Random Jabber Jibber thread

My dad would bring some home with him from a German deli in Poughkeepsie NY. I loved how clear the aspic was ... it looked like cubed meat in Lucite that had then been thin-sectioned. I'm kind a glad I didn't really know where the meat came from. But with some Kremser Senf (a wonderful sweet mustard from near Vienna, and boy does it work with anything pork-y) oh yum.
Another delicacy I didn't think too hard about was the Blutwurst, a sausage made from congealed bovine circulatory fluid. It fried up into a black crumble with its very own flavor. I still saw myself in the mirror afterwards.
And the liverwurst was the liverbest.


Sounds exactly like what Hungarians called 'Hood-ka'. No idea on spelling, but it was good stuff. Black sausage in a casing with rice.

My dad and I would go to a Hungarian butcher shop in Homestead, Pa. when I was young.

When they went out of biz, he would travel to Cleveland with my uncle to feed our desires for ethnic food.

I still make Hungarian paprika bacon every few years (so I don't die as rapidly).

I can see why those old Hungarians died around 65ish. Pork every day, wine every hour and brandy for dinner and nightcaps.

They were a happy and colorful crew.

My Italian uncle and my maternal grandfather turned dandelions into wine. I thought they were wizards at the time. (especially when they let me taste a shot glass full or 2. Lol)
Sounds exactly like what Hungarians called 'Hood-ka'. No idea on spelling, but it was good stuff. Black sausage in a casing with rice.

My dad and I would go to a Hungarian butcher shop in Homestead, Pa. when I was young.

When they went out of biz, he would travel to Cleveland with my uncle to feed our desires for ethnic food.

I still make Hungarian paprika bacon every few years (so I don't die as rapidly).

I can see why those old Hungarians died around 65ish. Pork every day, wine every hour and brandy for dinner and nightcaps.

They were a happy and colorful crew.

My Italian uncle and my maternal grandfather turned dandelions into wine. I thought they were wizards at the time. (especially when they let me taste a shot glass full or 2. Lol)
Harvey Guss went out of business in Los Angeles, recently. The last of the 'real' dry aged prime butchers. They supplied all the high end restaurants with dry aged prime. I miss him so much.


@Metasynth probably knows of newer and better
FWIW, I still thought this:

"When I was a kid way back when, my old man would have had kittens if you put a lead-acid battery on a concrete floor."


That was an early lesson that stuck, I still place them on wood when convenient.

What I want to know is where are the Sears Die Hards that used to last 6 years, the industry has gotten to where the last 3 batteries I bought lasted only a few months past warranty.
Sup all getting all my shit together from my shit museum and packing that shit up! Getting a little rattled with everything going on but I know the finish line is dope so I'm good with it.
Passing on to you all to just be more like a Quokka. Just found out about these little duders having a blast down under
download.jpeg download (1).jpeg images.jpeg quokka-selfie-4.jpg
Looks like a pretty good time

Max knows when he sees his carrier that it's a visit to the vet and gets pretty vocal about it. Max is saying his own words that only he understands for the most part. The only things I know he is saying is "I don't wanna" and "What did I say" He is actually a very happy and loving bird, but like any kid, he needs to express himself every now and then.