've seen one plant under one 42 wat CFL bulb make it. I did my first grow with 2 85 Watt CFLs adn I was satisfied, but I added tw more 85 watt bulbs later, and now I am up to 4 65 watt, 4 85 watt, 4 105 watt and several 42s on the sides.
The MORE Light, the faster the grow and the healthier the plant.


Elite Rolling Society
It will grow and survive with the one bulb, but it wil be a runt, a wek runt at that.
IF you are on a tight budget, go to Lowes, or Home Depot and get as many as you can afford $10 42 watt bulbs, and make your own DIY reflector.


Well-Known Member
Thinking about getting some of those clamp lights and putting 2 42watt on the plant...I think with one more 42 watt it will raise the heat up alot...And that can't happen again to my plant it's just getting over it's last little sun tan....


Elite Rolling Society
If I can put 16 bulbs and nto burn mine,y ou can put two bulbs. CFLs dont get that HOT.


Active Member
well also depends how old the plant is i find the younger the plant the less CFLS i have on it as ive burned myn once but as it gets bigger fire more CFLS on bro


Well-Known Member
Well i have one plant...I think what i'm gonna do is buy a Y socket and put the 42 watt adn 23 watt on the middle of the plant so it can get the different lights...Also it has been 23 days since i planted should i use some fert?? I mean it is really stunted but i now have 4 new leafs growing under the leafs that are now dead...Should i cut off the already dead and dieing leafs so that the new leafs can get more light....Also the temp is at 77 and the humidity is at around 50%...Is that ideal...


Active Member
You could use a fertilizer with alot of Nitrogen in it at this early stage, especially if it's size has been stunted. A fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio of something like 20-10-10 is good or 15-10-10 is good for the vegetative growth period. Also if money is not an issue, you can buy a small HPS/MH system with conversion bulbs that will get you much better results even if your keeping your plants small. If space is an issue the 150 watt HPS/MH systems can be as close as 4" away from the plants, they don't need the 2' like there 1000W big brothers, they aren't strong enough to burn the plants even at 6" or so as long as you have decent ventilation.


Active Member
If you're going to use a fertilizer make sure to dilute it tho, use it at half strength of what it recommends at least for the first few weeks you feed it to your baby.


Well-Known Member
Yeah i will have my settlement in like 2-3 weeks but i don't have it now...Workerscomp sucks big fat hairy ones...So i should get a fert??? Bat Guano if i remember has something like that...I have a hydro store in my town...Should i go with something from fox farms?? Also when u talk about diluting something your talking about a liquid fert right??


Active Member
Fox farms ferts are some of the most complete ferts on the market. If you are not going to add anything to your watering mixture, I would recommend fox farms.

However if money is an issue you can mix your own ferts for much less cost.
Normal miracle grow all purpose plant food has an npk of 24-8-16,
If you add a little epsom salt for magnesium and sulfer
Also adding a little bonemeal will add to the low P in the miracle grow fertilizer and will also add many micro nutrients.
You can also buy micro nutrient ferts at any garden center.

You could purchase all of this and add it as you feel necessary, for less than the fox farms products, but keep in mind that you need to respond to what your plant is telling you, give it what it needs and it will return the favor with increased yields.

No matter what ferts you decide on, the first couple of weeks dilute the mixture to 1/2 strength.

For example, the miracle grow instructions will say for potted plants use a 1/2 tsp fert/gallon of water. The first time you feed your babies this mixture should be more like 1/4 tsp/gallon. By the time you start flowering you can slowly up your fertilizer strength to about 3/4 tsp/gallon.
Your plants will definitely reward your patients and care


Well-Known Member
Ok so i changed my setup AGAIN...Hope i don't come out with a hermie...I got a Y socket and hung my 42 watt and 23 watt over my plant now...I also cut off the top 2 dead leaves so the 4 new leaves can get more light (the 2 leaves under the big leaf is alot small than the 2 under the small leaf) i have a fan blowing on the plant so it is shaking alittle...The temp is now around 85-88 now that the lights are closer...I will put pics up in 10 min...