Newby-What am I doing wrong?


So I've had this baby from seed to now since June. She looks terrible! What are some cheap, organic ways to make her look better than a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree?

I had to change her soil because I am a newby at this and I think I fed her too much molasses and like 3 tiers of leaves turned yellow and fell off but she's starting to grow at the top. Now, I'm dealing with freaking bugs and I'm using Organic Fungicide 3 by Garden Safe and the poor girl is still getting eaten up. How should I be using it? I actually called the company and they said to use 2 tablespoons per gallon, and I drench her in it come night fall. It's September and she looks so sad. Shouldn't she be like bushy and beautiful and ready to start flowering since she was planted in June? I am waiting on a 1200w full spectrum LED light right now to be delivered and I'm making my own inside grow tent as weeks go by because I'm limited on income. What are some ways I can give her some TLC until I can get my grow tent together? I have to be stealth about it because I rent and my landlord drives through on a regular. I live in an underground home or "earth home" as some call it so I don't have many windows, so she stays outside in an inconspicuous place for now. I have garden ties that have rocks dangling from them for LST. pH and alkaline test are coming back good. What am I doing wrong?! Please help!


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Is this a serious post?
Yes it is. What's wrong with it? This is suppose to be a forum where we ask questions, so that's what I'm doing. I've googled and researched so much in the past few months and I'm not getting the answers I need so that's why I posted this, but I think I figured out what is wrong with her by reading the other threads. I've been watering her too much and not giving enough time to grow her roots because I water it literally every day.
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Yes it is. What's wrong with it? This is suppose to be a forum where we ask questions, so that's what I'm doing. I've googled and researched so much in the past few months and I'm not getting the answers I need so that's why I posted this, but I think I figured out what is wrong with her by reading the other threads. I've been watering her too much and not giving enough time to grow her roots because I water it literally every day.
Just wondering. You’d be far better off buying a seed and keeping it all inside. You might get an 1/8 off that.
Just wondering. You’d be far better off buying a seed and keeping it all inside. You might get an 1/8 off that.
I've just had bad luck being my first time EVER. We grow and we learn and I have learned a lot but feels like not enough. I mean it's starting to grow at the top now, and it looked really good when it first started and then I didn't feel like it was growing fast enough and tried to rush it but wind up hurting it instead. Hoping when I get my light, I can clone her and put it inside and take what I've learned from this one and have a really good looking, healthy plant.
@hotrodharley questioned your legitimacy because for as old as it is she should be much much bigger, and figured you were kidding us.

Here are a few tips, but it will likely be for next year. She’s a goner.

The soil must be garbage and you haven’t fixed it.
Wet/dry cycles are key. A thorough wetting but not soaking is preferred. When she’s nearly dry, repeat.

You have much to learn, and we are here to help, and it starts with you helping yourself by reading the many wonderful pieces in the stickys.
There’s no need to ask questions that have been answered thoroughly previously. Search here not google. Good luck

I've just had bad luck being my first time EVER. We grow and we learn and I have learned a lot but feels like not enough. I mean it's starting to grow at the top now, and it looked really good when it first started and then I didn't feel like it was growing fast enough and tried to rush it but wind up hurting it instead. Hoping when I get my light, I can clone her and put it inside and take what I've learned from this one and have a really good looking, healthy plant.
Cloning is a better idea to keep it going.
@hotrodharley questioned your legitimacy because for as old as it is she should be much much bigger, and figured you were kidding us.

Here are a few tips, but it will likely be for next year. She’s a goner.

The soil must be garbage and you haven’t fixed it.
Wet/dry cycles are key. A thorough wetting but not soaking is preferred. When she’s nearly dry, repeat.

You have much to learn, and we are here to help, and it starts with you helping yourself by reading the many wonderful pieces in the stickys.
There’s no need to ask questions that have been answered thoroughly previously. Search here not google. Good luck
Ok well another question that may have been answered already but could I maybe try to put her back in re-veg state? She has lots of small new leaves on the stem where the fan leaves are. Could it be possible to cut down on her stem and clone her that way or would I be wasting my time or where could I cut her at to clone? I'm just asking because like I said in one of my other posts, she was an accident. I live in a state that has not legalized recreational, only medical and I can't just get seeds unless I buy some terrible stuff around here lol
Ok, keep your mind clear, everyone who is growing outside is Midway into their flowering cycle. Give us a little more insight.
Sorry, Missouri
You have about a month of outdoor time left before the sun cuts you off anyway.
Better to learn how to indoor grow, or wait until next spring for outdoors.
But with it being September 7th, in Missouri, vegging of any sort is not an option. Your outdoor window is closed, unless flowering/budding is happening now.
You have about a month of outdoor time left before the sun cuts you off anyway.
Better to learn how to indoor grow, or wait until next spring for outdoors.
But with it being September 7th, in Missouri, vegging of any sort is not an option. Your outdoor window is closed, unless flowering/budding is happening now.
Well I was going to bring it in in a couple of days is why I was asking about re-vegging or cloning. I read about reversing the flowering stage to re-veg stage. I read on a couple different forums about it.
I killed my first plant and it was getting big. Lots of mistakes to be made when you first start! Only on my second try and it’s been so much smoother. This is what it looked like About a week before it died


