Well-Known Member
My dad would bring some home with him from a German deli in Poughkeepsie NY. I loved how clear the aspic was ... it looked like cubed meat in Lucite that had then been thin-sectioned. I'm kind a glad I didn't really know where the meat came from. But with some Kremser Senf (a wonderful sweet mustard from near Vienna, and boy does it work with anything pork-y) oh yum.
Another delicacy I didn't think too hard about was the Blutwurst, a sausage made from congealed bovine circulatory fluid. It fried up into a black crumble with its very own flavor. I still saw myself in the mirror afterwards.
And the liverwurst was the liverbest.
Sounds exactly like what Hungarians called 'Hood-ka'. No idea on spelling, but it was good stuff. Black sausage in a casing with rice.
My dad and I would go to a Hungarian butcher shop in Homestead, Pa. when I was young.
When they went out of biz, he would travel to Cleveland with my uncle to feed our desires for ethnic food.
I still make Hungarian paprika bacon every few years (so I don't die as rapidly).
I can see why those old Hungarians died around 65ish. Pork every day, wine every hour and brandy for dinner and nightcaps.
They were a happy and colorful crew.
My Italian uncle and my maternal grandfather turned dandelions into wine. I thought they were wizards at the time. (especially when they let me taste a shot glass full or 2. Lol)