hahaha! maybe try chatting less bullshit, kiddy. if/when the penny drops and you realise you and OHD are wrong and very clearly wrong, dont come crawling back. I spoke the truth about sCammie, her shite lights, her wild claims and your shitty grow skills. where am i wrong? you asked for it by spouting lies about LED deficiency.
ive never asked any mod for anything. They know whats what so
get over it. Youre deluded
if you wanna promote a rat and rip off artist, well, thats on you but dont expect many friends. you arent doing the community any favours, youre doing quite the opposite.
One serious question: HOW am i Promoting??? Pls, jist one example???
I promote a company with the most solid reputation & most proven spectrum in the industry along with highest available quality parts, unique builds that are one of a kind & a Bullet Proof (50 cal.) 5 yr warranty that has a 100% satisfaction rating & unsurpassed customer service. Nevermind the very highest quality, best spread, most even ppfd available along with the highest DLI & most versatile fixtures available, anywhere. Oh, did i mention all @ %1.66 a HE/W? Shipping on a Bar-8 cost more then to produce several HLG/BCBLONDES/PLC/HGL/NextLight/Gavita led, ect... Yet costs less. Mmmnnhh, sounds like that guys just not as greedy as the rest. AMARE TECH. That's who i represent or would go to bat for. You know this too so stop diverting using a test run as an excuse to be a dickwad.
So you're a Hypocrite then is what you're saying ? And its ok to pound me n OHD over using the brand he likes fir his own reasons, NOYB, BTW! & the brand I'm testing for my own spectral knowledge & going one step further by sharing my findings. Seeing how I've never used anything known as a quality rgb spectrum yet claim to have used several different lighting solutions I Cant really say that w/ a clear conscious w/o having used burple. That you & so many have completely dssgarded untill recently jumpin on the Amare band wagon, as i projected. Now i have the chance to use a proven burple/rgb at that n you're hating like someone kicked your dog. Something that at least the person (wheatherscammerornot) had a logical explnation for. Oh, n has had that explanation for over a decade while many leading companies still can't adress their spectrum.
My shitty grow skills is a low blow for a low minded, malevolent coward too. Enough here have seen my work to know that when i was hps i killed it & had a fairly advanced room for my first. Never had the oppertunity to play in Minor leagues. Then have put out many fine grows here under led even while battling LedDefficiency & going through trial & error, live here to help others. Basically any losses i have are used to at least help another learn from my mistake. Many witnessed some serious fire under my hand. So blabbing off about dissing me is totally uncalled for & untrue.
LYING ABOUT LED DEFFICENCY HU???? That must be why everyotherday, here alone in this section is yet another person waking up posting the realization of the matter. All the changes they're making (mostly off guessing cuz barely anybody puts out anything solid to help rarely except the answer Jacks 3-2-1. Which is appreciated, don't get me wrong, but that answer in itself proves my point. Are you Afraid to help, simply don't know the answer, or more along the lines of my guess about you. - Don't t care to help others so maybe you can shine over their grows with your dime-quarter sized frosty monster buds/tops. Growers Are losing $,plants, sanity, time,& most importantly, ambition to proceed with led. Dont know about you but i am pro-led & would rather help growers get to the bottom of this by finding the correct ballence or changes needed to dial in for white led rather then tell them its all their fault n leave em hanging while you show your little greenish plants. Yeah, lil plants are easy to keep green. That's half the little Lukio plant. But you get my drift.

Since my struggle i have been trial n error for the most part & have shared everything that worked for me last grow. Which, BTW hater Boy, would've had down pat this last time if not for few mistakes on the essential oils as a preventative.
I don't promote HGL & my bud is bomb, yields respectable on both sides.
Is that what you call promoting? Honestly Using a product? Or are you mostly mad that it did do well @ less then 1/2 the light output per watt & being almost 1' to close?
Using my name & my buddy whom I'm actually friends with for discrediting purposes out your raunchy, classless mouth is where i draw the line.
Talk shit about my bud man, the poeple who matter recognize it, i know its beyond good, reviews tell it all, so why don't you just stick to lying & deceiving on your own thread & leave me the fuck alone.
Shall i show you how my smallest buds from any strain in my room under the canopy equal your biggest donks? Oh, and of equal to higher quality?
Do i need to show you the ppfd on the Bar-8 to prove nothing in your tent or homeless shelter comes close? Or should i just ask you for a cut & whoop yo ass with your own strain on your own thread?
Oh wait, that would get deleted n I'd be on slo-mo for putting suck-ass-snitch-boy in check hu...
Just MYOB foolletto of the 3rd power.
If others are not gaining anything from my shared experiences whether good or bad then they don't have to tune in to my work. Optional you know.
Just like you have the option to act like a halfway respectable member of this community & bless a man trying to help us, not shit on his parade.
IDK MON, that's what happens when (my guess) spoiled lil rich kids act like they real Rasta. BoombaClot cowards!
You should "act right before you get smacked right" (figure of speech before you go n tell).