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If you had the runt of a litter of puppies and she was underfed for the first year of her life, you would save her because you love her. But she will never be robust and strong and large. She’s a plant, not a pet. Clones from her are well acclimated to growing slowly. Sorry, friend, but it’s a losing battle.
And what does being indoors mean? Do you have the correct set up to actually grow well?
DM me if you trust me and I’ll mail you 20 seeds of quality old school NY Diesel
I killed my first plant and it was getting big. Lots of mistakes to be made when you first start! Only on my second try and it’s been so much smoother. This is what it looked like About a week before it died
What kind of stuff were you using for your grow tent. I've been trying to find something like that and can't find it anywhere. I have the PVC for the base but I just need the walls and stuff for it what you have looks like a thicker mylar than what I've been able to come across so I was wondering is it like the emergency blankets?
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If you had the runt of a litter of puppies and she was underfed for the first year of her life, you would save her because you love her. But she will never be robust and strong and large. She’s a plant, not a pet. Clones from her are well acclimated to growing slowly. Sorry, friend, but it’s a losing battle.
And what does being indoors mean? Do you have the correct set up to actually grow well?
DM me if you trust me and I’ll mail you 20 seeds of quality old school NY Diesel
well I do live in an underground house so the humidity is very easy to contain I have to run a dehumidifier 24/7 because the humidity stays so high in here and I have three rooms and one of them is completely blacked out because it doesn't have any windows but the walls are all white so if I don't get my tent but it's not that big of a deal I have that room I just would prefer not to use it. I'm getting ready to get my grow light probably tomorrow I run off of well water and all my pH levels and alkaline levels are perfect and I'm building my grow tent out of PVC and either Panda film or mylar whichever one I can find that's cheapest.and the reason why I was bringing it inside is that's what I had planned on doing all along but I read that if you switch the lights back to 18 hours on, that you can retrain it to go back into vegetative stage.
Technically you can re veg a plant, but your plant is a dwarf, so you really should start over or you are wasting your time and money. You have to trust us… We know what we’re doing

You had one brilliant deduction… Emergency blankets work great to create a makeshift tent if you’re not worried about odor leaking out
Straight out of the package they are way too flat and shiny. Open them up crinkle them up re-open them re-crinkled them a few times, and they will work exactly like reticulated mylar. This is important or they will reflect like a mirror and that can create hotspots! Six blankets for eight dollars on Amazon
that’s all my tent consists of.

I offered you a valuable gift which you didn’t even acknowledge! As a man of the cloth, I have a social obligation to remain polite, but as a grower, I’m GROWING weary of your stubbornness. Face the facts. Your plant is worthless.
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Technically you can re veg a plant, but your plant is a dwarf, so you really should start over or you are wasting your time and money. You have to trust us… We know what we’re doing

You had one brilliant deduction… Emergency blankets work great to create a makeshift tent if you’re not worried about odor leaking out
Straight out of the package they are way too flat and shiny. Open them up crinkle them up re-open them re-crinkled them a few times, and they will work exactly like reticulated mylar. This is important or they will reflect like a mirror and that can create hotspots! Six blankets for eight dollars on Amazon that’s all my tent consists of
What kind of stuff were you using for your grow tent. I've been trying to find something like that and can't find it anywhere. I have the PVC for the base but I just need the walls and stuff for it what you have looks like a thicker mylar than what I've been able to come across so I was wondering is it like the emergency blankets?
OOOooh shit man let’s see if I can remember.. I got it at Home Depot %100 I know that. The one roll was enough for my 2x2x4 tent. Easy to cut and tape with reflective metal tape. It’s some type of insulation line or something like that. Check around plumbing and electrical, then maybe by insulation/lumber area. I’ll see if I can find a link for ya