Make magats cry

Nobody mentioned race, snowflake.
It would seems ya need some improving son and ya have come to the right place to become a better human being. You'll snowflake out long before me, hope yer emotionally strong, you'll need to be holding that position and there are a lot of fat folks around here too. You appear you have a low empathy score, probably immaturity, at least I hope. We'll help ya to grow though, us liberals are real good at learn'n heathens like you.
It would seems ya need some improving son and ya have come to the right place to become a better human being. You'll snowflake out long before me, hope yer emotionally strong, you'll need to be holding that position and there are a lot of fat folks around here too. You appear you have a low empathy score, probably immaturity, at least I hope. We'll help ya to grow though, us liberals are real good at learn'n heathens like you.
You sure are emotional. Need a tampon?
Hmmmm. Good question. Zero.
How many doughnuts did you consume today?

You're really not very good at this, I eat a very clean diet with no fast or processed foods, I also try not to eat anything with preservatives. Do you also fantasize about family members or children?
What data did you compile to conclude 100%?
Buck is still trying to teach you how to count, ya can't seem to get past three, I would suggest you use yer fingers and when ya run out of those, yer toes. Don't forget to thank Buck, he's trying his best to make you a better human being.

Speaking of homosexual fantasies, this is starting to resemble a gang bang and yer at the bottom of the heap like some twink
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You're really not very good at this, I eat a very clean diet with no fast or processed foods, I also try not to eat anything with preservatives. Do you also fantasize about family members or children?
That response has a dozen doughnuts written all over it.
That response has a dozen doughnuts written all over it.
I don't know if yer stupid or a glutton for punishment, yer saying stupid and offensive things and can't back anything up in a meaningful way. Yer being hammered from all sides but yer ego is chaining you here and spreading yer cheeks, yer suffering social rejection and yer arsehole hurts. Get a fucking grip.
I don't know if yer stupid or a glutton for punishment, yer saying stupid and offensive things and can't back anything up in a meaningful way. Yer being hammered from all sides but yer ego is chaining you here and spreading yer cheeks, yer suffering social rejection and yer arsehole hurts. Get a fucking grip.
Do words hurt you, snowflake?
Ok, you're almost there Dongle. So you're fixated on a child family member, should I ask what sex? I'm assuming it's a boy because a lot of you hard core haters turn out to be closeted self loathers.
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